Who's getting sick of upgrading their video card?

the expense of upgrading is not that bad if you buy the best card and sell it before the value drops. buy a card for $600 sell the old one for $250- it cost $350 to upgrade- no too bad
I'm always trying to buy a new card in my head... rationalizing $300 for more frames and higher settings. But until the price yields seriously dramatic difference OR I have money to throw around... I won't let myself spend.
i could careless about starving kids in the 3rd world. fuck them. :eek:.

i pay for what i get. downright capitalistic mofo.
If there was a way to turn my money into aid that would assist starving nations in sustaining themselves and not merely foodstuffs that would be intercepted and sold on the black market by those people's own government or African gangs then, sure, I would give up upgrading so often to help starving people.
^ wow, wow, wow, wow. So lets say your in Africa, in Ethiopia. And you have Mcdonals for 500 hundred people. Option 1:give the mcdonalds to everybody. Option 2: Keep all of the Mcdonalds for yourseld. Which one would you do?
The post I made had a slight error which has been pointed out. It was a 7800 GTX. Hats
off to scout007 for finding my error. Who said he was useless, we found his talent.
I own a 6800GT, and bought it when it launched. I recently bought a Xbox 360, and let me say.. I have no plans on upgrading my computer for atleast another year or two.

360 ftw!
JediFonger said:
i could careless about starving kids in the 3rd world. fuck them. :eek:.
i pay for what i get. downright capitalistic mofo.

Really, really bad karma for that. Even if joking.
boomheadshot45 said:
^ wow, wow, wow, wow. So lets say your in Africa, in Ethiopia. And you have Mcdonals for 500 hundred people. Option 1:give the mcdonalds to everybody. Option 2: Keep all of the Mcdonalds for yourseld. Which one would you do?

Not buy mcdonalds for a start, i couldn't care less about what happens in africa. sure it's a shame but I have my own life to worry about.

As for the video cards, well the last card i had was a 9800 pro, then i got a 7800gtx...and i prolly won't upgrade till dx10, sure it ain't cheap but you get what you pay for, i have a 360 and it's nice, but when i come off a 360 game i sure as hell miss quality AA/AF in my games.
i learned long ago that if you want the best...you have to pay for it really. D=
LordBritish said:
May be i'm getting old but I'm getting tired of upgrading my video card.

I'll be getting a 7950GX2 soon to replace my 7900GTX.

I only had my 7900GTX for less than 3 months - lol.

Anyhow, it seems the upgrading treadmill never ends :(

I will hereby announce that I will not upgrade my video card or anything else in my computer for at least 2 years or until some game comes out that requires me to upgrade - whichever comes first.

So you buy the most expensive card as soon as it's released, every time, regardless of the necessity of the purchase. Yet you're "tired" of upgrading.

A+ thread.
Yeah, I got tired of it. Because of that, I reversed my trend and went back to my old computer, which is fast enough for meh.

I'll upgrade when it'll actually make a difference - ie, Kentsfield, DX10, and Vista.
Not for me at least. I don't buy the top of the line card, but buying a midrange refresh every year or so has kept me happy.
I might upgrade when the nVidia 9800GTX/9850GX2 or X900GTX/X950GX2 "seeing how nVidia naming system is going". But imma hold out on buying a new card till my 7800GTX's cant play/handle games anymore. I might not upgrade for another 5-6 years cause i really wont have time to game anymore. :(
this thread is the reson why i dont try to keep up with the latest technology.
ReDgUaRd008 said:
I might upgrade when the nVidia 9800GTX/9850GX2 or X900GTX/X950GX2 "seeing how nVidia naming system is going". But imma hold out on buying a new card till my 7800GTX's cant play/handle games anymore. I might not upgrade for another 5-6 years cause i really wont have time to game anymore. :(

5-6 years!? That might be pushing the limits a bit. I couldn't handle having a system 2 years old. Then again, that'll probably fit into the release date of the next MS desktop OS.
vtx7 said:
this thread is the reson why i dont try to keep up with the latest technology.

lol you says this but id like to point out the lappy in vtx7's sig

Inspiron 9400 / Core Duo T2500 / go7800 / 2x1024 DDR2 677 / 17" WUXGA+ w/ Truelife

seems pretty new to me.
Mr. Miyagi said:
Not for me at least. I don't buy the top of the line card, but buying a midrange refresh every year or so has kept me happy.

