Who will have the bang/buck card next gen?


Sep 9, 2004
Ok a lot of rumors and we are getting close.
What card do you think will win the the best bang for your buck, not top end?

Or do you think that will end up being a 1GB 4850/ 70 / 260 for under $100 shipped once the new ones come out?
Let me get my crystal ball out for a second....

Who knows? May the best/smartest company win. I'll tell you this, though, AMD was onto something with inexpensive GPUs and inexpensive cards that may not have the best performance, but worked well enough for most people given their price.

Nvidia's still reeling from their old business practices of "bigger and fastest is better" while totally ignoring the mid-range segment. This next generation will be very interesting, especially the rumor that Nvidia's going to be re-naming the GTX 2xx series to "GTX 3xx"s (if what Charlie says can be believed). :rolleyes:
I think AMD will continue to be the bang for the buck company. I mean you can get a 4850 for $95 shipped right now and a 4830 for $85 shipped. Thats the most performance you can get dollar for dollar. Once the new cards come out, the old lineup will only get cheaper. Can you see the 4850's for $60 shipped? Yeah baby!
If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?
4850 for $60...that gets my vote. It is still the best bang/buck card since it launched.
NVIDIA will. I asked my novelty magic 8 ball 3 times and it was very clear on this answer.

Who knows, we will see when that time comes.

Magic8ball says; Answer unclear try again later.

HAH, I totally missed your post prior to posting mine. Thats funny stuff
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If both companies continue with the same strategies, then ATi will continue to lead on this front. AMD made a good decision last gen, and unless nVidia changes their stance, nothing will change.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Neither company will keep a card priced so high that it is unappealing. Both of them have shown in the last generation that they will slash prices drastically to keep their respective cards competitive. I don't see that changing.

I've read a lot of rhetoric from some widely read blowhards over the last few card generations claiming things like "it is not possible for company X to release this card at a competitive price" (with lots of grids, graphs and charts), or "company Y will release a card at twice the performance / half the price of anything else out there", and I've seen repeatedly that there is always a price correction, usually very quickly.

It's not like the console market, where prices stay steady for months and even years. Prices will drop as the market dictates.
Am I the only one tired of hearing the phrase "bang for your buck." Its kinda like nails on a chalkboard...
True NoNRG.

Also, did everyone forget that the 4870x2 was more expensive than the GTX280, but it was also faster. How exactly is this a bang for your buck victory?
I don't buy bang for buck, but as long as AMD can keep up the pressure Nvidia is forced to be in the ball park pricewise.
Wow. Now I remember why this is my first post in awhile. About 4 good responses, the rest filled with thread crappers, hijackers, and then there's the ones with zero added value (hear themselves talk?)

Thanks to those that responded per the question. Others -- stick to the topic, post something positive, or go make your own thread so I can take a dump down it's neck.
Honestly what were you expecting? Those who can post don't have a clue. Those who have a clue can't post (NDA).
Wow. Now I remember why this is my first post in awhile. About 4 good responses, the rest filled with thread crappers, hijackers, and then there's the ones with zero added value (hear themselves talk?)

Thanks to those that responded per the question. Others -- stick to the topic, post something positive, or go make your own thread so I can take a dump down it's neck.

my sarcasm was an indication that the question was a bit silly. Anyone who does know the answer can't tell you. And anyone who doesn't is just going to speculate which is useless.

If you had asked "Who will have the best top end card next generation?" you would have gotten the EXACT same response from me. And that thread keeps getting made. :mad:

We could discuss how fun it would be for ATI to have the best BFB again. We could do the same for nvidia. My point is what is the point of this thread?
Am I the only one tired of hearing the phrase "bang for your buck." Its kinda like nails on a chalkboard...

not really, like Kowan I don't always buy like that but it makes a hell of a difference to me. for instance I would in no way buy a GTX285 right now, in my mind its just insulting that they price it like that when their own next card down is within a few % and can be found for 1/2 the price.

my two cents on who will have the best bang for the buck will go to ATI just on the grounds that they can get that just by doing a die shrink of the 4870 chip. (not that they are doing that just that they could). The other issue is that (not sure how much of this is charlie / fud) Nvidia is suppose to have a considerably larger die and still needs a seconded chip for media processing. If there is any truth to that its going to hurt.
Dude i'm still on an X1950pro...i'm so lost in the VGA world LOL. I need a bang for buck upgrade..
Dude i'm still on an X1950pro...i'm so lost in the VGA world LOL. I need a bang for buck upgrade..

Is that x1950 running on an AGP bus interface or PCIE? Because if it's AGP, you're gonna need a whole lot more than just a graphics card upgrade.