why DC?

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Feb 18, 2004
I'm serious...I don't see how you guys can get into this. And to spend money on something that won't benefit you?

btw I read the thread "Why We DC" and didn't learn anything.

Please don't post any poems, songs, odes, or epics.
stumpy said:
I'm serious...I don't see how you guys can get into this. And to spend money on something that won't benefit you?

btw I read the thread "Why We DC" and didn't learn anything.

Please don't post any poems, songs, odes, or epics.

Most people know someone that has died of cancer or suffered through Alzheimer's. There's a good chance that any individual will suffer from such afflictions. If you have a computer ,lying around doing nothing, why not use its spare cycles to help find a cure?

Makes total sense to me.
Maybe if I'm very unlucky-lucky then maybe it will.

Luck.......... :D
Hito Bahadur said:
Most people know someone that has died of cancer or suffered through Alzheimer's. There's a good chance that any individual will suffer from such afflictions. If you have a computer ,lying around doing nothing, why not use its spare cycles to help find a cure?

Makes total sense to me.

but seriously, you guys think that your computers will help find the cure to cancer?
stumpy said:
but seriously, you guys think that your computers will help find the cure to cancer?


It's better use of my wasted computer time than anything else I can think of.
stumpy said:
but seriously, you guys think that your computers will help find the cure to cancer?
would you seriously risk the chance that it will? By not folding, you're ridding yourself of all hope that you can be of help. I'd rather try and not get the results i want, than not try and watch good results come back.

And how do you know it won't benefit any of us? Some of us could EASILY get cancer, AIDS, Parkinsons, or Alzheimers, and that would directly benefit us. Friends and family can get those diseases just as easily. I don't know about you, but I would be terrorized by the thoughts of not trying to find a cure for a friend or family member.
stumpy said:
but seriously, you guys think that your computers will help find the cure to cancer?
How do you suppose cures are found for anything? It has always been done by researching a problem, exhausting all failures, and then devising an answer to the problem at hand.
Computers are the way (almost) all research is done.
Be a hero, save a life, try to give a little back, do something with the incredible machines we have today. Solutions cannot be found unless we look for them.
Don’t let the fact that you can’t see the end of our destination keep you from making the very first step on a long journey. Without some exploration our worlds would never go beyond our own little backyards.

Reasons why I fold are really easy to state. First it's for a good cause that could possibly benefit me but all of humanity. Do I seriously think that my computer will find a cure for cancer? No. Do I think that my computer along with the others involved in this project can help in the development of a cure for cancer? Yes. Do I think that without the help of projects like these it will take more time to find a cure for cancer? Yes. So why not do it? I can fold on my main computer letting F@H3 use 100% CPU cycles and notice absolutely no adverse effects in performance. That and there are 4 other computers in my house that are doing nothing but collecting dust so why not use them for something good instead of a dust receptacle (they can do this just as easily if they fold). So yes, I think my computer can help cure cancer and this will benefit not only me but every person that has suffered from cancer and any other protein related disease.

AND I can do all this while helping the [H] Folding team for a little nice competition. I'm not saying you should fold, do anything you want, but when you are 60 or 70 and are suffering from alzheimers or a form of cancer you would have wished that you could have at least helped the cause in developing a cure. It could have saved your life.
Mayhem33 said:
How do you suppose cures are found for anything? It has always been done by researching a problem, exhausting all failures, and then devising an answer to the problem at hand.
Computers are the way (almost) all research is done.
Be a hero, save a life, try to give a little back, do something with the incredible machines we have today. Solutions cannot be found unless we look for them.
Don’t let the fact that you can’t see the end of our destination keep you from making the very first step on a long journey. Without some exploration our worlds would never go beyond our own little backyards.

it couldn't be put any better

and it's kind of like Pascal's Wager: he said that we should believe in God because if it isn't true, we haven't lost anything, and if it is true, we have everything to lose by not believing in god.

So this is like the [H]orde's Wager: We should fold because if folding doesn't find a cure, we haven't lost anything, and if it could have found a cure, we will have lost it all by not folding.
stumpy -

You've seen reasons why we do it. I heartily suggest that if you wish further debate on the question then perhaps you tell us why you don't. You don't have to build 20 computers to fold. You don't even have to leave your computer on 24/7. All it takes is installing the program. It puts the otherwise unused CPU time to good use.

