Which widescreen monitor


Apr 11, 2006
I've seen quite a few positive reviews on the Dell 2005FPW, the 2007WFP and the ViewSonic VX2025WM. I was wondering which I should get. The ViewSonic is the cheapest and I have seen a bunch of positive reviews, but the Dell's look nice and I have also heard good reviews on them as well. I will be using it mostly for games and browsing the internet, but I will also occasionally watch movies and do homework among other things.
I would like to choose between the three because of the postitve ratings, but I am willing to take suggestions.
Also, I have a Radeon 9200 PCI card. I want to get a new computer soon if I get the money. I don't know if my card supports the suggested res or not.
Another thing- I mostly play CS:S. Don't know if this restricts my choices or anything...