Which would you choose?! (help me decide between two FX-55s...)


Apr 14, 2002
Okay - I'm looking at two second hand FX-55s from people on a UK overclocking site's member's market.

They're a similar price, so just consider that to be 'equal'. I'm running a vapochill XEII (slightly less powerful than the LS or the MachII), and I'm really wanting the chip to do 3.2Ghz stable on 1.7v or less.

So - here are the contenders:

Chip 1:
The chip is about 1 month old.
It runs at 2.8Ghz on air, at stock volts (or slightly under, according to CPU-z) in a shuttle. He runs the fans at 50% for noise, and says that it is completely stable whatever he throws at it. However, I asked him to run prime95 and he said that it didn't seem to like it.

Chip 2:
The chip is about 3 months old.
It runs at 3.25Ghz '24/7 stable' or 3.3Ghz 'for benchmarking' on a MachII GT, at 1.8v. I asked him whether he's run prime at all, and he says that he doesn't run prime on AMD 64 chips, as he doesn't consider it a reliable test for them. He can't run the chip at 1/7v and a -30 head temp (which is what my XEII does under load) to test it for me, as the PC is mostly dismantled for selling.

Now, I can be reasonably sure that I can get at least close to 3.2Ghz with chip #2. However, it's been run at 2.8v for 3 months, and I'm quite wary of buying a chip that could soon die due to over-volting.
Chip #1 is a bit more of an unknown. I'm not convinced by how stable it really is at 2.8Ghz on air, but it sounds like he hasn't really pushed it (understandable in a shuttle). I don't really know whether I'll be able to hit 3.2Ghz with this chip in my XEII, as it's hard to find info from people who have run their chips at both stock *and* with phase-change.

Anyone got any info or suggestions?

My other option is to buy a new chip. As usual, this will be a lottery, although I understand that most of the recent chips overclock very well. The thing is, when I buy a new chip it will lose about $200 in value instantly. If I buy one of the second hand chips, I can always sell it again for a similar price if I'm not happy with it.

Thanks :)
Anyone got any opinions?

I'm probably going to be getting one of the chips tomorrow, so if anyone has any suggestions that'd be great.

I'm leaning towards the one that does 2.8 on air at the moment. If it doesn't do what I want I can always sell it again, and I don't lose much. I'm paranoid about the one that's been at 1.8v for 3 months just dying on me - then I get nothing!
I'd get the 2.8 one too. It's just "seen" less volts. Assuming he's telling you the truth.
aZn_plyR said:
hmmm... athlon 64 3200+ winchester!!!!! sorry to be off topic :)

heh :)

I've already got a 3000+ winchester at the moment, thanks!

Thanks for the opinion, gclc :)

Anyone else got any comments?!
aZn_plyR said:
how much did u get the winchester up to?

Well, I don't know the limits of the chip itself, unfortunately.

The AV8 I am running it on doesn't like going above 285fsb. I got up to this on air (although I needed 1.55v to be overnight prime stable), and I get up to the same on my Vapochill XEII (though it's fine at 1.5v - haven't tried it with any lower). Any higher than 285fsb and it's hit-and-miss stability with various programs, although prime95 stays stable on my vapo.

If I lower the cpu multiplier it has no effect. Likewise, dropping the HTT multiplier to 3x has no effect, not lowering the memory divider.

The board simply doesn't like a higher fsb speed than ~285.

So, unless I buy a new board, 2.55Ghz is the limit.

Thanks for the opinion, phosphlipid. I think I will probably go for chip #1 now :)
neither, I'd get a decent FX-53, it seemed to overclock further than my FX-55 did.
If you HAVE to get an FX-55, then don't buy from a person, the new chips out there now supposedly clock well
I couldn't make a decision yesterday, that's why there aren't many responses.

I've never heard of a chips lifespan being less from running at 1.8v, but if you think that's an issue, then go with choice #1.
Chip #1 is only OCing by 15mz, which isn't much since the guy is on air. I'd pick that one.

The questions I have are why are these people selling top of the line chips, especially choice #2 when he's built a rig that is a top OCer, and then he goes and tears it apart?
get someone to place both chips in their package behind their back, shuffle and then pick one and pray to the oc gods for goodness. How many other forums did you post this on? :eek:
jiminnyjellickerz said:
How many other forums did you post this on? :eek:

:p Just the one other :eek:

As for why the guy is tearing his rig apart - he's selling the MachII, his lian-li, FX-55, raptors - the lot. He said he's after the cash...

The other guy is running a shuttle, and is looking for a cooler winchester to go in it. Looking at the trades he's done, he swaps his hardware around about as frequenly as I change my socks...

I'm thinking I'm going to go for chip #1. After all, if it doesn't go to where I want it to I can sell it again for basically what I paid for it (minus postage).

Thanks for all the opinions guys :)