Which Windows for new rig?


Aug 16, 2004
Rebuilding my PC to a 4890, x3 720 BE with 4GB DDR2-1066. I was going to install Windows 7, but I was watching some random 'review' type videos on YouTube last night and one of them mentioned not to install Windows 7 on your 'main' or only system for... whatever reason, I'm not really sure.

Should I be going with XP 64, Vista 64 or Windows 7? I'm weary about Vista because I've heard it's kind of slow and chuggish, and that's the exact opposite of what I'm looking for.
If you have access to 7, I would just go for it. It's going to be coming out soon so you might as well get used to it.
Alot of what you have "head" is blatantly false. Vista is fast, very fast. Anyone who disagrees has either never used it, or just likes spreading FUD. Also, Windows 7 (RC) is MORE than capable of being your main OS.

"don't believe everything you hear"... especially if you watched in on Youtube....
Alot of what you have "head" is blatantly false. Vista is fast, very fast. Anyone who disagrees has either never used it, or just likes spreading FUD. Also, Windows 7 (RC) is MORE than capable of being your main OS.

"don't believe everything you hear"... especially if you watched in on Youtube....

That's what I figured, but I have no experience with anything beyond XP so I thought I should ask someone who knows. I thought 7 might have some driver or update or crashing issues or something that I was unaware of and I didn't want to lose all my data in some random crash.
That's what I figured, but I have no experience with anything beyond XP so I thought I should ask someone who knows. I thought 7 might have some driver or update or crashing issues or something that I was unaware of and I didn't want to lose all my data in some random crash.

Until you actually put Windows 7 on a machine (or any OS for that matter) you're not going to know just how stable it is especially since 7 isn't final. That said I've put it already on about 8 machines of various configurations and ages and haven't have any major problems. There are a few driver issues I'm having with my tablet pc's digitizer utilizing both touch and pen, then pen with the default driver works just fine and some Bluetooth quirikness. My sig rig running will BSOD now and then, but I was starting to see some of that in Vista and think it is my overclock. The machine has to be on for at least a day before that happens.

So not perfect but as test release software goes, Windows 7 is about as solid as that gets. Go for it I say.;)
It'd be foolish not to go with Windows Vista or Windows 7 on a machine like that.
Rebuilding my PC to a 4890, x3 720 BE with 4GB DDR2-1066. I was going to install Windows 7, but I was watching some random 'review' type videos on YouTube last night and one of them mentioned not to install Windows 7 on your 'main' or only system for... whatever reason, I'm not really sure.

Should I be going with XP 64, Vista 64 or Windows 7? I'm weary about Vista because I've heard it's kind of slow and chuggish, and that's the exact opposite of what I'm looking for.
First, absolutely not XP x64 unless you enjoy pain. Secondly, they only say not to install the beta version of 7 (due to possible bugs) on primary, but many have with success.

Since Windows 7 is going to be a while before you can get your hands on a gold version, I suggest one of two things. One, just re-install XP on that system and buy the Premium 7 Upgrade for $49 before the end of the week (after that it goes back to full price). Or, go to Newegg and buy Vista x64 Premium OEM with free Windows 7 Premium upgrade. Then just clean install 7 when you get it. You'll pay more for the second choice but Vista is a better OS than XP so you'll have something nice till you get 7 in hand.
Alot of what you have "head" is blatantly false. Vista is fast, very fast. Anyone who disagrees has either never used it, or just likes spreading FUD.

I don't think anyone saying it's slow is necessarily a FUD'der or has never used it. I use it and have found it pretty pokey, especially on lower-end (but still recent) hardware. They've tightened it up with the service packs. I beilieve it's a matter of letting people have their opinion on the matter, not calling FUD on everyone who found it slow, while not blindly believing them either.

But yeah, Windows 7 RC is perfectly stable enough to use as a main OS, my vote would be for that. Microsoft was warning people not to use the Beta in this way (and maybe RC as well) because it IS pre-release code. However most people have found it stable enough to use full-time.