WHS: Manually Removing A Disk With Conflicts And Cloning/replacing Sys Drive


Apr 9, 2007
So I have been having file conflicts when trying to remove one of my drives (WD 1TB Green EACS) only 3 files that had no significant meaning**. I tried manually deleting them only to find I couldn't see them. So I moved all of the data off the disk manually, shutdown and pulled the drive.

**Technically it shouldn't matter if I deleted (aka removed the drive) one copy of them since the folder they were in is a duplication folder**

Obviously now I have a missing drive in my server storage (I did replace the space with a WD 1TB black FALS (to accompany the 4 others)

Is it safe to remove the Green from my storage pool list now?

My second concern is that my Sys drive is also a WD 1TB EACS green (I really hate these effing drives) and I find performance to suffer, i have another cold spare WD 1TB Black FALS and I am thinking of pulling the sys drive and doing a clone in my desktop and replacing the Green drive.

has anyone had success/failure doing this? any cloning software work better than another?

This is semi temporary until Vail hits, then I will be migrating there (what a joy thats going to be...)