That is an really smart thing to do and it's what i reviously always did for the most part since i has a scalable CRT, but now that WS LCD's with 16:10 AR are the hot new thing to game on midrange is no longer and option for me to consider.
LittleMe said:
5-6 years!? That might be pushing the limits a bit. I couldn't handle having a system 2 years old. Then again, that'll probably fit into the release date of the next MS desktop OS.

I think a bi-yearly upgrade is reasonable.... Playing World of Warcraft on a Geforce2 mx isn't a good time to me (despite the fact it makes the min. specs.).
What is killing everyone is the people with more money than since.
The top in cards were all $300 or there abouts, then we see a $399 card
wtf is that...damn

now all cards are $500 + when they are introduced and you need to be the greatest
so you spend it...for what 2fps ?
SO you can get on here and say I have one you loosers don't?

IF people would quit paying this crap for nothing more than an updated card the prices would not be this high.

BUT like everything else in the country stupidy and money seem to find each other and part real fast.

^ what are you talking about. People who buy the top of the line cards, are into gaming or thats one of their hobbys. Its like going to a classic car show. People will spend thousands and tens of thousands andd maybe 100 k on their corvette, mustang, etc. Those people are interested in cars and they love them.
boomheadshot45 said:
^ what are you talking about. People who buy the top of the line cards, are into gaming or thats one of their hobbys. Its like going to a classic car show. People will spend thousands and tens of thousands andd maybe 100 k on their corvette, mustang, etc. Those people are interested in cars and they love them.

Value actually retains on *some* cars :p only thing on a computer that retains value is the case, and perhaps watercooling parts.

so basicly looks and cooling, everything else in a computer is disposable with in a couple years.

But what do I know, I'm a crazy bastard that gives up food for computer parts
I upgrade all the time, but never to the newest, because for every person who can't resist the compulsion to buy the latest & greatest there's always those of us willing to get it from them later ... at half the price. It's quite predictable.
I got an idea, let's all not buy the latest $600 video card and force the manufacturers to sell it at a more reasonable $300

Who's gunna start?
Last upgrade I did was my 5900XT to a 7800 GTX, pretty big difference, but I got that 7800 like 1-2 months ago so I got it really cheap (around..$250ish?). I think the most I can ever see spending on a video card is $300 and thats pushing it. Only upgrade when its really worth it is what I go by, saved a lot of money that way. I know some people who had the same card as me and they went up to a 6600GT, then a 6800GT, then a 7800 GTX, now they are onto the 7950GX2. Whats the point in that?
sparks said:
What is killing everyone is the people with more money than since.
The top in cards were all $300 or there abouts, then we see a $399 card
wtf is that...damn

now all cards are $500 + when they are introduced and you need to be the greatest
so you spend it...for what 2fps ?
SO you can get on here and say I have one you loosers don't?

IF people would quit paying this crap for nothing more than an updated card the prices would not be this high.

BUT like everything else in the country stupidy and money seem to find each other and part real fast.


too many factors to blame it on just one. inflation, R&D, and costs to manufactor are just a few of the overheads.

your last reply was quite interesting. i had a slight pause and thought hmmmm if everyone thought like this person our world would be in limbo. there's nothing wrong with someone who can afford these cards or not. in the end, its all up to the individual, if it was worth it more power to you.

i havent been playing many games that made me feel its time to upgrade until oblivion... 3ghz/6800gt and its pretty bad @1280x even 1028x res and settings above medium with HDR enabled it can go down to 1-5fps with fraps on. on the avg its about 25fps which isnt bad for me with a single player game ive grown to accept it for now. since i'm not willing to just upgrade a videocard for just a game.

im still holding out and we'll see what happens in the next 6-12months.
LordBritish said:
I got an idea, let's all not buy the latest $600 video card and force the manufacturers to sell it at a more reasonable $300

Who's gunna start?
lol they're already doing that with the 7900GT. If you want to pay more you can get more. there's no way in hell nvidia could afford to sell SLI 7950 GX2s for 300, so more likely if nobody spent more than 300 on graphics tech, the faster option would just not become available until later on when manufacturing processes mature a bit more.

that said, i'm personally sick of upgrading all the time. i don't plan on doing it unless nvidia releases something much better than 7800 sli for much cheaper than 300. so that's gonna be awhile.
I tell you what I'm sick of...

