Why buy S-PVA and S-IPS?


Dec 2, 2005
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops. It seems to me that S-PVA and S-IPS are the "compact discs" of the current generation, with CRT's being "vinyl", TN panels being "digital downloads", and OLED being Blu-Ray.
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops. It seems to me that S-PVA and S-IPS are the "compact discs" of the current generation, with CRT's being "vinyl", TN panels being "digital downloads", and OLED being Blu-Ray.

But maybe OLED will be DVD Audio and not really catch on? :)

(I certainly think LCD is a transitional product and that the next stuff is coming, but of course when and when will price points be low enough...)
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops. It seems to me that S-PVA and S-IPS are the "compact discs" of the current generation, with CRT's being "vinyl", TN panels being "digital downloads", and OLED being Blu-Ray.

Is OLED really around the corner? From what I understand, it'll be deployed in HDTVs first, then filter down to monitors. But I've read nothing that says when OLED will actually appear for consumers.
I've never been a big fan of LCD and waited years to see if something would come out to replace it (SED, OLED etc.) Finally bought a FP241VW (PVA, not sure S- or M-) and I'm very happy with it. Just remember, new techs like this are always "around the corner" so to speak, nobody knows when we'll be able to buy a 24" OLED for a reasonable price ...

Then again, I rip CD's to FLAC and download lossless tracks, so I can see where your analogy works. TN is good enough for most, I suppose.
Maybe some people don't care about getting the latest and greatest of technology all the time?
And I paid extra for an older PS3 that still supported SACD. :)
OLED's been "around the corner" for the five years I've been keeping track of it, possibly longer. I'm starting to think we'll have video display devices implanted into our brains before we get to see OLED on the shelves.
It's a technology/consumer game. Always the next thing announced and what do you do? Sit and wait for it while prices fall around you as you poo-poo the alleged inferior technology to wait for the more superior one later on? No, that would be foolish. You will always be chasing your tail and keeping up with the Joneses this way and it's completely not worth it.
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops.
Because I need a display now, not several years from now when OLEDs have matured enough to be as large, cheap and widely available as IPS panels.

Why buy OLED, when they're so obviously inferior to SED? And why buy SED when something else will be "just around the corner"? :rolleyes:

When I need something, I buy whatever meets my needs at the time while delivering the best value. A $2500 11" 960 x 540 OLED is hardly competitive with current panels.
Ya umm OLED has been Real Soon Now(tm) for at least 5 years at this point. If you need a screen, you usually need it now and can't wait a half decade or longer for it.

Also, when it first comes out, as with any new technology, it'll be real expensive.

When OLED is actually available as a computer monitor I can order from Newegg and the price is in the same realm as a good LCD (say not more than twice a good professional IPS panel) I'll have a look at it. However right now it is useless to me as I couldn't get it if I wanted.

So I suppose you can say "Why'd you buy that 26" LCD when OLED is coming?" Ok well maybe it is, however so far I've gotten a year of use from that LCD with no signs of OLED being available for a similar price. That year has not been worthless to me, nor will the years ahead while I wait for OLED.

If you are always waiting for the next big thing, you'll never buy anything. There's ALWAYS something new in the pipe. Like Blu-Ray? Ok great but they are already working on beyond HD resolutions. There are prototypes out there. Now realistically we aren't going to see it for a decade, but it it under development.
here is another person that has been waiting for at least 5 years already for a decent replacement of all LCD crap...

last 3 years i don't even have a monitor for my desktop anymore (or only a hardly readable broken crt, if you want to count that too)
i use my laptop with remote desktop connection as a "temporary" solution...
Yeah, well, OLED is being said to be around to corners for the last three years. I just guess there is a lot of traffic on that corner, or that there was a big accident, namely because of all those blind people who don't see that TN is garbage :p

@montana: I surely hope so. I would be glad to download an OLED screen in 48 hours with my 3Mbit ADSL line :D

But I don't get the topic title? Why buy IPS? Well, you want to do without a monitor :confused:

And I paid extra for an older PS3 that still supported SACD. :)

Huh? The newer ones don't support Super Audio CD? Too good quality to not allow you to listen it? You might copy it, iiew! ?
Yeah, well, OLED is being said to be around to corners for the last three years. I just guess there is a lot of traffic on that corner, or that there was a big accident, namely because of all those blind people who don't see that TN is garbage :p

@montana: I surely hope so. I would be glad to download an OLED screen in 48 hours with my 3Mbit ADSL line :D

But I don't get the topic title? Why buy IPS? Well, you want to do without a monitor :confused:

Huh? The newer ones don't support Super Audio CD? Too good quality to not allow you to listen it? You might copy it, iiew! ?

