Who cares about Fermi?

Who cares about Fermi?

  • I do.

    Votes: 117 40.8%
  • I don't.

    Votes: 64 22.3%
  • I use to, but now I don't.(explain)

    Votes: 31 10.8%
  • I didn't care, but now I do.(explain)

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • You cannot care about that which does not exist.

    Votes: 73 25.4%

  • Total voters
+ New Technology does the body good
+ Competition to benefit everyone

If your an enthusianist, why wouldn't you care? Nvidia's shift to 40nm didn't go so smooth this time around, should be a good lesson learned for them...
Good points and pretty much my sentiments. As a consumer, I'm not terribly interested in Fermi given the information that's been released about it (assuming the information is at least within the ballpark of being accurate). Still competition and development is always good for the industry, no matter the final product.
dont be a fanboy. Simply face the truth. These are the facts. Whether it comes to a car or a graphic card. You want a quality product period. Also Drivers as well :) we all know who wins at this bet especially at launch.

You mean ATI right? Since ATI will be on its 4th or 5th official driver release regarding Eyefinity/bezel management/power saving/etc features on DX11?

nVidia will be on its first generation of the Fermi drivers on launch day and usually the first generation of drivers for a new generation of cards are a bit poor compare to drivers matured for 6+ months? I'll admit the 58xx and 57xx drivers had a reasonable amount of bugs back in September but slowly they are all getting ironed out and by nVidia's launch date, I think the 58xx/57xx drivers might be in better shape.

In regards to the poll, I care only because the success or failure of Fermi might change market prices for video cards. If Fermi does well, ATI's prices come down and ATI might release their refresh sooner and work harder on pulling off a great card with the 68xx series.
I care, because i want something fast when i buy in May, and not massively overpriced either.

I would also like a card with more than 1GB of system memory too.
I cared until it became obvious Fermi was hopelessly uncompetitive.

If it can't drive prices down, it's beyond useless.
I don't, because I don't even have a 5xxx card yet (4850 FTW). nVidia releasing another $500+ card? No thanks...
I stopped caring in December when I got a 5870 XXX from Tiger Direct for $370 + free shipping with a Bing cashback promo. :D
Since ATI will be on its 4th or 5th official driver release regarding Eyefinity/bezel management/power saving/etc features on DX11?
Sad thing, that even on their 5th driver their drivers will suck more than beta drivers for Nvidia...that has been like that for sometime now....lol
I'm sure everyone is at least mildly interested. Nvidia fans want the next big thing, ATI fans want something to compete with the 5xxx series to drive down prices. Enthusiasts not in the market for a new card are surely curious about the new architecture.
I 100% care couse I wont go red . Also because of quality of product as always expected. no cheapo plastic with almost full plastic cooler as well. More reliable quality product in the long run thats actually worth my hard earned money... its like comparing Honda to Ford in my opinion.
Looking around on this forum and badcaps.net forum I see a lot more Nvidia hardware failure. I had a 8600gt go bad on me.

I was waiting on Fermi but they took too long, I bought a 5870.
I use Linux for everything except gaming, so I'm still hoping that something appears in the next couple of weeks as ATi support for Linux is crap. Even NDAs lifted and a bit of info re performance & release date would be helpful. However I did pre order a 5830, so if there is still no good information on Fermi by the time my 5830 ships then I will put up with the crappy Linux support because I would actually like to play some of the unopened games I've got sitting on my shelf.
Sad thing, that even on their 5th driver their drivers will suck more than beta drivers for Nvidia...that has been like that for sometime now....lol
I received a warning for my childish remark...it seems anything NOT against Nvidia is considered childish while anything pro ATI/Eyefinity is good to go no matter what.
Thats fine I wont comment anymore then unless I have something BAD to say about Nvidia that way I wont get hit again.
Have fun with the discussion I will avoid any other heated topics from now on.
I am excited about Fermi, if it pushes the technology, restores competition, and kicks my 5870s ass. If it doesn't, well I guess I'm good.

Because then I'll buy me some.:D

I don't care who makes the GPUs,RAM,CPUs or motherboards as long as they push the limits.
I received a warning for my childish remark...it seems anything NOT against Nvidia is considered childish while anything pro ATI/Eyefinity is good to go no matter what.
Thats fine I wont comment anymore then unless I have something BAD to say about Nvidia that way I wont get hit again.
Have fun with the discussion I will avoid any other heated topics from now on.

wtf? what did you say about ati that got you an infraction?
The drivers comment I quoted but that's it, no more comments from me about this.
Later guys, moving on to other topics.
/me bets a lot of the people who said they don't care for whatever reason, don't care so much they have commented in pretty well every thread there is about fermi ;)
/me bets a lot of the people who said they don't care for whatever reason, don't care so much they have commented in pretty well every thread there is about fermi ;)

Everybody cares about Fermi, those who say they don't just don't realize it. No one wants one monopoly setting the price for GPUs at $900 or so because there's no competitor who can change matters. We also know how effective the US government is at dealing with companies abusing their monopoly position :p
Shaolin95 I just don't see your remark as justified. Maybe that was the issue. It seems that every driver issue AMD / ATI has is blown out of proportion whereas NVidia drivers don't have similar issues in your mind. I have first hand had similar issues with my GX2 cards in the past and now my 295 GTX. I have not however had any problems with the ATI 5870. Since this is all a series of opinions, I will voice mine.

