Which is cheaper?


Jun 9, 2004
Which has a good price vs. performance? (where the price is always under $100)
Air cooling (cheap but i dont know about performance)
Peltier (dont know alot about this just started looking into it today)
Watercooling (dont think you can do this for under a hundred bucks)
if you dont want to spend over $100, stay with high end aircooling. you could get a great watercooling system together for under $200.
You can build a water colling system for about $100. It's a called a Bong Cooler.


Traditional heater core water system like mine will cost $160+ just for CPU cooling. Bong cooling is very effective depending on where you live. If it's hot and dry Bong cooling can be a good way to go. However, you will have top of reservior everyday.
funbun said:
You can build a water colling system for about $100. It's a called a Bong Cooler.


Traditional heater core water system like mine will cost $160+ just for CPU cooling. Bong cooling is very effective depending on where you live. If it's hot and dry Bong cooling can be a good way to go. However, you will have top of reservior everyday.
I've spent about $230 for pump, rad, cpu block, chipset block, radeon block, new 120mm fans, relay, reservior, hose clamps, and tubing.
My point is that I'm only cooling my CPU. I got aheater core for a radiator shop in town. I built the entire thing for $160 including clamps and everything. Maze 4 CPU block was on sale. Radiator was $20 bucks. Tube at Lowes was $0.69 per foot. 3/4 inch OD crossbraided tubing doesn collapse.

Bong coolers only cost about a $100. All you need is the CPU block, bucket, PVC pipe, pump, trubing and clamps. Maybe a lot of ping pong balls to increase eveporative surface. Cooling the CPU is more important than anything else.

The best coole to buy is a 25 inch Fan from Walmart. Open the case and let is blow in. Also, run some ducking from your air conditioner to a side fan hole for serious cooling.
xphantg0d: you can find a very nice review on fans and their prices on the PC Modder magazine referece series on display now till 9/24/04 . They are review about 20 heatsinks with fans on them.....check it out. It gives ya the price they paid and from where they purchased them :D