Which s939 mobo for AGP


Jan 15, 2005
I'm buying s939 mobo and don't know which to buy. I was considering to buy MSI K8N Neo2, but here in Slovenia it's too expensive, so I have to find other.

Mobo must be OC friendly and support ddr booster, because on mobo there will be Venice that hits 2800MHz easily.

I was looking for Gigabyte k8ns ultra, epox 9ndaj.

Please help me!
gigabyte boards have sucked lately. if you cant afford the msi neo2(which is the best choice) id have to recommend the chaintech and then the epox.
if you have to buy now, the epox is the way to go. if you can wait, the dfi nf3-ultra should be out sometime in june
but does epox board suport ddr booster? i was looking for this answer on several forums and they said that I can fry dimm with booster... :mad:
hey, you should go with the DFI Lanparty UT nF4 Ultra-D

It definitely supports DDR booster


One of the main reasons I'm taking that path ... happy o/cing

If you can't get this motherboard in Slovenia, I will happily buy it and ship it to you. I'm buying one next month, gotta wait till my next pay to buy it :eek: . Gotta RMA my current CPU, so I have to buy another one for now and a PCP&C PSU.
ive got a gigabyte k8ns-ultra (see sig), i love it - but havnt dabbled in overclocking - Ive only gotten my 3000+ venice to 2.2 ghz (3500+ speeds)

I havnt tried to go past that, but it hits those speeds relatively easy (on stock voltage and stock hsf)

good luck
Any chance that any of these S939 AGP boards will be able to support the new X2 processors?
I would assume all will support the X2. They may need a bios upgrade but should support it.
i emailed gigabyte about a week ago and they were "working on releasing a bios update before July"

Didnt think it would take that long, but I guess they have a lot of other things to worry about - hope it gets released soon
Cool. I figured since the boards were nForce 3 instead of nForce 4 they wouldn't support X2.
What's the difference between the EPoX EP-9NDA3+ and the EPoX EP-9NDA3J? From what I could tell at NewEgg and the EPoX site, the 3+ has FireWire and 8-channel audio where the 3J doesn't have firewire and only has 6-channel audio. Are those the only differences?

Any reason to get EPoX instead of Gigabyte? Or vice-versa?

Glad you like it!

I have the same board and love it to death.

By the way, what are you running your memory at right now? I was thinking of getting some new memory...either cruciel or twinmos maybe /shrug
I ordered an EPoX EP-9NDA3J.

I asked EPoX sales about the difference between the J model and the + model, and they said both have 8 channel audio. The only on-board difference is that the + model has firewire and 2 more SATA ports. The + model also comes with more accessories (cables and rear USB/firewire plates).

I also asked EPoX about future support for X2 processors on this board and they said that they have tested them and it will boot but it says unrecognized processor. Don't know if that means it boots all the way into Windows or it stops at POST. They said they will be releasing a BIOS update soon for official support of X2 on this board.
