Who's getting a 9800GTX?

Bah. Now they're coming out with a 9900 GTX in July. I'll bet it'll be 1 day after my step-up will expire too ;) Guess I'd better wait for May 1st to order a video card. How many damn refreshes are they gonna do...
I'm having a hard time wanting to get a 9800gtx. My choices for now would be either stay with my 9600gt, or step up to the Evga 9800gx2.
Why would anyone buy this crap? Why did they make this crap?

Nvidia won corp of the year in 2007, 2008 that crown is WIDE open.
I was going to grab a GX2 cause I don't have an SLI mobo but since I heard the news today about the 9900's I'm going to wait it out with my GTS and build a whole new rig then.
I was thinking about getting the 9800GTX but I purchased the 8800GTX instead... for $290. Hell, I couldn't pass up that deal.
If they sort out the TRI-SLI scaling so that its actually worth putting a third in i -might-. But at this point, my GTS512 setup is doing fine. I need to use some restraint and stop buying crap.
I am not buying a new comp till June. Whatever series wins this summer, i'll pick. 9900 or RV700
I'm going to get 2 of them. Seems like a decent card for the money. When the 9900 series cards hit I'm sure I could sell them and get a decent return if need be.
Not going to. I have 2 x 8800 Ultras and 3 x 8800 GTXs. There is not enough performance between them and the 9800 GTX to provoke a purchase.
I am happy and upset about the recent 9900 news. I am a little tired of waiting, so I guess I will just go with the 9800 and then if I can step up, cool, if not I guess I will just have to deal with it.
The naming scheme is marketing goodness. The less informed are going to believe that this is the heir to the thrown(8800GTX) when it isn't, so that alone should sell the cards.

It's just unfortunate that this is going to happen.
With the ability to play at 1920x1200 with a sub-$200 video card (9600gt, 8800gt) why would I buy this card? Waste of money comes to mind. I currently have an 8800GTX and a 24" WS and I love every moment of it! The only game that I had to turn down stuff in was Crysis, and arguably that game did not live up to the hype.:rolleyes: Even with stuff turned down (all medium + high shaders, no aa, af) in Crysis I thought it was awesome still.

We need some more games to take advantage of the horsepower of the 8800GTX before I can consider upgrading at all.
Then check again, one Gx2 is faster than 9800GTX Sli in anything but UT3 and yes only Very High counts in Crysis, low quality is for lowendcards.

Wha?!?! 9800GTX SLi wins every benchmark against GX2 including 2x GX2's with the exception of Very High Crysis 1920x1200 which is unplayable on any of these cards anyway however at medium or high 9800GTX once again beats Quad SLi GX2's LOL Perhaps you should check again. ;)

The GX2 continues to be a good offering for people who want to jump on the SLI bandwagon without getting themselves a SLI motherboard. However, if you’re looking at building a new system it might be worth checking out a 780i motherboard and a pair of 9800 GTX cards which really gets things pumping.
Wha?!?! 9800GTX SLi wins every benchmark against GX2 including 2x GX2's with the exception of Very High Crysis 1920x1200 which is unplayable on any of these cards anyway however at medium or high 9800GTX once again beats Quad SLi GX2's LOL Perhaps you should check again. ;)

Yeah, what he said.
The 9800GTX is the fastest single GPU solution. Even if only by a small margin. Don't forget you're also getting DirectX 10.1, OpenGL 3.0, and a few more bells and whistles.
The 9800GTX is the fastest single GPU solution. Even if only by a small margin. Don't forget you're also getting DirectX 10.1, OpenGL 3.0, and a few more bells and whistles.

I didn't think the 9800GTX was DX10.1, I guess I must have misread something.
The 9800GTX is the fastest single GPU solution. Even if only by a small margin. Don't forget you're also getting DirectX 10.1, OpenGL 3.0, and a few more bells and whistles.

I bet the 8800Ultra at 2560x1600rez 4xAA is a wee bit faster than 9800GTX
I still can't decide between this card or the gx2. I will be running the card at high resolution in games (1920x1080, if thats considered high) and for some reason I can't figure out which would be better at that task. Anyone have some advice?
The 9800GX2 is about 48% increase over the original 7950GX2, 36% over the 8800GTS 640MB, 25.5% over 8800GTX Superclocked, and about only 19-20% increase over the 8800 Ultra. Although the performance is about almost 20% increase, it is not a good OC'er, due to the dual card setup, it runs hot like its original ancestor 7950GX2. The 9800GTX is only a about 15-29% faster then a 8800GTX, though it also depend on the rest of the components your using, e.g like CPU and RAM. Don't know how much faster it is compared to the 8800Ultra, but probably not very much, as it is only a die shrink to 65NM design, which includes higher frequencies and less heat, but performance is a bit of a waffle.

