Why can't I get into mass effect?


Sep 30, 2003
So I bought mass effect for pretty cheap, $20 on steam I believe and I have tried very hard to like it but I find myself getting very bored with the game. First of all the graphics look very plastic and fake and the map system doesnt give me any direction at all. I find myself running around alot not really knowing where to go next and just hoping that I end up in the right place. Lots of dialogue, which is fine, but it just seems very bland. Can anyone give me some pointers or something as I hate to think I wasted money on this game.
Umm the game starts you out exploring the Citadel which takes a while, Im guessing you're still there. Then you have 3 planets to take on and the story picks up once you start taking those on.
The game is shit, end of story.

Sheeple will be coming out of the woodwork telling you its the best game ever, but up against the likes of great rpg's like baldurs gate or planescape torment it is incredibly bland, with broken game mechanics and design.
I played for an hour one night and thought it was boring as shit.
I tried it again a couple nights later for another hour or two and guess what?....it was still boring as shit. I don't understand how so many people like this game, I'd have to assume it's mostly of the "console" crowd that don't have much else to compare it to. I mean if Halo was/is so big (and a pile of rubbish) why not this.
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The game is shit, end of story.

Sheeple will be coming out of the woodwork telling you its the best game ever, but up against the likes of great rpg's like baldurs gate or planescape torment it is incredibly bland, with broken game mechanics and design.

While I do agree with you I must say that I enjoyed the game. I believe so many people claim it to be so good because it is in comparison with recent RPGs over the past couple of years. Its feels like we have gotten used to shitty games with the same old bland stuff.
The story is awesome, the gameplay is lacking. Will I buy Mass Effect 2? Yeah, the story is that good.
If you do get into it. Stick to the mainquest and not exploring each and every planet. The random other plants are lame, and just seem like a chore. Im a perfectionist gamer who likes to explore everything and this just got to be a long drawn out unworthy expidition with no side stories but only petty extras to be found, not enough reward for the punishment one goes through entertainment wise.
I played through once, and came away feeling very 'meh'. Just wasn't my style of play. I couldn't understand the big deal, but then again, I felt Halo was boring as hell too :).

Some 'mainstream' popular games aren't really good, but somehow someway become popular <Cough>aliensexscenecontroversy</Cough>
I think some games just really appeal to certain people. I myself couldn't get into that game at all. I also haven't gotten into Fallout 3, maybe I would if I played again because it seemed good, I just didn't get into it.
To the OP, how much time have you spent playing the game? I bought it, and for the first hour or two, I was on the fence. Graphics were bland, and the game play (primarily weapon targeting) didn't click for me. But I persisted, and within a few more hours, I started to get the hang of things. By the end, I had become a fan. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, and look forward to ME2.

Or this may be a game that received great reviews, but simply didn't do it for you. We all have a few of those.
I recently beat the game and agree that at first it seems quite bland but it picks up.. Don't bother with any side missions though, those are a complete waste of time and will burn you out.
I recently beat the game and agree that at first it seems quite bland but it picks up.. Don't bother with any side missions though, those are a complete waste of time and will burn you out.

This, I did a few but stopped doing them after like 2.
If you do get into it. Stick to the mainquest and not exploring each and every planet. The random other plants are lame, and just seem like a chore. Im a perfectionist gamer who likes to explore everything and this just got to be a long drawn out unworthy expidition with no side stories but only petty extras to be found, not enough reward for the punishment one goes through entertainment wise.


When I first played ME, I was going around to like every planet trying to do all the side quests and whatnot. However, the non-main-story planets all basically are the exact same thing (open wasteland with random mountains, huge worm things, and maybe a small research outpost or something). The side quests got VERY tedious, and I ended up putting the game down for several months and actually traded it in. A few months ago my roommate bought the game, and I ended up borrowing it to finish the main story since I was about 1/2 way through it when I stopped playing. When I started playing again, I never did a single side quest and just stuck to the main story line.

It was a good choice IMO; the story ended up being one of my favorite RPG stories of all time, and I'm excited to see its continuation in ME2....in fact, outside of Chrono Trigger, I can't think of an RPG story that I enjoyed more tbh.
The game is shit, end of story.

Sheeple will be coming out of the woodwork telling you its the best game ever, but up against the likes of great rpg's like baldurs gate or planescape torment it is incredibly bland, with broken game mechanics and design.

I wouldn't call it the best game ever, but it's definitely not shit, either. I'd agree it's not as great as BG or Torment, but shit? No, I'm afraid if you want shit RPG's you'll need to buy something with "Final Fantasy" in the title :). Pretty much everything after VI (III in the US) has been mediocre.
I hate mass effect myself. I won't get the second based on the first. Even if they fix it up alot I still probably wouldnt.
I waited about 6 months after the PC version came out to try it. I'll admit that it was entertaining, but it's not something that I'll feel the need to play ever again. For me it was just something to pass the time.

