Which should I keep? - Advice Needed


Jul 25, 2002
I currently have 2 systems that at one time were BADASS but now are *meh*.
I am planning building a new computer in the coming weeks/months with all new HW (because mine are both beyond upgrading). The question is this:

Which should I keep for my HTPC/Server

DFI LanParty NFII Ultra B
Baton 2500
1GB Corsair XMS 3200LL PT

P4C 2.4 @ 3.4
1 GB OCZ PC4000 EL Gold

I will be selling the parts of the comp that does not get used.

Normally, I would say that the P4 system would be a shoe-in but I really like the soundstorm as a htpc solution. I cannot stress enough that this machine will be used in a variety of facets, from FTP, RDP, Storage, HTPC, Emulation, Games etc. It will have MCE 2005 installed and I really need stability.

I am only concerned about multi tasking and the like...The stress on the system will be tangible for most of the day. What sucks is that I have been EXTREMELY happy with both. These are the best Mobo CPU combos I have bought ever.
Mysogonist said:
I am only concerned about multi tasking and the like...The stress on the system will be tangible for most of the day. What sucks is that I have been EXTREMELY happy with both. These are the best Mobo CPU combos I have bought ever.

Just wondering, but do you really have to sell one? Obviously you could still get some use out of both, so are you running out of room or something that makes it imperative that you get rid of one?

But if you really HAVE to sell one, I would drop the P4.
Yeah..if I have it...i'll plug it in..then i pay more in power and people think I am even MORE insane than I am.
You all are really blowing me away here.
Firstly let me say that my gut says to stick with the DFI. But my brain says otherwise.

With the DFI and an EXOS I could probably get the processor up to about 2250 MHZ stable with the Corsair LL ram I have.

With the P4 I can get to 3.36 completely stable with no problems on a small bump to stock voltage. The P4 also has HT meaning that when recording TV shows and serving files there will be less chance of framerate drops or slower transfers.

I REALLY love the DFI board...I do....but I really think that the P4 just overpowers it. It also has the CSA so that 2 of my 4 SATA drives will not be bottlenecked.

I am not writing this to be argumentative...but that I really am looking for a good excuse to dump the ABIT board from a performance perspective.

Yeah, I'm a vote for ditching the DFI. As I have not had experience with DFI excpet for a really crappy board for a Slot A. I do have an Abit IC7-G Max 3, and this board has not let me down, rock solid, and you can't beat the P4 over that Barton core AMD. The only problem I've had with the Abit is the heatsink for the northbridge falling off, but I generally replace those anyhow.
Hate to bump...but any more thoughts on this? I am doing a MAJOR project whereby I am totally revamping my apartment technology and I need to start some major planning. I plan to document this all and it should be a pretty cool feature. So far, I am leaning towards the intel.
I'd keep the Abit myself... I had its little brother (the plain-jane IC7) along with the same CPU but it was great. It even survived a plane trip to Texas (no, it wasn't running at the time :p ). My brother uses it to this day, and it's still going.

And -- not to sound like a [fan---] or anything -- but that P4C blows away the Barton in nearly everything. Add to that the HT and the fact that (as you already know) it's very overclockable and you have one excellent system.
Man, the EXOS water cooling system i want to [re]get would be perfect for both of em. NB, CPU and GPU Block. Hrmm.

If you want to multitask, keep the Abit board and processor. If, on the other hand, you aren't planning on multitasking, choose the DFI board.
P4 and the IC7 hands down, I think people forget how great the 865/875 chipsets were, and Abit made some of the best. Own an IC7 still myself. Plus the C Northwoods can pretty much blow away the Bartons, you are just going to have to get a decent sound card to slap in there.
Um, this isnt a rate my motherboard thread. he said he likes multitasking and the P4 will beat a craplon XP any day in what he needs it to do.

Stick with the abit/P4 setup.
Dillusion said:
Um, this isnt a rate my motherboard thread. he said he likes multitasking and the P4 will beat a craplon XP any day in what he needs it to do.

Stick with the abit/P4 setup.
Only p4s with HT have multitasking advantages. FYI that "craplon" XP outperforms the p4 by miles, stupid f anboy.
Zxcs said:
Only p4s with HT have multitasking advantages. FYI that "craplon" XP outperforms the p4 by miles, stupid f anboy.

Fortunately, his P4C has hyperthreading - all of the C class P4s and higher do. He isn't OCing the barton, and he is the P4 by a lot. He should stick with the P4 - it WILL, at it's current clocks, perform a lot better than the barton, and the hyperthreading WILL be an improvement for when he's doing a host of different tasks on it at once.

Don't think that I'm a "!!!!!!" because I'm recommendind the P4 - I recently upgraded from a 2600+ to my current rig, and use pentium machines exclusively at work. If he wants to multitask, the P4 is the better choice.
I would say the preformance difference would be negligble.... definatley not by miles, then you have hyperthreading which isn't a gimick.
FlatLine84 said:
I would say the preformance difference would be negligble.... definatley not by miles, then you have hyperthreading which isn't a gimick.

I think that running at 3.4Ghz would be a noticable difference between the P4 and 2500+
DamienThorn said:
I think that running at 3.4Ghz would be a noticable difference between the P4 and 2500+

Really, holy cow! I wouldn't have thought so..... I difference of 1Ghz can't be much...... :)
Zxcs said:
Only p4s with HT have multitasking advantages. FYI that "craplon" XP outperforms the p4 by miles, stupid f anboy.

Ya way to stay on top of things, his P4 does have HT. Sit down now.
Zxcs said:
Only p4s with HT have multitasking advantages. FYI that "craplon" XP outperforms the p4 by miles, stupid f anboy.

I would say the 2.4 P4C at stock would perform comparable in all benchmarks with the 2500+, since at that time P4s were the king of performance thanks to Dual Channel Memory and a huge memory bandwidth thanks the 800FSB. The Athlons took the performance crown back with the Athlon 64s