...waiting for the G80's!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah, we're all tired of waiting for R1billion billion billion and Ggazillion gazillion gazillion.

times infinity++ in a loop.
Videocard seem to have jumped from a $400 top end to a $600 (USD)+ top end literally overnight. I am done with pc gaming for awhile. I might change my mind later, but its just too damn expensive for my tastes. (maybe I'm getting old :O )

Currently have a 7800gt. Hope it lasts for awhile.
Still plugging along with an X800XL, came from 9600XT before that. Lemme know when they make a card better than my X800XL that doesn't require an external power connector.
oh yeah....

i don't think anyone's made this comment yet...

there's no one asking you to upgrade. so ... damned if you do, damned if you don't, etc.

back in the voodoo3 days, $200 was the "top of the top". the only budget that'd break the bank is if people bought $400-500 worth of v2 SLI cards =).

PS my issue has more 2do with matching GPU's with CPU's since i tend to buy older gen cards. i've matched my current dual MP2800 w/ti-4600 pretty well. i've also matched my x850x pe w/xp-m 2.3ghz CPU pretty well. it's a nice pairing.

i have a 9800xt that i dunno what to do with =(. hate selling it since it's the last gen of r300. i'd like to plug it in a s939 microATX like the Asus one... but i always feel that it will be unevenly paired since the 939 will be GPU limited
I'm still on a GeForce 6600GT. Before that I had a Radeon 9200. I go a long time between upgrades; my bank account is happier that way. ;)
I am sorry if I sounded like I was calling everyone who upgraded their video card an idiot.
I was NOT.
I was saying that the more we see people upgrade every time there is something revamped
it just tells the vendors...we will buy anything at any cost...I GOT TO HAVE IT


and if you will look there is NOTHING NEW !!!!


it just the same old S#$% add a little more to the core clock and call it the whoop ass
or more memory speed and call it the kick ass

then they send the boards to review sites......think for a sec...They get 4 free cards...man this is the greatest experience in my life...you need to buy 2

yea right

nothing new, nothing inovative...same old S#$%

for a couple of hundred out of your pocket

if you need to upgrade please do...if you are upgrading to keep up with the number throwing idiots....D O N T

ps I can buy any card or anything I NEED.....<<<check that word

not just because joe six pack tells me how kick ass his system is now that he went from a 7900GTX to a 7900GTX +

and it only cost him an extra $300 after he sold his old junker card
WOW he is up 1 fps in far cry

just my opinion

I'd have to agree, only upgrade to what you need, not what you'd always like to have. When I went with the 3007wfp, I knew cards were going to cost me a lot to keep playable framerates, thus, I need the fastest cards I can get as games move along. People upgrading just to have it, that's a waste of money.
LOL, I'm planning on keeping my X850XT PE for years. Before that (with my old computer), I had a Hercules Kyro II which lasted me like four years. I upgrade my computer all at once, meaning it's basically the same computer for five years until I get a whole new one. This might have to do with my limited budget, however...

Not like I could upgrade my X850XT PE anyway, though, since it's AGP... :)
pwmk2, i got a x850xt pe as well. it's served me well so far! i can play CSS at the highest res w/all eye candy no problems.
Well, I just did it and upgraded my Sapphire gto2 (unlocked and oced to faster the 850xtpe) to a EVGA 7900GT KO. This is mainly for cs:s because the 34 people servers I wanted 100+ constant fps. Can't wait to oc it and maybe volt mod it.
LordBritish said:
May be i'm getting old but I'm getting tired of upgrading my video card.

I'll be getting a 7950GX2 soon to replace my 7900GTX.

I only had my 7900GTX for less than 3 months - lol.

Anyhow, it seems the upgrading treadmill never ends :(

I will hereby announce that I will not upgrade my video card or anything else in my computer for at least 2 years or until some game comes out that requires me to upgrade - whichever comes first.

My question to you is why did you upgrade from what you had before the 7900gtx? I'm sure it was pleanty capable of playing the same games at reasonable resolutions / detail as both the 7900gtx and 7950gx2. I'm not a fan of "refresh" products that add nothing other than a little more performance over last generation and supporting the new trend of $600 video cards.