Which monitor has the sharpest / best picture out of these?

I can't comment on all of the displays on your, but I had both the Samsung 205BW and LG 204WT on my desk for a week - the LG went back. To my eyes, both displays performed the same in games but I found the Samsung to produce a cleaner picture with more accurate colours. The LG may have had slightly more contrast, but not enough to raise it above the Samsung. The Samsung is also height adjustable.
Thanks for your responce :) I guess I'm sticking to what I had planned originally.. Also, does the 21" Samsung have a more modern panel than the 205?
The NEC has the best color output and really good blacks. The Samsung is good but doesnt produce the color output the NEC does.
I have used the NEC quite a bit and it looks really good considering it is a TN panel. I played some call of duty 2 on it and it seemed good to me but I really dont game very much.