Which Raid?


Nov 26, 2005
Hey I was just wondering, which raid is better for gaming and some little multitasking?
For gaming? Most people use RAID0, though lots of folks think the tests show that it isn't any faster. Is your goal for considering RAID for this application to improve uptime, or to improve performance?

For multitasking? I can't guess what that specifically means; I think the disk configuration choice you make will depend on the applications you're running and their access patterns.
What is "huge multitasking stuff"? Talking on the phone while playing a game?
Ok, ya gaming is my main priority, I\'m doing huge multitasking stuff.

Generally speaking, games improve very little with RAID. While theoritically RAID0 should offer many improvements, in practice it achives little to no real-world performance gains. That's not to say if you benchmark your computer in read/burst speeds that RAID0 will out perform a single drive, but you might see a 1-2% increase in FPS and 1-2% decrease in load times when it comes to rea-world gaming. Basically, while RAID0 SHOULD give you benifits, it really doesn't.

Having said that, many people DO use RAID0, and some swear that it makes a difference while others thing it's a complete waste of time (like me for one).

If you're concered about multi-tasking while gaming, consider getting more RAM or a Dual-Core CPU before you consider RAID0 as those WILL improve multi-tasking guaranteed.

Truthfully, I would think you would be better getting two raptors, one for games and then one for whatever other programs you are going to use. I think you'll see a better performance increase in that setup as opposed to RAID0.