Man, everybody here is all rich, look at all your computer specs and the way you stick to the computer market which is being constantly updated???
If you's have so much money, you might as well be spending a heap of that money on a nvidia Quadro Plex, which is the most powerful graphics card out now today on this earth or you can consider something to Quantum Graphics technology!
I know you were probably joking, but in case you weren't... the Quadro Plex is just a little box with an Quadro FX 5600 SLI setup in it... (which is just rebadged 8800 GTX with optimizations for professional 3d work)... I'm not even sure you can game with it. Even if you could it'd be slower than an 8800 GTX SLI setup, and cost you $10,000.
The 9800GX2 is about 48% increase over the original 7950GX2, 36% over the 8800GTS 640MB, 25.5% over 8800GTX Superclocked, and about only 19-20% increase over the 8800 Ultra. Although the performance is about almost 20% increase, it is not a good OC'er, due to the dual card setup, it runs hot like its original ancestor 7950GX2. The 9800GTX is only a about 15-29% faster then a 8800GTX, though it also depend on the rest of the components your using, e.g like CPU and RAM. Don't know how much faster it is compared to the 8800Ultra, but probably not very much, as it is only a die shrink to 65NM design, which includes higher frequencies and less heat, but performance is a bit of a waffle.

Man, everybody here is all rich, look at all your computer specs and the way you stick to the computer market which is being constantly updated???
If you's have so much money, you might as well be spending a heap of that money on a nvidia Quadro Plex, which is the most powerful graphics card out now today on this earth or you can consider something to Quantum Graphics technology!

Lol. It doesn't seem like TOO MUCH money when you can spread it out. Like paying $200 now for a GT with EVGA, and then in two or three months stepping up to the GTX for another $150. It all adds up, but you can spend a little here and a little there. It's a lot of fun and a much better hobby than drugs or alcohol... My wife had trouble putting up with all my computer workings for a long time, but she's finally starting to realize that because of all my messing around and building things and putting stuff together I've learned a lot. All of our computers work really well, and she never has any trouble with the Media Center or the laptop... She's finally starting to appreciate my "geekness."
I pulled the trigger on the evga 8800GTX deal from newegg for $289 after rebate. After reading the [H] review on the card, the 9800GTX, I'm confident that I made the right decision. The performance gap between the two cards at stock speeds just isn't huge enough for me to feel like I made a bad decision.

Once I o/c the 8800GTX from it's stock speeds, it should become even less of a performance gap(I hope)
To be exact: the Quadro Plex is $17500 US advanced Hybrid Graphics processing supercomputer

It has 10x the power of a 8800Ultra

Heres more about it: http://www.engadget.com/2006/08/02/nvidia-quadro-plex-1000-goes-nuts-with-80-billion-pixels-per-sec/

And also the the 9""" series cards are not that great at the moment except for the budget 9600GT! As your money won't signify that not so great performance gap between a 8800GTX or 9800GTX! So wait with patience and you'll be rewarded with an even better card!
I may step-up my 8800GTS 512 in the next month or so for one. Depends. On my main rig, no.
I may step-up my 8800GTS 512 in the next month or so for one. Depends. On my main rig, no.

I might tooo..

This kind of Erks me..

EVGA's Website has two ways to buy, Direct or from Newegg;

The direct price is $339, the Newegg price is $329..

Why even link to new egg if they are selling it lower, its like slapping people with small $10 premium if you want to step up.
thinking about it. used a step up from a gts g92 to get a gx2 (shipped from evga today). i will see how that works out because i have another evga gts g92 i can use for step up.
I might tooo..

This kind of Erks me..

EVGA's Website has two ways to buy, Direct or from Newegg;

The direct price is $339, the Newegg price is $329..

Why even link to new egg if they are selling it lower, its like slapping people with small $10 premium if you want to step up.

You don't have to buy a GPU from EVGA in order to be involved in the step-up program.
You buy the card from anybody that's a retailer, register your card, and wait to see what comes along.
You need a receipt.
If you step up, you pay the difference between what you paid and what EVGA wants for their new card.......sometimes it's a little more than what other e-tailers charge and sometimes it isn't........right now the 9800GTX isn't "the hot item" so its a bit cheaper at Newegg.
You don't have to buy a GPU from EVGA in order to be involved in the step-up program.
You buy the card from anybody that's a retailer, register your card, and wait to see what comes along.
You need a receipt.
If you step up, you pay the difference between what you paid and what EVGA wants for their new card.......sometimes it's a little more than what other e-tailers charge and sometimes it isn't........right now the 9800GTX isn't "the hot item" so its a bit cheaper at Newegg.

