WHS server down; won't boot up; new mobo ordered. Anything I should know? I'm freaking out.


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
I've had my trusty WHS server for many years with 8 drives. Never had any trouble with the drive extender or anything else. Then yesterday, I try accessing it and see that it's off the network. I look and power is off. It won't turn on.

I tried changing the power supply and nothing. The CPU fan starts briefly but immedialy stops after a quarter of a second or a half a second. The machine won't boot up.

I ordered a new mobo and CPU but they don't make the 870iCafe mobo I had in it. I'm using 6 SATA drives on the mobo and 2 from an eSATA card.

Am I going to be okay with just changing the mobo? Or, am I in trouble here? My thoughts are to turn on the new mobo with a different trial hard drive and going to the BIOS and turning on ALL SATA ports and making sure it sees the eSATA card. But, will the WHS OS freak out when it boots on a different mobo?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!
any amd board will work hell any board should work the only issue i can see is going to be activation.

you are just using the sata as a pass-through so the drive extender is addressing the discs as a disk and not as an array.

and if v1 is anything like v2 your server will have a disk or whatever devoted to backing up the os drive if it took a dump.
any amd board will work hell any board should work the only issue i can see is going to be activation.

you are just using the sata as a pass-through so the drive extender is addressing the discs as a disk and not as an array.

and if v1 is anything like v2 your server will have a disk or whatever devoted to backing up the os drive if it took a dump.

I'm was in the process of moving the data this month to a new server anyhow, but it just sucks that this literally happened almost at the same time that I was going to move everything to a different machine.

Yeah, my worry is that WHS OS will crap out in same way, shape, or form, when I plug everything into the new motherboard and boot up for the first time.

I am almost tempted to order the same exact mobo, but I only found 1 and it's in South Korea :(
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MOBO IS FINE!! Just unplugged all 8 drives and decided to try one last time with a new 650W PSU. IT WORKS!!! Soooo happy!! The motherboard boots up fine. Tried the old 700W PSU and it doesn't work. Guess the PSU is dead.

Now, when I reconnect all 8 drives, the 650W doesn't work. I'm guessing the start-up wattage is too high.

Looking to buy a new PSU now. 700W probably got burnt out and overloaded. I have 8 drives and no video card. I thought 700W would be enough :eek: