WHS Power Pack1


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2007
I just got invited to join the beta for PP1. I was wondering if anyone had installed it successfully. They told me i should back up my files, or install it on a separate dev machine but i don't really want to do either of those. I would like to try it out, what have other people experienced??
Installed just fine on my "production" server. I can now backup my Vista 64 machine, which is very nice. The only problem I had was with some poorly written add-ins (using undocumented features). Easy fix, tho.

Installed the connector SW on a Vista 64, Vista 32 and XP home machine, w/o a problem.

I honestly can't say that I tried to intentionally break it. I'm certainly do not plan on restoring a machine just for the heck of it, as I simply don't have extra computerrs laying around for these kind of tests.

But you must remember that this is Beta SW. If you don't care about potentially losing unreplaceable data, go for it. In my case, I did burn a bunch of DVD's of stuff that I did not want to lose in case the s**t hit the fan.
very true, i did test the beta of WHS and i luckly never had any major corruption issues, but with them possibly fixing the corruption issue that may have introduced a new problem who knows.

Anyway i dont really have much time to burn about 500gigs worth of files onto DVDs so i will just hold off utnill release.
Is anyone getting very bad download speeds when downloading from their WHS box??

I am getting around 20kb - 100kb is about the max....

Comcast said my rating is about 5mb... lol and i checked speedtest.net and my up is around 2mb.... sooo yeah i was wondering if anyone else was having this problem..

Have they said anything in PP1 about improving download speed

Also another question about PP1

I am getting regular drops with my website... about every other week my website will go down and my WHS console tells me that i have a port forwarding problem... I have not figured out a resolution for this yet but what i usually do is restart iis and the WHS box itself, as well as "Turning Off" the websites in the Console. After doing this a couple times it usually comes back up but sometimes it doesnt, in which case i just give it a couple days then try again... =/

has anyone else had this problem... and again will they be addressing it in PP1??
my whs box is running smooth with just a few glitches that have nothing to do with the OS its self.

Websites always running fine unless I do some playing with my router. I made up a nice domain name and forwarded it to my server address so I share with people.
What do you mean....

Right now im just using what MS gave me which is the http://[name].homeserver.com

is that what you mean?

You can forward a domain you purchased to your IP address, then forward ports 443, 80, 4125 to your WHS on your router for remote access. I think MS gives you [name].homserver.com for free, but you don't have to use it.
Okay i understand what your saying. Yeah im going to stick with free.... lol

So maybe it has something to do with the dns??