Im not so much referring to buying the initial card from EVGA, but the fact that EVGA Chargest $10 more, which you have to pay when you step up TO the 9800GTX.

I already have an 8800GTS I purchased from Newegg.
Yes I will get a 9800GTX just for the fact my Stepup ends in 5 days.Right now I'm in que #53 for the EVGA step up program. Stepping up from a 8800GT 512mb non X or S for $50 seemed like a great deal, rather than losing my step up privilage. I was going for the GX 2 but could not justify the cost difference plus having to buy a new PS on top of that.
Assuming you have:
- a pre 8600GT card
- do not have a high end $500+ budget for a card
- have a 19"+ size display
- want a single GPU solution at its best without paying the early adopter pricing. (Remember 8800 GTX was $700 when it was launched)

I would say 9800 GTX is a very good alternative.

Most people on this forum are 8800 GT/GTS/GTX users who are hungry and waiting for the next best thing that they can SLI, 3xSLI, so I believe that's why we see a lot of negative consensus for 9800 GTX.

The way Nvidia GPU product range looks to me:

"I do not understand spending money on GPU, I do not game that much anyways" "love my 15" CRT" - 8600 GT
"I am cheap/frugal" - 8800 GT
"I am cheap/frugal, but I got that big ass monitor/LCD TV that I got from slickdeals.net other day" - 8800 GTS G92
"I like to spend some dough and want games to shine on my new monitor." - 9800 GTX
"I want to kick everyone's ass in benches and FPS." "Bring it on- Crysis." "I have a tattoo that reads SLI" - 9800 GX2 or 8800 GTX - possibly with SLI
Assuming you have:
- a pre 8600GT card
- do not have a high end $500+ budget for a card
- have a 19"+ size display
- want a single GPU solution at its best without paying the early adopter pricing. (Remember 8800 GTX was $700 when it was launched)

I would say 9800 GTX is a very good alternative.

Most people on this forum are 8800 GT/GTS/GTX users who are hungry and waiting for the next best thing that they can SLI, 3xSLI, so I believe that's why we see a lot of negative consensus for 9800 GTX.

The way Nvidia GPU product range looks to me:

"I do not understand spending money on GPU, I do not game that much anyways" "love my 15" CRT" - 8600 GT
"I am cheap/frugal" - 8800 GT
"I am cheap/frugal, but I got that big ass monitor/LCD TV that I got from slickdeals.net other day" - 8800 GTS G92
"I like to spend some dough and want games to shine on my new monitor." - 9800 GTX
"I want to kick everyone's ass in benches and FPS." "Bring it on- Crysis." "I have a tattoo that reads SLI" - 9800 GX2 or 8800 GTX - possibly with SLI

"Held breath waiting for upgrade to 8800GTX, Died Months Ago"..
Im not so much referring to buying the initial card from EVGA, but the fact that EVGA Chargest $10 more, which you have to pay when you step up TO the 9800GTX.

I already have an 8800GTS I purchased from Newegg.

YEP. That's my problem with stepup right now.
"I like to spend some dough and want games to shine on my new monitor." - 9800 GTX

thats me more or less but i ave a 1680 res. which is the best card for that res?
The prices look good but I don't see any reason to update my current gaming rig.
I could see buying a low end version of the 9xxx series for my HTPC in the future.
I will probably upgrade my 8800 GT to the 9800 GTX, preferably to one of the manufacturer-OC'ed versions that come out next week. I thought that the 8800 GT would be fine for what I wanted to do. But seeing Crysis on High or Very High in person is another thing entirely, and it's hard to lower the settings once your eyes have adjusted.

Benchmark results look like I stand to gain 20% or so at 1280*1024, which is significant when the FPS baseline for Very High is somewhere in the high teens to low 20s. At that level, the improvement is immediately noticeable, which is worth it to me. And, although no one benchmarks cards at 720p, which I actually prefer while routing my second DVI out to my HDTV, I imagine that the improvement would be similar, bumping me from 25-32fps on the first level into the 30s more consistently.
I don't know but the Ati 3870 X2 is starting to look more sweet to me then a 8800Ultra!!!! As is the performance is much better then the Ultra and alot Cheaper!!!

But so far right now....my XFX 8600GTS is doing me fine:p!!!
Not me, waiting for the real generation to come out. I'm fine with my 8800 640MB GTS at the moment.

I'm with you on that, no point in going 98xx or 99xx for that matter since the 88xx cards are like q6600, they just do the job for now. I rather spend money more RAM or more drives for raid speeds.
I'm with you on that, no point in going 98xx or 99xx for that matter since the 88xx cards are like q6600, they just do the job for now. I rather spend money more RAM or more drives for raid speeds.

I agree with you on that one!!! Better to spend more on other parts when you've already got a good/decent CPU or GPU!!!