Why aren't my case fans turning on?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 29, 2008
So after ruining my older comp by spilling beer on it I finally ended up having to pretty much replace all the parts and now everything is working as it is, except for one thing. On my Antec P280 case (same one I used on my ruined PC, but bought a new one) none of the case fans turn on. Neither the two on the top or the one in the back. Any ideas?
Are they connected to the motherboard or PSU? Try the opposite of what they're currently connected to.
Looks like there is a fan power hub over rear fans (should have the rear and probably top fans (small 3 or 4 pin flat connector plugged into it. Look for a Molex connector inside the case near rear fans that will connect ro Molex from PS. Check section 2.3 (Kuhler liquid cooling) for better photos although cooling should be section 4.