I'll admit the dialogue trees are kind of bland as well, though. For the most part I just had Shepard choose the more asshole approach in every situation to make at least one character interesting.
Gameplay is very dodgy in ME, just think of it as an RPG only and it won't be so bad, the action elements aren't worth consideration.

And the other poster is right on the money about sticking to the main quests, trucking around on empty planet surfaces is a waste of time.
I bought it from Frys for $20. I guess I'll fire it up again after reading this thread about sticking to main story. Yes, the dialogue bored me to tears in the beginning.
I played it through once. It was OK. But when I try to remeber details of the game now I cannot remember a shit except the last scene :)
So I bought mass effect for pretty cheap, $20 on steam I believe and I have tried very hard to like it but I find myself getting very bored with the game. First of all the graphics look very plastic and fake and the map system doesnt give me any direction at all. I find myself running around alot not really knowing where to go next and just hoping that I end up in the right place. Lots of dialogue, which is fine, but it just seems very bland. Can anyone give me some pointers or something as I hate to think I wasted money on this game.

You are not alone, felt the same way
The game is shit, end of story.

Sheeple will be coming out of the woodwork telling you its the best game ever, but up against the likes of great rpg's like baldurs gate or planescape torment it is incredibly bland, with broken game mechanics and design.

That's because Baldurs Gate and Planescape: Torment are the greatest RPGs of all time.
Pretty much the same here. Side quests really did me in too. Wait does that make us all sheeple since all of us didn't like it???....
I was the same way. Friends hyped it up, so i figured console port or not, i would give it a shot. Hated it right out of the gate. FPS that isn't really an FPS?!? Can't hit anything?!? WTH. Didn't even finish the first mission (to get off the planet), think i quit at the first tram ride.

Ended up sitting on my desk for a couple of months, then i hit a dry spell and was BORED. Picked it back up and started over. This time, for whatever reason, i stuck with it until i hit the citadel. Then the story started to kick in, and i got really into it. Ended up finishing it twice.

Once you get past the fact that even though it looks like a shooter, it isn't. And the fact that the mako steers like a pregnant yak (it is actually worse than that), the game isn't bad.

I will definitely be picking up ME2 when it comes out. It's no PS:T or FO1,2 but it's still a good game in its own right.
The game is shit, end of story.

Sheeple will be coming out of the woodwork telling you its the best game ever, but up against the likes of great rpg's like baldurs gate or planescape torment it is incredibly bland, with broken game mechanics and design.

Just because the game isn't for you doesn't mean it's shit.. :rolleyes:
On a rig that can run it the graphics border on stunning, What broken mechanics and design ? put down the crack pipe.

For me Story and gameplay trumps all.I like good looking graphics too, but if the game rocks otherwise, I can get by without zomg it's gorgeous ! The mako control did totally suck ass. Most of the side missions were meh. But the main story and quest line were excellent.
As for Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment ? I found them both so meh I took them back to EB and traded em the same day I bought em. They may have both been excellent games, but I found them boring. I loved, love Mass Effect and will be pre ordering Mass Effect 2 soon.

And the greatest "RPG" of all time was Star Wars Kinghts of The Old Republic. Let the flames begin .... lol :D

Back on to respond to the OP, Guess this type of game just ain't your thing. I love this game and so do a ton of others, but not everyone likes everything .......
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I've watched my brother play through a good chunk of it including the ending sequences and it didn't really look interesting in both gameplay and story.

What was really a turn-off was the horrible bobbing effect that happens when you move around, much like some FPS games. I just can't stand it because I get major headaches from that effect. Worst method of creating a "realism" factor ever.
Just because the game isn't for you doesn't mean it's shit.. :rolleyes:
On a rig that can run it the graphics border on stunning, What broken mechanics and design ? put down the crack pipe.

The graphics were good for the main quests, but everything else was low textured copy pasted crap. Almost as bad as some of the halo levels which required you to run through them three times over.

As for broken game mechanics and design, it was an rpg shoe horned into a third person shooter and as a result did neither genre any particular justice. The rpg aspects were completely lame and oversimplified which barely added to the experience. The weapon system was idiotic, basically you had the same category of weapon with slightly different damage characteristics.

The interface was overly cumbersome and unintuitive, and the inventory system was a broken shocking mess which was an absolute pain in the ass to manage.

The AI was also beyond crap, with team mates being useless 90% of the time, and enemy AI as intelligent as a retarded door nail.

For me Story and gameplay trumps all.I like good looking graphics too, but if the game rocks otherwise, I can get by without zomg it's gorgeous ! The mako control did totally suck ass. Most of the side missions were meh. But the main story and quest line were excellent.

Don't even get me started on the story line, it was a derivative generic mish mash of a plot ripped from just about every sci-fi game and movie in existence.

The voice acting by the male character was shocking, and the dialogue trees were uninteresting.