Seriously, do you really like to consume natural resources, disturb the environment, rack up an electrical bill for someone, and not at least get the most out of that computer time?
Carnival Forces said:
So this is like the [H]orde's Wager: We should fold because if folding doesn't find a cure, we haven't lost anything, and if it could have found a cure, we will have lost it all by not folding.

Ha! Thats great.

Chugiak said:
stumpy -

You've seen reasons why we do it. I heartily suggest that if you wish further debate on the question then perhaps you tell us why you don't. You don't have to build 20 computers to fold. You don't even have to leave your computer on 24/7. All it takes is installing the program. It puts the otherwise unused CPU time to good use.

Seriously, do you really like to consume natural resources, disturb the environment, rack up an electrical bill for someone, and not at least get the most out of that computer time?

Reason why I don't is that I don't want problems like another guy in the forum...the thread about F@H taking up 20-30% of computer cycles while he's trying to play hl2, that's gotta affect his performance. And the other main reason is that I don't think that it really has a purpose, but evidently you guys feel differently. And that's fine with me. I'm just suprised that some of you would go to the lengths that you have to increase your folding ability, I have neither the time nor resources to be using on such a project.

and by the way, I don't see how my computer is disturbing the environment or consuming natural resources. Besides the electricity.....
I'm not trying to put it down , but just wanted some real opinions or reasons why you guys do it...;)
If you read all of that thread, it was an issue with video card settings and has been resolved

As for why some of us get more into it...competition is fun, it's why we play sports and like to keep score. Hobbies, they give us something to do. Folding brought us together on this forum and leads to fun times and good stories like mojo and hugging moosen, etc

relevant post from previous thread:
pduan87 said:
While playing HL2? Or normally?

EDIT: Nvm, just fixed it. For all you Nvidia people out there experiencing crashing/looping/lag in games, make sure your 2D and 3D speeds are equal. The problems will go away
I started F@H and continue with it because there's really no reason not to. It takes thirty seconds and a reboot to set up, and then I never see it again until the next reformat/HD swap when I spend another minute setting it up. My computers are on 99% of the time anyway, and I might as well have something to show for it... even if all that ends up is a few numbers on a stats page.

Basically, the reason I fold is that I have no reason not to.
stumpy said:
Reason why I don't is that I don't want problems like another guy in the forum...the thread about F@H taking up 20-30% of computer cycles while he's trying to play hl2, that's gotta affect his performance. And the other main reason is that I don't think that it really has a purpose, but evidently you guys feel differently. And that's fine with me. I'm just suprised that some of you would go to the lengths that you have to increase your folding ability, I have neither the time nor resources to be using on such a project.

and by the way, I don't see how my computer is disturbing the environment or consuming natural resources. Besides the electricity.....
I'm not trying to put it down , but just wanted some real opinions or reasons why you guys do it...;)

Most of us don't have the means to go to the lengths some of the others do. That doesn't mean we can't try and at least do a little. I run F@H on the two computers I own, on my work computer and I have my mom's computer (which is actually about 75% mine) borged and a friend's computer borged. My two systems and my friend's are always on 24/7 anyway. I see no reason not to have it doing something in the time I'm not using it.

There have been two times that I can remember right off the top of my head that I've been touched by cancer personally. My older sister's ex-husband's mother died of cancer while he and I were seniors in high school. That was a really shitty funeral to go to. Considering who she was, she did not deserve it. The other time was one of my aunts by marriage. She's gone through treatment and a surgery or two and at this time seems to be in remission.

If what I'm doing can help to avoid someone from having to deal with situation number one and have a lot more people reach situation number two, then I know what I'm doing is good. I'm not an angel or a model citizen, but I do like to know that I can help people in some way or another. Hell, I don't even care about myself with one exception. If I end up with cancer I really wouldn't care all that much whether I had it or not except my little 4 year old son would not understand if the worst happened. I don't like that idea and will do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen. I've changed a lot of ways I live my life and things I do since he came along. This could be something else that would benefit him in the long run one way or another. I figure as a parent I owe him that much.
I fold because I feel it would be irresponsible for myself to watch others suffer though cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's etc. and do nothing when there is indeed some small way in which I can contribute. And it's not like we're searching for a single needle in a haystack here...even if we don't find the cure to cancer, this project will enhance our understanding of the way proteins function.

You can find a list of all folding projects and their purposes here and a list of the Pande Group's recent research papers here.
Wait a minute guys... computers can help in modern day research?

