Which Playstation 2 RPG to get?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19858
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Deleted member 19858

I want a really good Playstation 2 RPG, which one should I get. Please don't say Final Fantasy XI because I dont wanna spend that kinda money.
It depends on your tastes, really.

First off: La Pucelle, Disgaea, and Phantom Brave are strategy RPGs. Very cute, entertaining, and addictive, but they aren't standard RPGs. I just wanted to get that information out there.

For the games themselves, well... if you like the more story-driven RPGs, you'll love Xenosaga (now is a good time to get it--episode II is coming out in February, and is a direct sequel, picking off literally where episode I leaves off.) If you like more task-driven RPGs, Final Fantasy X and X-2 are for you. Play them sequentially to get the best experience.

Grandia II is good if you enjoy character-driven RPGs, or old-school gameplay. Grandia I was also great, and if you can find it on eBay or in the PSone used bin, get it. It'll last you 60 hours. Dragon Warrior VII is also a good choice in this, except be warned: it's literally over 100 hours long, and the graphics looked bad even when it was released.

Suikoden IV (comes out in 2 months) is good if you want a mix of Final Fantasy X-type gameplay with strategy battles.

My straight-out recommendations: Xenosaga eps I and II, Final Fantasy Tactics (the Greatest Hits version is still available--if you enjoy FFT, pick up La Pucelle, and if you enjoy that, get Disgaea, then Phantom Brave in that order), Wild ARMs: Alter Code F (comes out in a month or two), and Final Fantasy X (get X-2 if you enjoy X.)
Phantom Brave!
La Pucelle!
I liked the XenoSaga series, Grandia II and Dot Hack series.
Some might not consider it an RPG but I also like the Silent Hill series (mostly atleast) and the Fatal Frame series..

(old PS1 games)
Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger
FF Tactics is a favorite of mine.
If you can find it I liked the Persona series myself.
Well I really like Shining Force for Genesis, yes I know they are old. I also really liked Neverwinter nights. Currently I am playing Mortal Kombat Deception and doing the Konquest which is like a small RPG and I also really enjoy that. I am going to pick up Final Fantasy X since its only like $10 to give the FF line of games a chance, but what else should I get knowing now some of the RPGs I do like.
yeah grab ffX.. i have it and it's a good one..but ffx-2 is a waste of timr.. just something they threw together in a sec for the bucks
I loved xenogears for the ps1, but i just got turned off by all the ridiculous movies in xenosaga. Mayb ill give it another shot some other time...
Xenosaga, and Xenosaga 2 coming next feb..., and any of the Final Fantasy...
Pick up Chrono Cross and play that, you can probably find it new for $10 - $20.

As for PS2 ones, Suikoden 3.
I would recomend to stay away from xenosaga. It is nothing like xenogears and to top it all off the American version is edited for suggestive sexual content and a side story.
You must definitely play Suikoden III and Star Ocean, both are some the best in their targeted field (story and gameplay respectively).
id recommend Kingdom Hearts, its a sweet game. one of the only RPGs ive actually played all the way through, well other than FF7
Clax said:
id recommend Kingdom Hearts, its a sweet game. one of the only RPGs ive actually played all the way through, well other than FF7

yea i really enjoyed kingdom hearts if you don't mind a hack and slash rpg. Lot of button mashing.
I personally don't play PS2 RPGs but some of my friends who are generally very critical of games love FFX (not FF X-2). Also, seeing as it has been out a while you should be able to get it pretty cheap (about $20).
Suikoden 3
Kingdom Hearts
La Pucelle
Phantom Brave
Shadow Hearts 2
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Growlanser Generations
Star Ocean: Till the end of time
Clax said:
id recommend Kingdom Hearts, its a sweet game. one of the only RPGs ive actually played all the way through, well other than FF7

and utada hikiru is da bomb!!!
sanosuke2999 said:
I would recomend to stay away from xenosaga. It is nothing like xenogears and to top it all off the American version is edited for suggestive sexual content and a side story.

Xenosaga is episode I of the same story that Xenogears is episode V in. The difference is that Xenosaga begins the story the way it was meant to be told, while Xenogears was heavily edited due to production issues and the limitations of the PSone. Xenogears is no longer canon.

