Who Here plays Star Wars Galaxies


Extremely [H]
Mar 19, 2001
I've been drifting away from the game a bit in anticipation for the Jedi publish 9. Any other [H]'ers play out there? Nastysavage on the Valcyn server....
Rossi,Roma,Mickey on the "Infamous Starsider Server" 3 more badges till I get that Old Fart to visit me!!!! WOOT for me
I just quit, was on Ahazi. Got the old man visit and the amoun of xp to get to padawan is excesive, not a game for a casual player. SOE lost my 2 accounts, and my JTL pre-order.
I just quit, I played a Master Weaponsmith/Pistoleer on Chilastra, a Bounty Hunter/Creature Handler on Kettemore, and a Teras Kasi Master/Swordsman/Fencer/Pistoleer on some other server I forgot the name of. The game got boring, I've done everything. I may go back for JTL though. Still an awesome MMORPG, and it blows gay Lineage 2 out of the water.

EDIT: Errr.... This is AoL_Is_My_EnEmY.... didn't realize i was on my friends name
Blip on Ahazi.

I played through Beta and started again on Day 2 of official launch. I had a blast crafting and mining for the first couple of months but then the whole Holocron madness hit in December. I'll admit I got sucked in and mastered 29 professions after unlocking. And yet, at the the time, Jedis just werent fun to play. I played the Jedi for a bit then again after Pub 9 with the Jedi revamp. Again, just lots of grinding for Jedi xp.

I've still got an active account although I don't plan on playing for a while, even for JTLS expansion.

It is a great game, don't get me wrong. The content just isn't all there yet. I think the developers really hampered themselves by placing the setting in the classic trilogy as opposed to the "Old Republic" timeline. It just doesnt feel realisitc to see 10 Jedis running around in Mos Eisley.
I hear ya, by january everyone will have a Jedi. It should be renamed SWG:Jedi Orgy, becasue that all will see. I won't lie either I want a Jedi too, and almost have all the badges for the old man, just 3 easy ones left. I have to give credit were credit is deserved the game from last year at this time to this year is muched improved and I think it will be later on also. Also I agree with the others this isn't your casual MMORPG, alot of the players are hardcore and to be as good as them you have to play as long as them which is alot. I still enjoy it, just take some time off and come back and you will see the difference.
I played it for two months and quit. I'm not sure why i didn't like it, some friends of mine play it everyday... might try EQ2.
Kaminos on Kauri ...

For those stressing over becoming a Jedi... Don't.... Be a TKA or something more productive... Sure the Flashlight (Light Saber) is cool... but gets old with the exp grind pretty fast....
Captain Al said:
Kaminos on Kauri ...

For those stressing over becoming a Jedi... Don't.... Be a TKA or something more productive... Sure the Flashlight (Light Saber) is cool... but gets old with the exp grind pretty fast....

Gotta agree there...TKA is a one the best professions. Lots of fun and versatility.
Well, I have been playing since launch of last year, and I am on the verge of quitting. Over 90% of my guild is moving to WoW when it comes out. SWG still has a lot of problems to iron out before it will become anything good, even with JTL.