which projects are still supporting PPC clients?


Jan 25, 2004
i have 6 or 7 macs lying about each dual cpu, from 867 Mhz G4's to dual 1.8 G5's.

I understand time has passed these machines by, but I'd like to put em on a distributed project anyway. I used to fold@home years ago, but I looked at it now and it seems like they dont even give work assignments to non intel clients anymore.

Which project today is still the most active in using mac ppc clients?
yup id go with AgrFan's suggestion.. Boinc is far easier to use.. and a completely run and forget client.. and it wont have any effect on performance if anyones still using those systems..
ok, done! I chose the anti cancer projects as I have a stage 3 astrocytoma brain tumor which hasn't managed to get me yet even after 4 years. I was given 6 months at the best at first. So I have a personal interest in the cancer projects. ;)

I did not know about WCG. I will set up all the G4's and G5's to roll for OCP.

Kinda sad, I remember when the G5's were new they were pretty decent crunchers. Now with the intel core + GPU machines, they dont rate. :(

Such is computing.
thats how technology and programming go.. lol.. but ya you will see much more benefit with boinc and WCG on those rigs then FAH..
Welcome to the team Selecter :)

Once you've completed a few WUs, make sure to check out your WCG stats at www.hardfolding.com.

Click WCG Statistics on the left side, enter user name in the Search box, click user name under Member search and bookmark results page for easy viewing.
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its easier and more accurate just to use WCG's site since they use their own points system.. what you see on hardfolding.com isnt even close to your stats on WCG's site because of the different point system.. i think im like 5 places higher on the team in boinc points then i actually am in WCG points..