The fact that the scene in question was edited out means that Xenosaga is even more playable because you don't have to sit through it. I don't agree with the editing, as the series warrants an M rating just for the depth of its philosophy and the subject matter in question, but that's what happened.
Terpfen said:
Xenosaga is episode I of the same story that Xenogears is episode V in. The difference is that Xenosaga begins the story the way it was meant to be told, while Xenogears was heavily edited due to production issues and the limitations of the PSone. Xenogears is no longer canon.

The fact that the scene in question was edited out means that Xenosaga is even more playable because you don't have to sit through it. I don't agree with the editing, as the series warrants an M rating just for the depth of its philosophy and the subject matter in question, but that's what happened.

I loved xenogears because it had in interesting story, new battle system and had a large emphasis on the mechs. xenosaga just didnt have that (at least not to a part that i remember, but the more i think about it, the more i sorta want to play it again with a fresh start).
zerogt86 said:
I loved xenogears because it had in interesting story, new battle system and had a large emphasis on the mechs. xenosaga just didnt have that (at least not to a part that i remember, but the more i think about it, the more i sorta want to play it again with a fresh start).

Xenogears' story was pretty convoluted, because they had to compress information that would've been revealed in the previous four episodes into one game. Xenosaga's got quite a bit of story, but the difference is that it's thrown at you over a course of the series, rather than the span of a few hours.If you go back and replay Xenosaga ep I, you'll find out there's plenty of plot, almost rivaling Xenogears, yet it's narrated more cohesively and clearly.

Or if you don't want to replay episode I, episode II preorders will include a DVD with most of episode I's cutscenes, so you can refresh yourself on the story.
I picked up Final Fantasy X and Xenosaga... So far I love Final Fantasy and am about 13 hours in.

Xenosaga didnt pull me in like FFX did because it seems like I need to learn more before it starts to be fun. Also do I need to play Xenogears before I understand whats going on with Xenosaga because so far I have no clue whats going on.
I haven't finished Ninja Gaiden yet, I feel thats it's been so long I'll need to start over to catch up with the controls and combos, story.
Star Ocean: The second story (psx)
Star Ocean: Till the end of time

will keep you busy for a while.. good games.
You guys all missed one of the best, yet least played. Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts covenant. Its more mature (I think the first one got an M rating) but completely enthralling. One of the gaming highlights of my year was covenant.

Ditto on the movies in Xenosaga, they were long and frequent.
Terpfen said:
Or if you don't want to replay episode I, episode II preorders will include a DVD with most of episode I's cutscenes, so you can refresh yourself on the story.
It will also demonstrates how poorly written the dialouge is. I promise, you will never see more things that are impossible than in Xenosaga eps1.
Kiggles said:
It will also demonstrates how poorly written the dialouge is. I promise, you will never see more things that are impossible than in Xenosaga eps1.

Such as?

Everything that occurred in Xenosaga is either eventually explained, or is intentionally left mysterious for purposes of dramatics or to allow some threads to be tied in the sequels.

Xenosaga certainly isn't as pretentious as Xenogears was, though XG had the unenviable task of telling the stories of the first four episodes in addition to its own.
Terpfen said:
Such as?

Everything that occurred in Xenosaga is either eventually explained, or is intentionally left mysterious for purposes of dramatics or to allow some threads to be tied in the sequels.

Xenosaga certainly isn't as pretentious as Xenogears was, though XG had the unenviable task of telling the stories of the first four episodes in addition to its own.
Bear in mind that I stated the DVD only demonstrated the terrible dialouge. By suggesting you will witness impossible event after impossible event I am talking about the script. You can literally make a "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" drinking game out of Xenosaga.

All of that aside, I don't particularly appreciate an uncontrolled stream of impossible events. By the end of episode 1 I didn't even care anymore. The writers had gotten to the point that nothing was short of impossible, which I am sure was deliberate, but makes things far too convengeint for interesting story telling... well, unless you enjoy hearing "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" ad nausium.
There is no "best" RPG for everybody. If there was then we'd be nothing more than oompa-loompas. :D
I like the SRPGs like Disgaea, La Pucelle Tactics, Phantom Brave, etc. Atelier Iris is OK, Suikoden III was good, while IV sucked. Star Ocean is OK if you have a lot of time on your hands. Front Mission 4 is good if you like the series, as is Wild Arms, Y's and Arc the Lad.

Didn't like Shin Megami Tensei, it was a little frustrating running like 2 feet and encountering enemies. The first dot hack or two were ok, but I haven't even opened up my copy of Quarentine and I doubt I ever will. Xenosaga is a bit dissapointing too.