White House Explored Ways To Bypass Smartphone Encryption

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Our government considered bypassing encryption using malware disguised as updates? Damn, hackers ain't got nothing on The White House. :eek:

The second approach would exploit companies’ automatic software updates. Under a court order, the company could insert spyware onto targeted customers’ phones or tablets — essentially hacking the device. However, the memo warned, this could “call into question the trustworthiness of established software update channels” and might lead some users to opt out of updates, which would eventually leave their devices less secure.
America constantly blames Russia and China (and North Korea) for unethical hacking.

As far as I know there is only one country in the world that constantly and adamantly argues that is deserves the right to hack others (both foreign and domestic).
If it required a court order like it says, it's not a mockery of justice, unlike the NSA's mass data dragnet.
Working to bypass encryption? Sounds like a blatant DMCA violation to me.

Of course, expecting government to follow its own rules is beyond ridiculous, I know.
What for? If they're carrying an Android phone, anyone can just ask Google since they already have everything saved. :)
Zarathustra[H];1041875305 said:
If it required a court order like it says, it's not a mockery of justice, unlike the NSA's mass data dragnet.

Uhh...how is pushing an OS/firmware update out to to EVERYONE any different than the NSA's "mass data dragnet"? Because it sure sounds like a legal setup for the very definition of a fishing expedition to me.

People...they say the "considered it"...which means they found a more viable easier path tdo the exact same thing.
Uhh...how is pushing an OS/firmware update out to to EVERYONE any different than the NSA's "mass data dragnet"? Because it sure sounds like a legal setup for the very definition of a fishing expedition to me.

People...they say the "considered it"...which means they found a more viable easier path tdo the exact same thing.

I don't think it'd do it to everyone, that's just lazy and would require assistance from Google/Apple. It'd likely be a man-in-the-middle attack targeted at just that user.
I don't think it'd do it to everyone, that's just lazy and would require assistance from Google/Apple. It'd likely be a man-in-the-middle attack targeted at just that user.

Thing about mobile device updates...they are so infrequent they are news worthy.

You'd think someone getting a ROM/firmware update for a tablet/phone would be suspicious that Samsung suddenly decided to update their S4 or Note 2 or Tab what have you after nothing for 1 year+...
I appreciate the word, "warrant,' being used. Better than just doing it and bypassing laws. I agree the world of information is changing and is scary, but we can't lose ourselves to combat it.
Uhh...how is pushing an OS/firmware update out to to EVERYONE any different than the NSA's "mass data dragnet"? Because it sure sounds like a legal setup for the very definition of a fishing expedition to me.

People...they say the "considered it"...which means they found a more viable easier path tdo the exact same thing.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still not crazy about it. Compromising the security of mobile devices for surveillance purposes is still a really bad idea, and has some real potential for abuses.

I guess my thought is, at least their plan was to only collect data once approved by a court.
I imagine one of the NSA guys listens in on a phone sex line full time. You know...just in case.
America constantly blames Russia and China (and North Korea) for unethical hacking.

As far as I know there is only one country in the world that constantly and adamantly argues that is deserves the right to hack others (both foreign and domestic).

Apples and Oranges my friend, must learn to read AND understand what you are reading.

An Obama administration working group has explored four possible approaches tech companies might use that would allow law enforcement to unlock encrypted communications

this is about Tech Companies adopting proceedures that allow Law Enforcement, under court order, to gain access to encrypted communications, from targeted people, under court order.... Are you putting it together yet?

Has nothing to do with the Military, Foreign Countries, international relations, it's Law Enforcement, it's people in our country who are our citizens or are protected under our laws and yes this is about the Government working to get our businesses to enable to lawful compromise of a person's communications because a Judge says that in a specific case, it's justified.
Uhh...how is pushing an OS/firmware update out to to EVERYONE any different than the NSA's "mass data dragnet"? Because it sure sounds like a legal setup for the very definition of a fishing expedition to me.

People...they say the "considered it"...which means they found a more viable easier path tdo the exact same thing.

He missed the words Targeted Phones and Court Order.
He missed the words Targeted Phones and Court Order.

Because these things are never abused, and their usage NEVER exceeds the scope of what the PR man says. I have a bridge of platinum to sell you.

Are you the person who clicks on every Nigerian Prince email asking you to claim your inheritance?
Because these things are never abused, and their usage NEVER exceeds the scope of what the PR man says. I have a bridge of platinum to sell you.

Are you the person who clicks on every Nigerian Prince email asking you to claim your inheritance?

Someone abusing a rule, a law, or an agreement isn't a reason not to have them and use them. One guy fails to keep a promise and suddenly no one should make or accept them?

Keep your bridge of platinum, your going to need it to bridge that gulf yawning in your condescending and arogant attitude.
Someone abusing a rule, a law, or an agreement isn't a reason not to have them and use them. One guy fails to keep a promise and suddenly no one should make or accept them?

Keep your bridge of platinum, your going to need it to bridge that gulf yawning in your condescending and arogant attitude.

I'll simply point out to our resident NSA apologist that it is "arrogant" and "you're".

Have a nice day
Zarathustra[H];1041875305 said:
If it required a court order like it says, it's not a mockery of justice, unlike the NSA's mass data dragnet.

I see the phrase "court order" used several times in that article. What I do not see, maybe I missed it, was public court or FISA court.