[WHS] How to find out which HD a file belongs to?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 23, 2008
A hard drive seems to be failing; similiar symptoms to a prior fail so I'm being extra cautious. Alert regarding a certain file duplication problem popped up; now I know which file it is, but how do I pin point which hard drive the file belongs to? Save from pulling 16 drives out (if I'm unlucky) and browsing through them...
1. RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) to your WHS.
2. Open a command prompt window and just navigate to each folder representing a drive under C:\fs folder (ie. Navigate to C:\fs\1A\DE\ and use the command "Tree /f". It will display the tree with all the filenames in each subfolder).

You could even redirect the output to a text file (Tree /f >C:\tree_D.txt) or even to a printer (Tree /f >PRN).

After you can search your files (for example C:\tree_D.txt) for files you need

To browse individual disks using Windows Explorer just navigate to C:\fs folder and you will see all your drives.......

Better way shown here:

Hope it helped.
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Thanks, I'll have this for reference next time; drive just went kaputt, can't even get the desktop to read it. This marks the ... 3rd WD drive to fail in 1 or 2 years.
I use an addon called duplicator. I think that's what it's called. Maybe Duplication info. Works even if you don't have duplication enabled.
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