Why are you upgrading to rv870/g300?

May 8, 2008
Any reason in particular? I can't honestly think of any game pc game coming out within the next two years that won't run on max with current cards. And no I don't give a crap about running crysis at 60 fps.
Running Crysis at 60 fps.

Actually, I'm probably upgrading for winter folding. GT300 may very well be a 20k PPD/day monster of a chip. Plus: Rage. Overkill for that game, I'm sure, but it's good to run games with obscene amounts of AA.
Age of Conan 1920x1200, all goodies on, max drawing distance, 16xQ AA getting 25 fps... that's enough for me to upgrade for something faster. Yeah, could lower the details, but what for, when I get get new, faster card :) Besides, it's brand new technology , and new hardware is my hobby :)

(and going for 5870 series.... haven't used Ati since times of x800xl, so time to try it :p besides they will have the hardware faster then nVidia)
I'm always there with new tech as well... but these last 2 generations we've seem to come to a grinding halt in terms of improvement. Also I've yet to use more then 4x aa since I can't really see much improvement but that may be just due to bad eyes.
I have a 30" LCD and I upgrade almost every generation (sometimes skipping refreshed cards) so that I can have the best possible gaming experience. Even with older games I can't always run 2560x1600 with full details and still max the AA and AF. If I can get more performance in my older games then great. Mainly I do it for the newer titles.
Insane amount of IQ generaly.Supersampling AA,ultra high textures,mods,1920 x 1200 resolution.

Crysis,Stalker CS,Arma 2,Operation Flashpoint etc.
Clearly you don't care much about AA do you?
Oh, go play Arma 2 and Stalker Clear CS.
Do you frequent this site much? We are all hardware nerds, so what other reason do you need/ want to hear?!

So looking forward to the G300, I now the 8800GTX is a monster of a card, but the G300 is all shiny and new.
Any reason in particular? I can't honestly think of any game pc game coming out within the next two years that won't run on max with current cards. And no I don't give a crap about running crysis at 60 fps.

I'll probably upgrade in two years when the GPU is going to be $90.

Why? Because currently I can max out every single damn game, well except for GTA.
I'll probably upgrade in two years when the GPU is going to be $90.

Why? Because currently I can max out every single damn game, well except for GTA.

Don't forget Crysis, Arma 2, Age Of Conan.

Cant max them out either :p
In general because I'm a tech head and I love having new toys. Specifically because until I can run all games at 1920x1200 with 16x FSAA, at 60 fps solid, there is room for improvement.
I've still got a 8800GTS 320 that can run most games fine since I'm gaming at 14x9, although as time has passed I've definitely been clicking lower and lower in the selection lists for video setup in the games.

Obviously I'm about due, in fact I almost bit on the 4850, then the 250GTS.

I suspect I'll get whatever AMD has that's one notch above the 4770 this fall.
Clearly you don't care much about AA do you?
Oh, go play Arma 2 and Stalker Clear CS.

What this suppose to mean ?

I've still got a 8800GTS 320 that can run most games fine since I'm gaming at 14x9, although as time has passed I've definitely been clicking lower and lower in the selection lists for video setup in the games.

Obviously I'm about due, in fact I almost bit on the 4850, then the 250GTS.

I suspect I'll get whatever AMD has that's one notch above the 4770 this fall.

Aint worth to upgrade for that cards get GTX260 or 4870.
ii rarely if ever turn on AA with my 1GB 4870 @ 1920x1080 because im usually not happy if my fps drops below 60 at all.so i always want a better video card just too see if ill finally be happy with AA performance...
I want the new 5 series chips but i think Trifire will be more then enough for a 4.5+Ghz Core I5 rig
I got a 22" 1080p monitor that seems to choke my HD4850 something awful. I'm probably getting the HD5870.
I want the new 5 series chips but i think Trifire will be more then enough for a 4.5+Ghz Core I5 rig

What makes you think your going to get to 4.5ghz on a core i5? I'd say 4.0-4.2ghz will be its stable maximum on air and that's just speculation based on pre-release information off this site.
What makes you think your going to get to 4.5ghz on a core i5? I'd say 4.0-4.2ghz will be its stable maximum on air and that's just speculation based on pre-release information off this site.

Whats this thing called air? :D The I5 rig i plan on building will be on air till the day a 1156 mount is released :)
Whats this thing called air? :D The I5 rig i plan on building will be on air till the day a 1156 mount is released :)

Fair enough.

As for upgrading, I don't see these new gen 300 series cards beating out 285s in SLI, not even close.
its a hobby. and ive never been able to run crysis maxed since i always never have money for the top tier gear. this time though, that will change. been saving up.
Fair enough.

As for upgrading, I don't see these new gen 300 series cards beating out 285s in SLI, not even close.

This is what some site's were getting with the stock intel heatsink

Because you have to think that in the next 2-3 years games will probably start needing more horsepower. Plus, it's always nice to be able to play current and older games with more details and AA.
Just think about the first time you played Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Prey, or especially Far Cry. You were probably playing at 1024x768 with the details set to moderate, minimal/no AA, and were pulling maybe 40fps with vsync off.
Now think about how awesome you can make those games look and feel with everything jacked as high as possible. It'll be cool to be able to do that with our current crop of games.
Plus, if you're running things in high res on an HDTV or if you're anal about vsync like I am, it really helps to have all of the horsepower you can.
My GTX295 is over 9 months old and I am getting "the itch" :p.
Because my 9800 gtx+ is hardly one of the better current gen cards. I was going to opt for a 285 or something but, I'll be able to get something considerably better at a similar price so....I'll wait.
Folding. If the rumors are true and G300 has 512 shaders, it will be a ridiculous Folding beast from hell.
I cant play all the games maxed out at the moment and I want to.

Plus..... what caw2007 said :D and its been too long since my last upgrade!
Because my 9800 gtx+ is hardly one of the better current gen cards. I was going to opt for a 285 or something but, I'll be able to get something considerably better at a similar price so....I'll wait.

That's also something to take into account. Oftem times if you have to money at a new generation launch you might as well just go for the latest and greatest. It's worth the extra $50-100 to have a card that'll last longer...at least more often than not My 8800GTX still does an excellent job after 3 years. If I'd purchased a GeForce 7 series card, that wouldn't even be close to the case right now. Prior to that my Radeon 9800 pro lasted for years and years, too. As long as the new gen cards are a true leap up - it's worth it.