Which nforce3 board for venice core


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I am looking at buying a venice core a64 and dropping it in a socket 939 nforce3 board. What board do you guys recommend? I am looking at the msi k8n neo2 platinum and the gigabyte GA-K8NS Ultra-939. Which of those two do you think would be better? I will be overclocking aggresively with watercooling.

Here is what I'll be using it this rig.

1gig of Mushkin level 1 pc3500 (2 512 sticks)
BFG Geforce 6800 GT OC
Some watercooling (can anyone recommend a block?)
2 sata drives (no raid planned as of yet)
Antec True430 psu
and an ide pioneer burner

Secondly, I have been waiting a while to upgrade from my current rig you can see in my sig because it still does pretty good on cpu performance even compared to todays rigs, but im sure my memory performance will severly increase with a new cpu and nforce3 board. So should I be going with a venice chip? Again I am going to overclock it with watercooling.

Any tips or ideas would be great! :)

Thanks in advance.
The nforce3 boards are great, but I would highly recommend going with nforce4. I have the MSI Neo4, and it is wonderful. IMO it is the most stable nforce4 board out there, and is the best overclocker next to the DFI. If you are looking for the highest overclock go with the DFI nforce4 solution, but if you want good overclocking along with superior stability go with MSI nforce4. It wouldn't hurt to pay a few bucks more for the SLI version of either of the boards either so in the future when you have some extra money and the current vidcard prices go down you could slap on another 6800gt for some extra gpu power at a low cost.
get the MSI board.

word of wisdom: if you want to save yourself lots of headaches, enable the hidden bios features in v1.4 (push shift+F2 (or maybe it was ctrl, cant remember) and alt+F3) and disable "ATI/NVidia speed up" as well as fast writes. those cause all sorts of problems.

Venice will work with current BIOS revisions, so youre all good there! :)

IMO (and many other people's) Gigabyte blows.
Well I would go nforce4 if I didnt just shell out 400 bux for my agp card about 7 months ago. So I wanna stick with a mobo with an agp port and preferrably the nforce chipset. Thanks for all the info guys I'll keep it in mind when I order.