Yeah, they wanted to be able to use a cheaper optical drive or something. Thought I'd have to buy a used one, but a local store still had some old stock a few months ago...
Tell me where i can buy 24" OLED monitor?
Stealing one in an electronic show seems to be the only way to get one now...
Latest Crutchfield catalog I recieved has a Sony OLED - 11" panel for $2499. I remember using a 15 inch CRT and having to squint. An eleven inch panel seems little more than a conversation piece so one could brag about having a piece of the future today.

I still use a 19 inch CRT. I'm a stubborn man who gets his money out of something. This monitor is six years old but it still works alright for gaming. I am interested in possibly watching movies on the computer and I know that will warrant a new monitor so I'm watching the market as well hoping some new tech will cause current prices to plunge.
TN is the "mp3". It seems S-IPs and S-PVA are overpriced CD's right now - not really vinyl, but not blu-ray either a

@montana: I surely hope so. I would be glad to download an OLED screen in 48 hours with my 3Mbit ADSL line :D

But I don't get the topic title? Why buy IPS? Well, you want to do without a monitor :confused:

I guess my point is that all of the lcd tech seems to be flawed in one form or another. So why pay $1000+ for a flawed design to begin with?

Who needs LCD or OLED when you can get....


I heard the response times on those are horrible though.


How dare you talk back to me!!! If I could see you, you would feel the back of my hand!!!!!


Oops, sorry. I put in a 13 hour workday today.

Need to release some frustration....

Fallout 3!!!!!

I guess my point is that all of the lcd tech seems to be flawed in one form or another. So why pay $1000+ for a flawed design to begin with?

Sometimes the bad guys win dude. Held out as long as I could...

(Maybe after OLED or SED finally arrives to liberate us there will be a big trial, where the popularizers of MP3 and LCD will be brought to justice for their propagation of a crap audio format and an unworthy successor to CRT's picture quality crown, respectively. For what it's worth, LCD has gotten somewhat better over the years, at least....)
People said OLED and SED *including me* would be taken over by now. Guess we all know how that turned out didnt' we? :rolleyes:
I just bought a new TN panel. Price is the big factor. A true 1080p LCD for less than $250 = score. I'm an audiophile not videophile. It's a nice upgrade from the generic 8ms panel I bought 3 years ago.

When the first consumer level LCD monitors came out in the 90s, a 15" panel with so much ghosting it was useless for anything but office apps cost almost $1000 !

OLED will eventually become affordable. $2500 for an 11" display sounds crazy and without much practical use.
Yeah, they wanted to be able to use a cheaper optical drive or something. Thought I'd have to buy a used one, but a local store still had some old stock a few months ago...

I have an SACD capable one as well. I remember it was something about the laser control hw. It needs special features to cope with SACD copy-protection. It's a shame they cut it out to save <$5 per unit, but I guess Sony realized SACD was never going mainstream like they hoped.
I'm really waiting for SED. I was thinking it would have been available this year in the HDTV market and available next year in the monitor market (note: available, not affordable). Sadly, no SED this year. Maybe next year?
honestly, OLED is amazing. I saw the 11" and prototype 27" Sony OLED TV's @ CES last year, and the picture that they had was simply incredible. here are some pictures that I took:
11" model



of course they didn't have any fast paced video on, so I couldn't tell you about that. But the quality was amazing
honestly, OLED is amazing. I saw the 11" and prototype 27" Sony OLED TV's @ CES last year, and the picture that they had was simply incredible. here are some pictures that I took:
11" model

I'm sure it's nice, but except for the fortunate few on their trinitrons, most of us have to view those pictures on those nasty LCDs :D
11" TV/Monitor? Not getting my money. Even if it is OLED. It'll cost a bundle.
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops. It seems to me that S-PVA and S-IPS are the "compact discs" of the current generation, with CRT's being "vinyl", TN panels being "digital downloads", and OLED being Blu-Ray.

To hold us over until "around the corner" Happens. Why would I use junk for the next 4 to 10 years waiting for the next big thing. I bought an NEC 2490 this year. It has a 4 year warranty. I have a feeling my warranty will expire and there still won't be any real and affordable alternative to LCD.

I would rather use the best available now, instead of buying the cheapest and dreaming of some superior tech that might not even arrive.

SED/FED/OLED may all price themselves out of the market.