As for Baldurs Gate and Planescape Torment ? I found them both so meh I took them back to EB and traded em the same day I bought em. They may have both been excellent games, but I found them boring. I loved, love Mass Effect and will be pre odering Mass Effect 2 soon.

Says it all really

And the greatest "RPG" of all time was Star Wars Kinghts of The Old Republic. Let the flames begin .... lol

I really liked KOTOR, at least it felt and played like an RPG that had not been watered down to appeal to a certain demographic.
And the greatest "RPG" of all time was Star Wars Kinghts of The Old Republic. Let the flames begin .... lol :D

Don't get me wrong, KOTOR and even KOTOR2 rank up there with the best. But PS:T actually made you think a bit about the main plot. "What makes a man, a man." Deep stuff for sure.

And that's why i think PS:T is a high water mark. ME, while it did have a good story, like other have pointed out, it's a story that's been done before, or at least elements of it. Same with KOTOR. Good to excellent story, but it's one we've heard before.

I wish they'd make a new KOTOR, maybe after the MMO releases... :p
I did finish the game. Graphics were ok, story was ok. I think the problem for me was how hyped my friends made it and the reviews in general. Expected to be blown away... got a slightly better than average experience as a result.
I loved this game. I didn't really have any expectations going into it when it was released on PC but I have completed it 4-5 times, completing it all the way through each time (including side quests). The side quests do get boring but it didn't bother me much, considering that you need to complete one of them to open up a new talent for your character anyways. It's probably one of my favorite RPGs in recent memory, but I still think KOTOR and some other games were better overall.
I liked Mass Effect very much and am looking forward to ME2, next year. Different strokes, my man. No game will appeal to everyone. Don't worry about it. StarCraft is hailed as one of the greatest gaming experiences in all of video gaming history. I think it's painful.
If you don't like it, you don't like it. It's not rocket science, it's just a game. It is silly to think that any given game could appeal to everyone out there.

I enjoyed it, but certainly not everyone does.
Another thing that helps is if you are really into that sort of sci-fi...me, I can't wait (literally, because I'll be dead by the time it happens) till we discover Lightspeed travel and (if it is possible) FTL travel.

So the story was particularly engaging for me because it was like exploring a possible future.

My advice if you get dragged down, ...stick to the main story, main plot. Avoid subplots, hard to do if you are a completionist. But once you find yourself getting into the story (which gets better and better towards the end) you'll find the subplots /sidemissions will be more interesting to do.

Also, CHEAT and add one of the skills you get for doing a certain skill a bunch of times... personally I love THROW even though it is not the most bang-for-buck skill...but lots of fun and makes you feel like a jedi
Because you don't like driving around the same re-textured environment 300 times, with the physics of a mario kart car?
I agree with ya OP. I found it pretty hard to get into as well. I think that's mostly because of the way the weapon system and such was setup though (omni-gell was a stupid concept)... it could of been done a lot better than it was. That and I had a lot of other things on the table and couldn't devote a lot of time to it.

Graphically and story wise, it's an amazing game. I'll probably jump back on it at some point in the future. I loved the space exploration part of it, just wish it was a little deeper
This game would have been a lot better 3rd person isometric or zoomed out like Baldur's Gate/NWN...

Or otherwise an FPS would have been awesome as well.
I liked Mass Effect very much and am looking forward to ME2, next year. Different strokes, my man. No game will appeal to everyone. Don't worry about it. StarCraft is hailed as one of the greatest gaming experiences in all of video gaming history. I think it's painful.

I agree with both statements. And even though I don't like Starcraft, I can still appreciate the fact that it's a well made game that other people like.

Anyway, I love Mass Effect. I mostly agree with the people saying to stick to the main plot. What the side quests/planet landings are good for, is the occasional supply run. Find one with an outpost, and raid it to get some ammo for free. These could have been a lot more interesting though. There were several that were really quite cool and interesting planets, that just need more to do, or some historical data explaining what something was to some degree. I remember landing on a blueish planet that had a big reflective pyramid on it. I would have liked to be able to research it or something, and find out why it was there.

Some of the exploration was ok for exploration's sake, but there should have been a lot more information and interesting things to discover.

I just see the side quests as a missed opportunity. I actually had some fun on some of the planets.

The main story is excellent though, and while not exactly to my taste the combat was pretty fun too. It could have been a little more dependent on the skill sets you choose though. There really should be more games like this. Maybe with a bit of added depth, but they did a great job on most of it. (which is a lot more than I can say for a lot of popular games these days)

Fallout 3 is a good game that so far, I haven't been able to get into fully. I'm going to give it a another try at some point because I very much want to like it, but on my first attempt, it was decent, but not amazing. To be fair though, I didn't get much beyond the first town. (distracted by Dead Space at the time)
OP: Do you want us to convince you that Mass Effect is in fact a great game or do you just want to complain that a you can't get into a popular game?

I think its absolutely redicululous to compare this game to games that have defined the RPG genre. Personally I found Mass Effect to be the most enjoyable experience I have had in a game in a long time.