Why are people still buying 256MB cards?

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Jun 14, 2003
IMO most people buying a 7800GT 256MB (or the ATI equivalent) are budget gamers. Gamers that will hold onto this hardware for the long haul (2-3yrs). But if so, why not buy a 512MB card since it will last longer? Sure it costs more, but you will have more fun with it.

I guess one could say "well in 1yr I plan on putting the $200 I saved by getting the 7800GT into another mediocre card."
Ummm because 512meg wasn't available last year when I upgraded? Maybe I don't run AA or AF so I don't need the extra memory as bad? Maybe I don't see the cost justifcation yet in 256megs vs 512meg in reviews?

Maybe, just MAYBE some people are on a budget and can't afford a $600 card? Maybe some people have higher priorties like bills, family, children and other stuff beyond pc gaming equipment?

Don't have that problem? Great! Splurge on overpriced new equipment until the end of time. Just don't look down on people who have different priorties in life or lower budgets then you.

/start sarcasm

Damn, maybe I shouldn't buy a used Honda Accord, I should really get that Mclaren F1 cause by God, its just better. Oh yeah...thats right. I CAN"T AFFORD IT!!!

/end sarcasm
Dude, A 128MB Leadtek 6800LE? What a piece of crap. Why not be a real man? :rolleyes:
1. 512mb wasn't available when I purchased my video card. (I always seem to purchase gear at the wrong time)
2. Because my 256mb can handle my games just fine.
Maybe because there are very, very few instances with games that are out now where that 512meg card performs any better than a card with 256megs.

Having that extra cash for booze is always nice. Some of us have other habits to feed.

Scream And Fly said:

I guess my 256MB 7800GTX is weeeaakkk now. Crap, time to upgrade already. :rolleyes:

Lets cry together! Damnit...if only the 512meg was out last August I wouldn't feel like such a tool.... :(
I don't think anyone with a 7800GTX, even a 256mb version (oh my!), would be considered a 'budget gamer'. Quite the opposite really.
Coldtronius said:
Lets cry together! Damnit...if only the 512meg was out last August I wouldn't feel like such a tool.... :(

Screw that, I won't settle for anything less than 1GB on my card so I can play Unreal 1 nice and smooth. Anything less is pathetic. :D
to echo what another poster commented on, what's up with your rig? for someone talking about 7800GTs, your stats are pretty skanky. kinda like a homeless lady asking why people wear cashmere when mink coats are so much nicer.
BurntToast said:
IMO most people buying a 7800GT 256MB (or the ATI equivalent) are budget gamers. Gamers that will hold onto this hardware for the long haul (2-3yrs). But if so, why not buy a 512MB card since it will last longer? Sure it costs more, but you will have more fun with it.

I guess one could say "well in 1yr I plan on putting the $200 I saved by getting the 7800GT into another mediocre card."

If you did the research you'd find that most of the time a 256 card VS a 512 there really isn't a big difference in performance, little if any in most cases.

Also if your running SLi and you have 2 X 256 cards then it's almost, kind of like having a 512 card.. Well....Not really.

....... Asshat
Scream And Fly said:
Screw that, I won't settle for anything less than 1GB on my card so I can play Unreal 1 nice and smooth. Anything less is pathetic. :D

OMGZ mans!! Like when it was LOotzer back in da dayzors mine P2 233 *4evOR!* and Voodoo 2 was purrre utter crapzors! I needed that Voodoos 5 5500 and P3 Xeons for ubORnezz!!!
Guys, this guy has a 128MB 6800LE. How the heck would he know how good a 256MB vs. 512 card is?

Oh, he read it.. :rolleyes:
Scream And Fly said:
Guys, this guy has a 128MB 6800LE. How the heck would he know how good a 256MB vs. 512 card is?

Oh, he read it.. :rolleyes:

Just now noticed his case specs in the sig.

Yellow Turbo Kitty Case 2x120mm 2x80mm

Thats gayer then Richard Simmons sucking the cream out of a twinkie.
Coldtronius said:
Just now noticed is case specs in the sig.

Yellow Turbo Kitty Case 2x120mm 2x80mm

Thats gayer then Richard Simmons sucking the cream out of a twinkie.

LOL... Thank you Coldtronius, that just make my week and probably my weekend! :) HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Coldtronius said:
Just now noticed his case specs in the sig.

Yellow Turbo Kitty Case 2x120mm 2x80mm

Thats gayer then Richard Simmons sucking the cream out of a twinkie.

wait I'm not Done

2 Days later...

Yellow Kitt.. HAHAHAHAHA
Well, look who is talking...a 128MB 6800LE? Get a 512MB card, and then we'll talk. :rolleyes:And by the way, nice yellow Kitty case. :confused: :(
Scream And Fly said:
Guys, this guy has a 128MB 6800LE. How the heck would he know how good a 256MB vs. 512 card is?

Oh, he read it.. :rolleyes:

probably one of those guys who thinks that more ram = better card..

"asshat :rolleyes: ".. agreed.
I like that insult...
He's and asshat!

Got to add the :rolleyes: or it's not the same!
BurntToast said:
IMO most people buying a 7800GT 256MB (or the ATI equivalent) are budget gamers. Gamers that will hold onto this hardware for the long haul (2-3yrs). But if so, why not buy a 512MB card since it will last longer? Sure it costs more, but you will have more fun with it.

I guess one could say "well in 1yr I plan on putting the $200 I saved by getting the 7800GT into another mediocre card."

because dude. there isnt a single game out there needing on board 512mb. and there wont be for a while. 512 is a total waste. the only reason it scores higher in 3dmark is cuz of the higher clock frequecnes.

plus the 7800GTX 512's supply was backed up for miles, on its release.

and your forgetting about the sli-ers. with two cards, two 512's is excessive..

btw nice case....
btw nice gfx card....
IMO most people buying a 7800GT 256MB (or the ATI equivalent) are budget gamers. Gamers that will hold onto this hardware for the long haul (2-3yrs). But if so, why not buy a 512MB card since it will last longer? Sure it costs more, but you will have more fun with it.

I guess one could say "well in 1yr I plan on putting the $200 I saved by getting the 7800GT into another mediocre card."
» Specs «
- - - - - - - -
Yellow Turbo Kitty Case 2x120mm 2x80mm

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