Which Wii games?


[H]F Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I know we have a lot of Wii threads, but I didn't see one dedicated to games.

What games are good besides Zelda? I got that and also Red Steel and Excite Truck(f'ing toys r us will only sell the console if you buy 3 games). Excite Truck looks interesting just because of the control scheme. I have not yet opened/played Red Steel and Excite truck. I think I could even hold on to them and exchange when new games come out next month. I'm not going to be able to buy a lot of games so I'm hoping for some replay value.
I've heard redsteel is a pretty adverage shooter and Excite truck is loads of fun, but I don't know how long it will last, I think if I where you I would try to exchange redsteel for rayman raving rabbids or madden (even though I'm not a very big football fan).
Well for mini games rayman is great, everyone that's tried it so far has liked alot of the games. btw i would have a talk with toys r us corporate the ones around here (portland, or) did not force any game buying.
I don't know about Excite Truck as far as longevity, but it's the most fun I've had in a racer in a long, long time. :D

I'm not into the whole mini-games thing, if I wanted that I'd just download flash games from the Internet for free. I have Excite Truck and Zelda, and if I were to pick up another launch title it would be Trauma Center. I've heard nothing but good things about it and it got a good score from Gamespot which seems to be a bit anti-Wii lately.
I'm having a lot of fun with Madden. I'm not usually as into football games as most of my friends seem to be, so I'm too good at it yet, but the controls are very intuitive and fun.
Madden is probably not for me. I'm not really into the whole sports games thing. Maybe if I had some friends that were into that it would be fun though. I played the hell out of madden on the genesis.
Zelda, of course, is a must-play.

Rayman is *the* fun shiznit, with something fun for everyone. Half the minigames will make you laugh your ass off. On Thanksgiving day my GF and I were at her parents' place with the Wii and *everyone* was having a blast with Rayman. It was just 2 at a time, but man were people laughing and having fun!

Trauma Center is interesting and *tough*. It's basically a prettier version of the DS game, though it has some new tools, new chapters and a new playable character. Interesting and unique gameplay, though, can easily suck you in for hours.

Wii Sports is a blast. I really enjoyed playing Tennis, Golf and Boxing with my GF's brothers. Golf is surprisingly far deeper than I expected, and I found I got the best performance when using a proper golfing stance as opposed to just trying to whack the ball.

Rampage is good since it's cheap ($29), but I was disappointed they didn't really use the Wii controls for much. It looks *nice* though, as graphics go. Nothing deep here, just smashing stuff.
The good games currently are:

Wii Sports (Has a lot of depth despite the deceiving initial appearance... Bowling is always fun, Tennis applies spin/force/rotation and timing on the angle of the racket you're holding, Boxing is fun multiplayer with a lot of physical movement, and Golf has some good depth to it if you use a proper golf stance. I haven't played Baseball much as it seems to be pretty shallow.)

Zelda: Twilight Princess (I shouldn't have to explain this one!)

Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Operation: the videogame, inside an ER with real surgical procedures)

MarveL: Ultimate Alliance (port that uses the Wii remote very well, sort of like X-Men Legends)

Excite Truck (A blast of an arcade racing game... don't expect 500-hour depth, but it's fun as heck anyway)

Red Steel (other than the VERY steep learning curve that has made many review it poorly, this is a pretty fun shooter because of the Wii-remote controls, like an interactive lightgun game)

Rayman: Raving Rabbits (A *GIGANTIC* collection of single-and-multiplayer mini-games that are funny as heck, as well as fun. It uses the Wii-remote in a lot of unique ways that are surprising)

Some may like Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, which is like a twitch-action Marble Madness on steroids with a small mini-game component to it on the side, but it didn't look like my cup of tea.

Seems like a pretty strong launch line-up of good games if you ask me :).
I bought Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2. It's fun as shit but only once you master it. The battles and combos you can pull off is ridiculous... and it's not just button mashing either.
fromage said:
I bought Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2. It's fun as shit but only once you master it. The battles and combos you can pull off is ridiculous... and it's not just button mashing either.

I've heard that too, but haven't gotten to try the game yet.