Who do I have to threaten?


Oct 3, 2000
Been folding for about 6 months now, and I don't know if I'm crushing units, but 'm chugging along pretty well.

Just wondering who out there is racing along with me. I like a little friendly competition.

almost 100k in 6 months seems pretty dang good to me! I'd race you, but we're not really close in points. :(

I am closer to your points. I will be down one processor for the [H]ordebowl, but willing to give it a shot. :cool:

Dark Ember said:
almost 100k in 6 months seems pretty dang good to me! I'd race you, but we're not really close in points. :(
I hadn't considered that. I had folded a small bit a few years ago, but this is the first time I'd really b0rged a number of boxes and started crunching away. My ex told me I needed a new hobby :D

84gthatch said:
i'll race ya to something ;)

Yeah, you'd probably crush me hands down. ~500 pts daily difference between you and I. I'd have to run up a few more boxes in order to make it even fair? Or you'd have to tie one arm behind your back. ;)
lol all right all right fine

it seems there is no one at my level thats putting out close to the same ppd :( so i am all alone sniff sniff ;) lol

ICE_9 said:
I am closer to your points. I will be down one processor for the [H]ordebowl, but willing to give it a shot. :cool:

I'm down one CPU at the moment, but the one I lost and another one will be coming online this evening. What kind of race were you thinking of?

84gthatch said:
lol all right all right fine

it seems there is no one at my level thats putting out close to the same ppd :( so i am all alone sniff sniff ;) lol

Lonely not-quite-at-the-top? I feel for you ;)

DevilDoc said:
I'm down one CPU at the moment, but the one I lost and another one will be coming online this evening. What kind of race were you thinking of?

Probably something like most gain over a period of time. Depends on how long you want it to go. This would be more accurate than going to a points level like 200K or something. Heck, we could even do something like a WU race. Points are good, but WU does more for the science I think.
ICE_9 said:
Probably something like most gain over a period of time. Depends on how long you want it to go. This would be more accurate than going to a points level like 200K or something. Heck, we could even do something like a WU race. Points are good, but WU does more for the science I think.

A very valid point indeed. With the new point structure it’s not hard to accumulate points on a wholesale basis, but it’s completed work units that get the job done.

I’m not quite sure how you would do a work unit contest but then many of you are far more creative then I.

Have at it ;) :D
Well, you would want a level playing field. Trying to use some of the same cores as everyone else. Something that will produce good yields of WU that are needed for the projects. I have a couple crappers on the farm that would be usefull for running timeless. All of my bigger systems are fully capable of running QMDs. Probably would be a good idea to have a unified config file for all systems in the race. Heck, even a no flags rule is possible. I have never tried timeless WU yet. Anyone have info on them? :confused:

(Bill agreed! I have been blessed today!) :p
i agree it would be cool to do a wu race i don't think it would be completely fair

reason being my main computer only does 600 ptrs pretty much but they take 2 to 2 1/2 days if i got 50 ptrs on the same machine i could probably do 2-3 a day

unfortuenately we don't have complete control over what WU we get from stanford
From what I can tell on the projects page here , the timeless ones are all Tinkers. We can set them to timeless, all get the same core to make it level. Again, I am not sure on reading this but I imagine the ones with the Final days that are "--" are the timeless ones. Only 4 of them though. I would think that the server would have enough WU for a race for a couple months or so. Points range on them is from 239-249.