If no one buys premium LCDs (high quality IPS) and just buys cheapo TNs, what message does that send to manufacturers who are considering even more expensive OLED/SED/FED. That message is people only want cheap crap.

So my better strategy. If you want the best in the future, buy the best today, so they will consider building the next great thing. You also get to use the best while waiting for the next great thing. If you buy crap waiting for the next great thing, you may spend your life using crap, waiting for "great stuff" that never comes.
I'm sure it's nice, but except for the fortunate few on their trinitrons, most of us have to view those pictures on those nasty LCDs :D

nay, i guarantee that you don't have the black levels, contrast & color quality that these OLED's had.

I'm not not disputing that an 11" monitor is worthless, hell, the damn thing costs $2500. But i guess that making a large format OLED panel requires a different sort of process, from what i've read
nay, i guarantee that you don't have the black levels, contrast & color quality that these OLED's had.

I'm not not disputing that an 11" monitor is worthless, hell, the damn thing costs $2500. But i guess that making a large format OLED panel requires a different sort of process, from what i've read

He's saying that we don't get to see just how great OLED is because of the LCD we have to look at them at. It's like looking at a beautiful car with muddy glasses.
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops. It seems to me that S-PVA and S-IPS are the "compact discs" of the current generation, with CRT's being "vinyl", TN panels being "digital downloads", and OLED being Blu-Ray.

It's a tragedy, really, how old technology just flat out stops working when new tech comes out. Same with digital cameras, computers, phones... you name it. Old models just spontaneously stop working when new ones come out. Oh, the humanity!
With the market downfall, don't hold your breath waiting to see OLED in mass production.

Introducing a new technology is expensive.

LCD panels are produced by the millions each year.

Manufacturers will probably hold out on OLEDs as long as they can.
I still use a 19 inch CRT. I'm a stubborn man who gets his money out of something. This monitor is six years old but it still works alright for gaming.

I also use a 19" CRT. A nice, almost 10 years old, Diamond Pro 920u I bought used for $60. The text is really sharp, even at 100Hz refresh rates, and the contrast levels are awesome, when I decide to rise contrast over 60%. Blows away any LCDs I've seen so far, especially on black levels.

Huh? The newer ones don't support Super Audio CD? Too good quality to not allow you to listen it? You might copy it, iiew! ?

Well, Sony mostly dropped SACD and announced BD-Audio. I guess they still want DSD to survive, so SACD isn't totally dead actually.
With OLED around the corner, these monitors will be expensive door stops. It seems to me that S-PVA and S-IPS are the "compact discs" of the current generation, with CRT's being "vinyl", TN panels being "digital downloads", and OLED being Blu-Ray.

Like many have stated, the products will not be obsolete when OLED comes to market.

As an example.

To assume a CRT is "vinyl" is to say there's no place for vinyl in the audio world, which could not be further from the truth.
Of course it's not being sold to 13 year old girls anymore, but it still has a very strong niche market.
You cannot replace the sound vinyl creates. Just look up the price for a audiophile grade record player.
Ask anyone with a Sony FW900 if their CRT is obsolete.
a Sony FW900

You cannot replace the sound vinyl creates.
Kind of... SACD isn't that far apparently, but try to find an affordable player and media. Cheap universal DVD players that could read SACD disappeared from stores (have one, fortunately), and media can only be bought online, for more than $25 per disc.

On the other hand, excellent vintage turntables can be found for about $150, add a recent cartridge to that, and you can easily beat CDs. (Of course, you still need a phono preamp, excellent ones can be found cheap on late 70s receivers.) As for the media, used LPs are quite cheap, sometimes even free, and new ones aren't more expensive than SACDs.
Like many have stated, the products will not be obsolete when OLED comes to market.

As an example.

To assume a CRT is "vinyl" is to say there's no place for vinyl in the audio world, which could not be further from the truth.
Of course it's not being sold to 13 year old girls anymore, but it still has a very strong niche market.
You cannot replace the sound vinyl creates. Just look up the price for a audiophile grade record player.
Ask anyone with a Sony FW900 if their CRT is obsolete.

I believe what you have above is exactly what he meant with the analogy to vinyl.

But I don't see how LCD does not get obsoleted. (LCD can be 8-track...)
OLED is a technological dead end IMHO. They still cannot get around the fundamental issue with it, lifespan - they fade far too quickly for the premium price they are sold at.

SED/FED is the way forwards for TV's - for monitors, I'm not totally sure.
But due to the problems beween Toshiba, Canon and Nanotech, SED was almost going to die until recently.