Who else is having issues with Win 11 activation?


Jul 24, 2021
Every time I reinstall windows the key never activates. I have 2 keys also. Of course I didn't buy them full price but from a cdkey type of website. Yea they are for one PC at a time or so they say but neither of the keys work. Always get errors.

Anyone else dealing with the same errors when using a key bought from a cdkey type of website?

Is there any difference in the type of keys they are selling?

Is there a recommended website that have better keys specifically keys that you can reuse?

Or are they all one time use type of nonsense?

I don't know wtf is up with all these sites and keys.

Any insight guys?
There are definitely some shady places to buy shady, worthless keys, regardless of the price, but there are some good ones too...

It's really a crap shoot if you get keys from the less-than-reputable ones, as you seem to have found out...

Personally, I have had really good luck over the past several years with my low-priced key purchases, but perhaps I've just been lucky, cause I have been able to install/re-install them nottaproblemo, and I got from places that have pretty good reputations

I don't think we are allowed to openly post the locations where they are available, but it shouldn't be too hard to find using that googilly thing
Greg Salazar on Youtube always posts a link in his videos for such a site and offers a discount as well I believe.
Is there a recommended website that have better keys specifically keys that you can reuse?
Yes, a legitimate retail key from Microsoft directly. Those 3rd party sites are selling you grey market volume and OEM keys, you should only expect to get one use out of them. So cheap, just buy another if you need one.

Or, buy one legitimate one and use it for years. I'm still using the Retail Windows 7 key I bought when that launched for my current primary PC's 11 install.
Every time I reinstall windows the key never activates. I have 2 keys also. Of course I didn't buy them full price but from a cdkey type of website. Yea they are for one PC at a time or so they say but neither of the keys work. Always get errors.

Anyone else dealing with the same errors when using a key bought from a cdkey type of website?

Is there any difference in the type of keys they are selling?

Is there a recommended website that have better keys specifically keys that you can reuse?

Or are they all one time use type of nonsense?

I don't know wtf is up with all these sites and keys.
Washingtom Fence Contractor
Any insight guys?
I'm having problems with my activation and need some clarification. I've been using W11 Pro for at least a year or more. Before that I was on W10 Pro. Orginally they were from a legimate OEM W7 Pro License that I have used to upgrade through the versions with no issues. Yesterday I added some more ram to my PC, had to do a BIOS reset to ge thet ram to work. A few hours after installing the RAM I noticed the activation watermark on my screen. After trying to reactivate and getting nowhere I got a Microsoft Support Advisor to call and was told that Microsoft had stopped allowing the W7 to W10 to W11 free upgrade path and I would need buy a new license. I get that. I tried a fresh install of W10 and still the same issue, I was planning on a fresh install soon to fix a couple of other issuses.

I just want clarification if this how it is, tough luck for me and anyone else in this situation and now I have to get a new license. The couple of articles I have read about this change is that all previous upgrade customers would still retain their W10/W11 digital license linked to their Mircosoft acocunt and not have any issues with future installs on the same hardware, it was only new upgrades from W7 to W10/11 that would not activate.

Thanks for any info and help
If you activate Windows, when reinstalling I just recommend clicking 'skip' on product key page if prompted and allow Windows to reactivate with a digital license. Unfortunately, sometimes you may have the wrong version installed so you may need to edit the install media to allow you to choose the version that matches your activation type(key) https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-select-edition-during-install/

Regarding those websites that sell $10 keys, what do you expect? The keys are either stolen, bought with stolen CC's, or imported from a 3rd world country and not legal for sale in the US. I just buy OEM System Builders.
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If you activate Windows, when reinstalling I just recommend clicking 'skip' on product key page if prompted and allow Windows to reactivate with a digital license. Unfortunately, sometimes you may have the wrong version installed so you may need to edit the install media to allow you to choose the version that matches your activation type(key) https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-select-edition-during-install/

Regarding those websites that sell $10 keys, what do you expect? The keys are either stolen, bought with stolen CC's, or imported from a 3rd world country and not legal for sale in the US. I just buy OEM System Builders.
I've always purchased my keys from cdkey sites and never had an issue with this method. Once it's entered once, your activation is tied to your hardware profile. No need to enter the key again if you reformat.