Which monitor for text based work?


Limp Gawd
Oct 31, 2007
Greetings [H],

wanted to ask your opinion on something not so [H]. My dad is wondering what monitor to pick for his office at work. He uses excel extensively, along with e-mail, databases, and other text based reports. He does no photoshop, gaming, or movies. His office is well lit and has large windows, so there is lots of ambient light.

He is coming from a 4:3 21" Samsung 210-T LCD(I think thats the model) that just died after many years of service. He is looking for a 24" monitor. I mentioned dual monitors to him, it might be a possibility.

The budget is $500.00

Do you guys have any suggestions? Any help is much appreciated.

****EDIT: Just checked with him, $500.00 is the budget, looking only for a single 24" LCD.

22" panels have a pleasing dot pitch for their size. Text is very comfortable to read from any normal desk viewing distance. Additionally 2 widescreens would make room for plenty of spread sheets and switching between windows. 21.5" and similar should be just as good.

24" panels might not be the best idea as the TN effect and viewing angles become really annoying. 22" seems to be the cutoff for non-irritating viewing angles. FWIW, I've been using a combination of a 20" Dell FP2007 and 21.5" Samsung 2253LW at work (Solidworks, Autocad, Excel and various CNC softwares) and I like it. The 2253LW and BW are pretty good overall screens for 22" class panels.

The 2253LW and its replacement models run well under 300 at most brick and mortar stores.
Thanks for the reponses guys. I just checked with him. He is looking for a single 24" monitor, with a budget of $500 tops.

That narrows things down quite a bit.

He is considering the 2408 WFP, or maybe the BenQ model that I see around here quite often.
The 2408WFP is probably the best choice. It's an S-MVA which, for text work, would be better than the BenQ 2400 line.