Who says gamepad is not good for FPS?

Sounds like a person who is just full of themselves. "I guarantee no one in this lobby is capable of handling a controller". Who says they want to.... :rolleyes:
Has anyone really been berated for not having a rig that is capable of handling BF3 @ 120FPS? I know I haven't in the past, at least not on here.

The dude seems nostalgic of his console during the whole video...
go browse a website with a controller.. let me know how it goes....

mouse = more accurate.
Playing an FPS with a controller reminds me of those terrible dreams in which you want to do something (run) but all that happens is derp.
Has anyone really been berated for not having a rig that is capable of handling BF3 @ 120FPS? I know I haven't in the past, at least not on here.

The dude seems nostalgic of his console during the whole video...

i believe he said 140fps and maybe like 10% of players are actually able to play bf3 at 120 fps.

and how are consoles the mother platform when they came from pcs?

this guy is a tard.

anyone can play with a controller but why would you want to when you can use a mouse and keyboard?
Some game genres work better with a controller. FPS is not one of them.
A gamepad just isn't good for an FPS, and really, that's not subjective. There are just too many issues.

Now, I'm not saying someone can't become decent with one, but being good with a gamepad typically means your potential would be much higher with a mouse and keyboard.

Just a quick program I wrote up (You need an Xbox controller on your PC for it to work). This is your Xbox analog stick bare bones. The black circle is what should be the extent if it was truly a circle. The red dot in the middle is where your controller should be if not using it. Just try moving it around. Do you see how ridiculously difficult it is to get any precision whatsoever? I'm not saying it can't be done, but it takes time, which is not a good thing in FPSs.
Why does everybody play in regular servers? i.e. non-hardcore mode? It's silly getting a kill cam, regen health, seeing where everybody is at with little "sims" beacons over their damn heads. :(
not sure what this video was trying to show other than controllers suck? pretty much all it did tho whole time.

i watched the whole video and didnt see anything good about it tbh, most of the guys wernt even shooting back and trying to knife so it wouldnt be hard to kill them with a controller. and i saw alot of knee shots and over aiming/correcting.

not sure why he would give up on a hybrid setup tho, since thats prob a perfect setup for someone coming from consoles, you still get the analogue movement you are use too along with better aim control with the mouse.

Why does everybody play in regular servers? i.e. non-hardcore mode? It's silly getting a kill cam, regen health, seeing where everybody is at with little "sims" beacons over their damn heads. :(

some people prefer normal mode, one of my friends cant stand hardcore. although i prefer hardcore. so i usually get stuck playing on normal servers.
I used to really be into Halo 1 on the original Xbox and even played with some professional gamers and was just as good as them. I am damn good with a controller.

If I used a controller in Quake 3 versus people using a mouse and keyboard I could probably win versus 90% of the people I played. But if I used keyboard and mouse I would win against over 99% of them.

A joystick is pathetic for aiming compared to mouse.
Why does everybody play in regular servers? i.e. non-hardcore mode? It's silly getting a kill cam, regen health, seeing where everybody is at with little "sims" beacons over their damn heads. :(

Playing in hardcore mode IS the silly thing. You need no aim at all: just shoot their legs and be done with it, let alone that you can camp all the day.

No, hardcore is the crappy mode, no doubt about it, and lets not talk about sniper playing in hardcore as it's...mmmm... free frags all the time.
I guess it's just me then (play style), I get sniped off way more on regular servers because there'd a damn beacon over my head.
I guarantee I would whip his ass in a multiplayer match. He would stand no chance and would be crushed.
4:00 is when he starts doing some infantry shooting instead of vehicle

it's not very good

wonder if anyone told the guy that FPSes nowadays are created to make the gamepad viable because gamepads are absolutely useless in a FPS like Quake or Unreal Tournament (too bad this FPS type is dead now)
His aim is horrible but most of the people he's shooting at are oblivious. Then again, BF3 isn't very competitive.
I think BF3 and CoD stuff are classified as MFPS or MMFPS for military or modern military FPS. It's not even close to any sort of older FPS.
Why does everybody play in regular servers? i.e. non-hardcore mode? It's silly getting a kill cam, regen health, seeing where everybody is at with little "sims" beacons over their damn heads. :(

notice in the same video I posted how a good player can stay near a cover and hide/move fast when someone starts shooting at him, and how he can effectively use the mini map, spotting etc. in HC good players lose these extras that separates them from the nubs :D
I think BF3 and CoD stuff are classified as MFPS or MMFPS for military or modern military FPS. It's not even close to any sort of older FPS.

Everyone is just there for the casual grind. No one cares who is in the lead or if they even completely suck. Yawn...
Playing in hardcore mode IS the silly thing. You need no aim at all: just shoot their legs and be done with it, let alone that you can camp all the day.

