Why are chieftec cases so hard to find?


Oct 17, 2005
Newegg doesn't carry them anymore, and actually I can only find one place that carries a couple of them?

Did they merge with another company or something?
try looking for chenming brand cases. same quality, same manufacturer i believe.
You also might want to look at TigerDirect.com, Antec cases were pretty much the same for a while too. Ultra, Chenming, Cheiftec, Antec and I think one more were all the exact same.
on my bros chenming case the only place it says chenming was on the box. all the markings on the case itself are chieftec. same cases
I've got a TA-10BD if you want it. j/k:p

You wouldn't want it anyways it was my first "mod" case and has more holes than a sift ;).