Which nets more performance on 6800 cards...

well yeah that great and all....

But which one yeilds more performance when you do OC it?

I know with the 9800pro, you saw a much larger jump in performance when you OC'ed the memory on them.

Im guessing its the same for the 6800's since the difference between the 6800NU and 6800GT's GPU is only 25MHz and the memory is 150MHz difference (aka 300MHz in DDR)

the 6800NU is a 12 pipe card VS the 6800GTs 16 pipes. so it may only be 25MHz faster, but it's got 33% more processing power

i'd say it's the GPU on the GT and Ultra cards, but the RAM on the NU cards.

my logic may be WAY off though...
my 6800NU unlocked to 16x1 6vp. so as far as pipes and that stuff, its the same.

now does that make a difference in your logic felix?

I'd say the GPU OvClk is more important.
Most games won't use all the V ram any who, and if it does need more it will go to the system ram for help

Still one can't go wrong just pushing all that can be pushed till it smokes :D

OvClk both the ram and Gpu to be safe!
I asked myself this question a while ago and tested it out my card. I typically got the same FPS increase from an extra 100 mhz on the vram as I did with 10 mhz on the core.
Thats the kind of info i was looking for Batman. Thanks =]

Anyone else have anything to add?