No, hardcore is the crappy mode, no doubt about it, and lets not talk about sniper playing in hardcore as it's...mmmm... free frags all the time.

i like how people say you dont need to aim in hardcore, when its the opposite, you do need to aim in hardcore and you usually need to be better at aiming.

if you have horrible aim and target acquisition you will be shot first and get killed.

just because you need faster reflexes to play hardcore doesnt mean you dont need to aim.

if you aim for the head you just improve your chance of survival even more.

also complaining about snipers in hardcore is pretty foolish. just learn to Dodge Duck Dip Dive and Dodge.
good discussion here.

my point with this video is simple: controller can be very competitive(of course to a certain limit). NOT everyone PREFER m/k for fps(this guy started his gaming life on console, so he wanted the same experience).

with console generation growing bigger and bigger, i suspect m/k may become minority.
watched about 3 min. most of it is the guy flying planes or shooting people from a couple hundred yards away. of course you dont need mouse for that. controllers are better for vehicles, and you dont need twitch accuracy when shooting someone a mile away, or sneaking up on them from behind either. 2:45 was the first time i saw him 1v1 a guy from up close where you actually need accuracy, and he shoots way wide right, way wide left, and way wide right again before he finally hits the guy. fortunately for him the other guy sucked even worse, but yeah if he played tf2 or tribes or anything where quick and accurate shots are needed, he would get destroyed.

also, never played it but BF3 does not look fun.
good discussion here.

my point with this video is simple: controller can be very competitive(of course to a certain limit). NOT everyone PREFER m/k for fps(this guy started his gaming life on console, so he wanted the same experience).

with console generation growing bigger and bigger, i suspect m/k may become minority.

this is my opinion of what would be considered competitive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD8ElmIa38&#t=6m22s

considering that the gamepad player's aim tends to consist of spraying then strafing for aim adjustment, it works fine against the bad, oblivious players in his video but it won't work against players that are actually aware of their surroundings and can aim

not sure what you mean by "m/k may become minority"

m/k will always reign supreme on PC and gamepad will always reign supreme on console as long as console makers don't create their console with m/k integration in mind

in terms of game development of FPSes, I already mentioned earlier in this thread that "FPSes nowadays are created to make the gamepad viable," so in terms of FPS development for a specific gaming peripheral, m/k has been the minority for a while.

This has killed the console competitive scene in my opinion. This thing gives you such a stupid advantage that it's not even fair.

This has killed the console competitive scene in my opinion. This thing gives you such a stupid advantage that it's not even fair.

Having one of them, it's not the same. Is it better than the controller? No doubt. But it still feels off, especially with all the aim assistance in console FPSs.

This has killed the console competitive scene in my opinion. This thing gives you such a stupid advantage that it's not even fair.

if you want to be on an equal playing field ill sell you mine, which has never been used lol.

sister bought it for me over a year ago and i just havnt touched my xbox 360 lol
Playing an FPS with a controller reminds me of those terrible dreams in which you want to do something (run) but all that happens is derp.

pretty much, lol. this happens when i try to fly in my dreams. :(
this is my opinion of what would be considered competitive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD8ElmIa38&#t=6m22s

considering that the gamepad player's aim tends to consist of spraying then strafing for aim adjustment, it works fine against the bad, oblivious players in his video but it won't work against players that are actually aware of their surroundings and can aim

not sure what you mean by "m/k may become minority"

m/k will always reign supreme on PC and gamepad will always reign supreme on console as long as console makers don't create their console with m/k integration in mind

in terms of game development of FPSes, I already mentioned earlier in this thread that "FPSes nowadays are created to make the gamepad viable," so in terms of FPS development for a specific gaming peripheral, m/k has been the minority for a while.

No argument about that super accurate snipering guy, you can't do that with controller. That is where controller's limit is. someone above also said he can beat 90% with gamepad and 99% with mouse. With experience you can be good but to a limit.

About minority thing, a lot kids grow up with consoles, not with PC. So when they get older, they would do the same thing as that controller guy, they want to play fps with gamepad. It's not like 10 years ago where most people's gaming life start from PC. Unless, of course, the kid has a PC gaming father.
That last L4D2 video is the only one in this whole thread that features some kind of decent aim. And the guy is shooting at slow moving zombies that almost never change their trajectories unannounced.

I feel sorry for this current generation of complete noobs. There was this MLG a week ago and I watched 5 minutes of silly CoD noob fights in between serious SC2 pro matches.

Even older guys never really understood Quake / UT type of games and praise CoD/BF for being competitive haha
It looks like he's aiming with the strafe keys.

of course he does ! there's no way around it when you're stuck with a dual analog gamepad, you have to keep yourself aligned with the target, you also have to use a medium-high sens to mantain some level of manouverability, fine-tuning the horizontal crosshair movement feels much easier to do with the left stick.

It's a really nasty habit imo, even mouse users do it when they're ignorant enough to use an ultra high sensitivity and/or mouse acceleration.

I started playing FPSs on consoles as well ( goldeneye 007 on N64 was practically my first FPS ever ) but there was no crosshair back then so you had to use your own eyes, default controller scheme was also counter-intuitive for strafe-aiming, if you wanted precise aim all you could do was press R and stand still.
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of course he does ! there's no way around it when you use a dual gamepad, you have to keep yourself aligned with the target, you also have to use a medium-high sens to mantain some level of manouevarability, fine-tuning the horizontal crosshair movement feels much easier to do with the left stick.

It's a really nasty habit imo, even mouse users do it when they're ignorant enough to use an ultra high sensitivity and/or mouse acceleration.

I started playing FPSs on consoles as well ( goldeneye 007 on N64 was practically my first FPS ever ) but there was no crosshair back then so you had to use your own eyes, default controller scheme was also counter-intuitive for strafe-aiming, if you wanted precise aim all you could do was press R and stand still.

Uh, no. Using movement to adjust your aim is the right way to do it.