Who's playing ET:QW?

Considering you couldn't figure out how to avoid repeating the starter dungeon in Oblivion by creating a save game spot before the exit, it's not surprising you don't have the mental facilities to play ETQW.

The mental facilities to play an id game?

What, are you a genius because you know your times tables also?

Way to be a stalker.
Read the reviews. The gameplay is deep.

I was just blown away someone had to make a thread on how not to repeat the starter dungeon.
Read the reviews. The gameplay is deep.

I was just blown away someone had to make a thread on how not to repeat the starter dungeon.

You might want to go through your created threads, where you'll find such gems as;

"I found this new ipconfig /all command but now when I use it it only pops up for half a second."

"How do I forward torrent ports????"

A little hypocritical there. Not everyone knows everything, going through someones posts is a shining example of character.
The Oblivion dungeon thing is common sense dude. Now please get out of this thread. You have no reason to be here.
The Oblivion dungeon thing is common sense dude. Now please get out of this thread. You have no reason to be here.

As the original post was "Just want to see if this game was worth buying" - I have just as much of a reason to be here to say "no" as you do to say "yes."

At least I didn't go through the ENTIRE thread responding to /every/ single person who wrote "no," like you did.

People have their opinions, you're free to yours, I'm free to mine.

Stop the personal attacks.
The game is a ton of fun. Of course Wolf ET is one of my favorite games ever.
i cant stand that there are 1400 servers but only 5 - 6 real ppl playing spread across the 50 "acceptable latency" servers. Killing bots doesnt give me the same kind of erection that killing real people does. Anyone up for a Hawaii Clan? (excludes mainlanders) 41 dollars of my hard earned money is not going to waste!
i cant stand that there are 1400 servers but only 5 - 6 real ppl playing spread across the 50 "acceptable latency" servers. Killing bots doesnt give me the same kind of erection that killing real people does. Anyone up for a Hawaii Clan? (excludes mainlanders) 41 dollars of my hard earned money is not going to waste!

During the beta/demo I had a problem where all of the low population servers would show up very quickly in the server search, but it would take 2-6 minutes for the actual servers with 15-32 people to show up. My friends never had the problem, so I never really looked into it though, refresh the list and wait until it actually gives you the option for a New List.. as opposed to "Refreshing."
i cant stand that there are 1400 servers but only 5 - 6 real ppl playing spread across the 50 "acceptable latency" servers. Killing bots doesnt give me the same kind of erection that killing real people does. Anyone up for a Hawaii Clan? (excludes mainlanders) 41 dollars of my hard earned money is not going to waste!

ha! come to Eu then, packed servers and more keep appearing!!!!

Also the game only came out in EU last fri, US last mon, steam soon.
It is staggered release (prob to not DDoS auth server) and also no quite end of month so ppl prob not got money (unless you are a spoilt little kid who get mommy to get you want you want when you want it)
I was questioning buying it, but I am so glad I did. It's a shit load of fun and I want to keep playing.
I found that comment to be funny, apparently you're not a fan of dry humor. :]

You stated your point. You don't like the game. Fine. No reason to come back dropping one liners trying to stir up shit. You really don't have anything else better to do with your time ?
i cant stand that there are 1400 servers but only 5 - 6 real ppl playing spread across the 50 "acceptable latency" servers.

There is something up with the in game server browser. I was playing this afternoon and it was only showing 90 ppl worldwide ! I direct connected to one of my favorites, the server was packed, and played for an hour.

That server rebooted so I dropped back into the browser to find another game. Same deal, it was showing something like 100 people online. I kept refreshing the list, and after 3-4 trys, all of a sudden about 40 well populated <100 ping servers popped up and it showed around 2000 players connected. So until it's fixed, I think it's best to use a 3rd party server browser. Quake 4 had the same problem. Very unreliable browser.
I picked it up on a whim while at Fry's for 37.99. I have to say it's a damn fun game and I have been playing it for hours each day. I usually get bored with games after a hour or so if that tells you anything.
Ok I found out a solution to the browser problem. Go into the filter menu and tell it to display ranked servers only. You'll get an accurate list every time. I only play on ranked servers. If you don't specify a preference, I don't know why it wouldn't show all of the ranked servers along with the unranked, but apparently there is a bug. So if you don't set the preference to display only ranked servers, the browser only sees a small percentage of all the servers online. Weird.
I picked it up on a whim while at Fry's for 37.99. I have to say it's a damn fun game and I have been playing it for hours each day. I usually get bored with games after a hour or so if that tells you anything.

This tells me that it's one of the games that I wouldn't play for very long. If I don't feel like I have the potential drive to play the game all night under the right circumstances, much less for longer than an hour at a time, then that game is probably well below the great games I tend to gravitate to. Take TF2 for instance. That's the first game since Quake 3 that I've been able to sit down and play for 4 or 5 hours consecutively and not get tired of it. ETQW just gets tedious and repetitive and boring.
The main reason I bought it is because my clan is playing it, and will be competing in it. I really don't know what happened from all the pre-release hype to it's release. I was thinking it was going to be bigger then 2142 and a bunch of other BS. It's not a bad game by any means but really I don't see anything special about it. It would be good for competition but without a huge pubbing audience the interest will probably die. I think some of the maps are just way to linear especially the demo map valley. I thought there would be real innovation but all they really did was blend together all the other multiplayer game modes such as CTF, Search and Destroy, other basic things too like escorting, attack, and defense. The main thing they failed at is the release date, they released it about a year after 2142. Not only did they release it so far after their main competing product but it's going to be crushed by Unreal 3 and all the other big holiday games.
I picked it up on a whim while at Fry's for 37.99. I have to say it's a damn fun game and I have been playing it for hours each day. I usually get bored with games after a hour or so if that tells you anything.

Same here, picked it while it was on sale. But with all the good things about TF2 and seeing all these other FPS's on the horizon, I really wonder how much longer Quake is gonna be active on my comp.