I like RED, I like Green, but what I really like is the green to stay in my pocket. So whomever has the better card at the time I need one gets my green. Right now it's RED. When Fermi comes out it looks from all the speculation it will still be RED. However it may save me a little more green in the end from the price drops.
I cared about 3 months ago...then I bought a 5870.....I just bought another 5870 today so there is a really good chance I will not be buying a Fermi card for me.

My son is gonna need an upgrade so if Fermi is whats its cracked up to be, I'Il get him one.
If not, then its a 5870 for him also
Along the lines of what was said, AMD fanboys should care about Fermi. Competition means that the consumer wins.
I cared about 3 months ago...then I bought a 5870.....I just bought another 5870 today so there is a really good chance I will not be buying a Fermi card for me.

My son is gonna need an upgrade so if Fermi is whats its cracked up to be, I'Il get him one.
If not, then its a 5870 for him also
Damn, my dad only bought me an Atari 2600. Cheap bastard!
I just want it to release, be competitive, and then all the current prices on the AMD cards will go down, and I can buy my Eyefinity setup :)
Even as a 5870 owner I certainly still do. I still have a little bit of green loyalty after years of excellent products and especially after having a fair number of issues after going red again.
I want to see what Nvidia brings to the table to make ATI work harder. I want to see if they impliment strong audio capabilities, too.
We should all probably care because if Fermi sucks - we'll have another situation where one company has a superior product and rests on it for years.
If Fermi is on-par with the 5x cards, it's going to help everyone.
My level of care at the moment only extends to competition. I want Fermi to come out of the gate as a great card, pushing ATI to compete with lower prices and a good refresh. I'm not terribly interested in buying a Fermi card since I'd need two of them to use my three monitors, but I want to see prices on the 5-series drop. I want to see the 5870 at or below $300 so I can buy a second one.
i only care because im always curious about new tech. that being said, with nvidia recirculating and rebranding so many of their cards, most of which really dont have much new added to them at all, im sure that nothing but the higher end cards will be all that substantial. added to that the need for sli to do anything close to eyefinity....just blows. ive used nvidia for many many years and loved their cards and solid driver sets, but with the constant rebranding and marginal improvements i dont see anything that will make the average user jump back to nvidia if they already have a decent ati card. and ati really needs to start marketting eyefinity to the masses. once you see it in action you want it.
Blah blah blah blah nVidia blah blah blah blah. ATi blah blah blah blah blah Price Drops. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, wait. Blah blah blah blah fuck this poll. Blah.
I nolonger care.

I once thought that Fermi could either sway me to buy it, or cause AMD to drop its prices. However I doubt either of those could happen now and it's gotten so late that I feel I might as well wait for the next generation. AMD might launch their HD6870 or whatever in a few months, and with GF100 being so ridiculously late GF200 probably isn't too far behind. It just feels like the wrong time to be buying a new card right now.
Interested? Heck, yeah! I always enjoy watching technology evolve. Additionally, I hope Fermi sells enough units to drive down prices of the current best tech. Not holding my breath on that.

Interested in buying? No, absolutely not. 1. I seldom buy the newest generation of any tech, except for CPU heatsinks. I'd rather wait for the rabid early adopter gamers and overclockers to proof the new tech and bring prices down to mainstream. When that latest, greatest tech hits the pre-owned market, that's when I purchase, at one-half or less than the original, bragging-rights retail price.

nVidia blah blah blah blah. ATi blah blah blah blah blah Price Drops. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, wait
Exactly. I'm only Nvidia right now due to Folding@Home. If ATI (or WHATEVER brand) were to supplant Nvidia in that arena, I make a 180 degree turn without a second thought. Brands mean no more to me than the stupid, boy wonder action pictures the manufacturers plaster on new video cards and teh the cards' packaging.
It better have 2x performance of GTX295, or else i am not paying for that BS.
Exactly. I'm only Nvidia right now due to Folding@Home. If ATI (or WHATEVER brand) were to supplant Nvidia in that arena, I make a 180 degree turn without a second thought.

Nvidia invested $30 mill US into those F@H guys. Still curious why ATI performs like crap when folding despite everything? Google up this sad state of affairs
It better have 2x performance of GTX295, or else i am not paying for that BS.

It's twice as big! How could it not??? /sarcasim :)

I agree with you though. Everyone is expecting good performance after a 7 month wait.
Hype but no card. Why are we still waiting when Windows 7 was out months ago.
Only good thing there is hardly support for dx 11 in games.
I have fixed more bad caps on nvidias than on atis. Probably has to do more with the manufacturer of the card though.

Looking around on this forum and badcaps.net forum I see a lot more Nvidia hardware failure. I had a 8600gt go bad on me.

I was waiting on Fermi but they took too long, I bought a 5870.