who made this case?


Limp Gawd
Sep 15, 2009
ok.. i am getting ready to do a mod and purchased an old case that i could mod.... well i have been trying to figure out a possible company name or model number.... if somebody knows or recognize this case please tell me......
Full ATX tower, beige, it looks like it is meant to be water cooled with the way the top compartment is set up... the following are some pics...

case with panels on:

side of case:

backside of case:

3.5" hard drive cage:

from left to right: rail for 5.25" devices, 5.25" bay inner metal cover, i/o shield, i/o shield

fan shrouds:

front filter:
looks a good 7+ years old.
I have a couple that look VERY similar. Couldn't even guess on the brand though; something generic I'm sure.

that last i/o shield looks like it's for a 9-pin DIN keyboard! :D
Supermicro sc750??
Or the in-win thats pretty similar but cant remember the name?
It is an InWin Q500, or the Supermicro, I think they were both the same case. When that case was made watercooling was a dark art , I think its size was just for the drive bays not for cooling. however its got plany of room for a watercooling setup. I use to have a Q500 and it served me well for quit some time.
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That is NOT an InWin Q500. I used one of these for 5 + yrs & it never had the air intake on the side. It's close but not the same. I agree with the Supermicro SC750.
Yeah I agree about the side vents, didn't notice those at first. Theres a few more suttle differances as well.
Yeah I agree about the side vents, didn't notice those at first. Theres a few more suttle differances as well.

the side vents are on both sides..... also both side panels are hinged in the back but removable by lifting them. the case also sports a removable mobo tray....
this is a pic of the top of the case without the cover...

thanks for the feedback so far.... i was unaware of some of the mentioned companies....
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Aw man, I just registered and was going to answer, but I was too slow. I'm still using an Addtronics 7896a :eek:
Blast from the past or what!

One of the most desirable cases from the PIII era. Lots of modding and overclocking going on with those at the time.