Holy shit batman.

If the best reason I could think of for not folding was because it might slow down my game play………well………I think it would be time to reevaluate the whole meaning of my life on earth.

If this is all I accomplish it will have meant something.
Here is some reasons why I fold, I lost my grandfather when I was 3 due to diabetes, suffered through the upps and downs of depression because the loss of him. I somehow wanted to help my grandfather find a way to fight diabetes, I met this great group of people here in the dc forum that fold to help find a cure for many diseases.

I now found a way to help other people like my grandfather that has diabetes fight for a cure for it.

Without the advancements of folding, or computers, I would be without my mother right now. She underwent a triple bypass surgery on her heart. Without folding, my parents would never have found out I have Adhd or a learning disability.

I am still here, and if I wouldn't have been strong to fight through my lifes little battles, I would not be here typing in this thread or forum.

So here is something for you to consider stumpy. Alot of kids look up to me as a role model that fights through Adhd each day.
BillR said:
If the best reason I could think of for not folding was because it might slow down my game play………well………I think it would be time to reevaluate the whole meaning of my life on earth.

If this is all I accomplish it will have meant something.

I'm with you BillR. If you all your worried about is a little lag in a game, stumpy, you are one of the most selfish people I've ever heard of. How could you complain about lag in a game if there's a chance to cure one of the most frightening and deadly diseases known to man?

Check your priorities.

nosup4u said:
I'm with you BillR. If you all your worried about is a little lag in a game, stumpy, you are one of the most selfish people I've ever heard of. How could you complain about lag in a game if there's a chance to cure one of the most frightening and deadly diseases known to man?

Check your priorities.


Yeah, I'm selfish. I don't game anymore, but it's just the principle...obviously whoever was complaining about that had to take a significant amount of time just to figure out what was going on , and make a thread about it on a forum..But if I really thought it would make a difference I'd do it. I kind of look at it like voting, sure it's always good to do it, but your vote isn't going to change the election.
stumpy said:
Yeah, I'm selfish. I don't game anymore, but it's just the principle...obviously whoever was complaining about that had to take a significant amount of time just to figure out what was going on , and make a thread about it on a forum..But if I really thought it would make a difference I'd do it. I kind of look at it like voting, sure it's always good to do it, but your vote isn't going to change the election.

Ah, but that is where you are wrong. Every vote means something. Just like every folder means something. Just because you aren't going to get the credit for winning the election just because you voted, doesn't mean you didn't have a part in helping win it or in the case that your candidate lost, at least you did something. If everyone thought like you do about voting, then there would be no one to vote. Talk about a way to screw up elections.

Folding is the same way. No one person will get the credit for whatever is found or not found. But, if everyone thought it wouldn't do any good and no one did it, then nothing would be done. You can guarantee that folding will fail if no one tries it. However, by trying it, at least there is a chance something can be done. No matter what, there will be good results from what is done. Will folding cure cancer or any of the other diseases they are studying? We don't know. But there will be a better understanding of the diseases and the way things work because of the folding project regardless. That is a big step in finding cures and new ways of treatment.

You will be beaten everytime you do nothing.
stumpy said:
Yeah, I'm selfish. I don't game anymore, but it's just the principle...obviously whoever was complaining about that had to take a significant amount of time just to figure out what was going on , and make a thread about it on a forum..But if I really thought it would make a difference I'd do it. I kind of look at it like voting, sure it's always good to do it, but your vote isn't going to change the election.

I've been folding for 3 years. Don't think that a possible problem with one game, HL2, (which I found out later has been causing problems with just about every single person who bought it) will stop me from folding.

That's just ridiculous.

Gentlemen, Stumpy has stated his case. We have stated ours.

It is not our place to be judgmental; if someone doesn’t want to participate then that is indeed his or her right.

Neither position will change so it seems to me continuing this thread seems to be nothing more then an exercise in futility.

This one should be locked down, it has reached an impasse.
BillR said:
Gentlemen, Stumpy has stated his case. We have stated ours.

It is not our place to be judgmental; if someone doesn’t want to participate then that is indeed his or her right.

Neither position will change so it seems to me continuing this thread seems to be nothing more then an exercise in futility.

This one should be locked down, it has reached an impasse.

Yep, it's futile. I'm not going to start folding, but I do appreciate your willingness and dedication to it.... I just started this thread cause I wanted some real opinions, and I got them :).

So FOLD ON guys. ;)
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