Whining sound coming from my Radeon X800XL


Jul 30, 2005
I've noticed that when I run the 3dmark05 and run graphics intensive games like Fear, a whirry whining noise will come from my ATI Radeon x800 xl. Is that just the fan kicking in to cool or is it something else?? It doesn't quite sound like the whirring of a fan. It sounds more like a whining sound. Inputs???
Sounds like the fan may be taking a crap on you. Whining sound is usually indicative of bad bearings.
DejaWiz said:
Sounds like the fan may be taking a crap on you. Whining sound is usually indicative of bad bearings.

Damn, and this is a brand new card too. I just opened it up like 3 days ago right out of the box. :mad: :mad: :mad:
That sucks big, man. Hope you can get a quick RMA turn-around. :(