Why 3D is not done this way?

The only reason that the targets appear to have depth is because you're moving your head, not because your eyes are seeing 2 different viewpoints; it's just a 2D image giving you an illusion. A real 3D image shouldn't require you to move your head for it to look 3D.

Imagine if you wanted this illusion when you play a game, you'd have to keep moving your head around ;) This also wouldn't work for movies; you can't move the camera's position in a movie with headtracking.
I agree with the post above me, it would require more movement and such, but to me this example of "3D" is much more involving and realistic then everything on the screen just popping out at you. Whats the point of the more traditional 3D anyways?
Yeah it's pretty immersive if the game allows/requires you to move around like that. Check out FreeTrack, it's an application that lets you use your webcam for headtracking in many games.

I find normal 3D to be very immersive during movies with polarized glasses. Even when just trying games out in anaglyph mode, ignoring the colour problems you can get a really convincing 3D effect. Having both proper 3D (non-anaglyph) and headtracking at the same time would be awesome. You'd get the immersion of the scene changing as you move your head around, with the real 3D visual aspect too!
This doesn't offer any added 3D effect over the kind of 3D we game with every day, but it does over a psychosomatic benefit, from tying the scene to your head movement (with the biggest effect coming from giving you a central motion reference point, just like in real life), and that certainly improves the illusion, but in a way like Need for Speed Shift does with its physics based driver, and not like Avatar 3D or some other stereoscopic 3D interpretation.

Still its sweet, and I've seen videos of something like this applied to ARMA II and it is awesome.

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About the ARMA II video, it looks like the headtracking doesn't give any 3D impression and the player's eyes are still looking at the centre of the screen eventhough the head is turning. I think that a technology like Eyefinity is better if you want to see more at the sides of your head.
About the ARMA II video, it looks like the headtracking doesn't give any 3D impression and the player's eyes are still looking at the centre of the screen eventhough the head is turning. I think that a technology like Eyefinity is better if you want to see more at the sides of your head.

Yeah its only tracking head movement. And I think it would give a better impression in person. Eyefinity would work great with this! I think its a waste to have head tracking and no peripheral vision.
This pseudo 3D effect (2.5D maybe?) also only works for one person
This pseudo 3D effect (2.5D maybe?) also only works for one person

Ya but it works fairly effectively, and in many cases one person is all you need. I'm hoping we do indeed see this brought out for computers and see some support for it. No, it isn't as good as full 3D, but you can do it with your existing display, and it doesn't require a lot of extra GPU power (since all you do is move things around). It is a cool technology in the interm of real 3D, and actually might be useful as well with 3D shutter glasses to present even more realism.
The DesktopVR effect is pretty cool, but it is no replacement for a true stereoscopic 3D display. I actually developed a similar demo to Johnny Lee and tested it on my 3D monitor (Zalman Trimon). Its a really cool effect, for sure, but even without the headtracking it still looks cool in 3D. There is actually a 3D driver, the TriDef Ignition driver, that has headtracking support and 3D visuals. Its still in the alpha stages so it doesn't work too well yet, but people are trying this type of stuff. Put really, if you want a 3D effect in your games there is no replacement for getting a 3D monitor like the Zalman Trimon or Nvidia 3D Vision. Anything less is just a cheap trick and not true 3D.