Why did I reinstall SMAC!... Help me!


[H]F Junkie
May 28, 2001
Couple weeks ago when my mobo's IDE controller took out my primary drive I was rebuilding the sytem I chanced across my Sid Meier's Alpha Centrauri game CD, so I installed it for "old times sake" and to see how well it would run on my current system (i've gone through a couple CPU's and at least one video card upgrade since I had it on last).
And now I can't stop playing it and remember why I haven't installed it for a long time. Dame I love this game and why it's rated as one of the best games ever made....

Well, back to playing SMAC, thanks for your support.

I loved that game too. Awesome fun. I don't understand why some people hate turn-based strategy, perhaps you actually need to use your brain to play it. Good times tho, that game is very addictive.
Talon Blackrazor said:
Alpha Centauri rocked. Don't know where my CD is, though. :(

I had an extra one at one time... I'll see if I can find it for you.

And for all you "turn based" haters... It's not about speed, it's about the planning, the strategy, expansion, and seeing if it all works out in one of the finest games ever made. RTSs are a lot of fun too, but with SMAC, it's an investment in your time and intelligence. When was the last time a game of Starcraft took you one to two hours a night for about three months to complete? Didn't think so. It's not about who gets there first or the "zerg rush" it's about who builds it better, swings the right deals, aligns with the other factions when the time is right and then take them out. The intracacies of the game really show that Meier and Reynolds worked on this game, on the higher levels, it's tough to beat.

SMAC may be slow, but the AI is great, the tech tree is huge and intertwined and requires some thinking. You don't have to like it, just don't slam it - something along the lines of "I've never cared for turnbased" would have been a bit longer to type, but I'm sure you could have managed it. There is no Mulitplayer in SMAC - well, there is, but it's really unplayable as the game progresses, hell, I can take 30 minutes to move my army around and tweak things at bases, I'll give that card to RTS's if you want to play with another human.

I reinstalled it because it's a damn good game. It gets played along side other games you probably hate too like Dawn of War, Empire Earth 2, Perimeter, and all them damn FPS's that fill up my hard drive like HL2, CSS, UT2K4, BF:V, BF:1942, Doom3, and gobs o' Gigs more that you may or may not have ever played or heard of (some I have to slow my 'puter down or else they are just tooooo fast)

</rant of the old fart>

Memories of playing AC for hours. :)

"Superior training and superior weaponry, have, when taken together, and overall increase to military strength great thatn linear mathematics would seem to indicate."

Not perfect, but it's from memory. ;)

Guess which leader I played primarily. :)
i prefer a massive battle in aoe or c&c. i play civIII and liked it, but i dont really like to spend that much time on a game. ill play snail mail chess if i wanna have a super long game.
<joining the rant of the old fart>
I've wasted so much time with turn-based games (in the good way). My favorite had to be Sid Meier's Civilization (386 era) close second runner up is X-Com UFO Defense.

Civ almost derailed the semester of one of my college roommates... it would have too if my 386 lugable hadn't died ... its death is probably related to Civ as well. And this was not too terribly long ago (98-99).. heck.. Voodoo2s and Quake2 were the talk at that time. Speaks volumes for great game design.
Frobozz said:
<joining the rant of the old fart>
I've wasted so much time with turn-based games (in the good way). My favorite had to be Sid Meier's Civilization (386 era) close second runner up is X-Com UFO Defense.

Civ almost derailed the semester of one of my college roommates... it would have too if my 386 lugable hadn't died ... its death is probably related to Civ as well. And this was not too terribly long ago (98-99).. heck.. Voodoo2s and Quake2 were the talk at that time. Speaks volumes for great game design.
people still played snes and n64 at my dorms. fun.

frobozz? as in zork?
ryanrule said:
frobozz? as in zork?
That'd be the one. :D

I probably still have the notebook somewhere my dad and I created as we went through it. inacurate maps and all. hehe.

Several threads tonight have brought up a lot of thoughts of nostalgic gaming. Might be time to go tear into the closet to see what old ass hardware I can find.
Frobozz said:
That'd be the one. :D

I probably still have the notebook somewhere my dad and I created as we went through it. inacurate maps and all. hehe.

Several threads tonight have brought up a lot of thoughts of nostalgic gaming. Might be time to go tear into the closet to see what old ass hardware I can find.
ever play grand inquisitor?
ryanrule said:
ever play grand inquisitor?
Last one I started playing was Return to Zork. I dont think I finished it though.
"Want some Rye? Course ya do."

Think this is my first threadjacking. :D
Frobozz said:
Think this is my first threadjacking. :D

Since it went from SMAC to ZORK... that is totally acceptable (notice my sig?) :D. Lots of hours on ZORK, lots.... and why did you have to bring up UFO X-Com! you... you.... evil old fart you!!!! Damn, now I'm going to have to reinstall that one again too...

And it takes up what, 100Mb of diskspace? I have MP3's larger than that...hehe.

One more... the original Baldur's Gate / Tales of the Sword Coast. That game, coupled with Diablo (the original) consumed WAY too much of my time...
I'm quite the fan of this game as well. Got the Alien Crossfire expansion? It's the way to go, added a bunch of tech, a few more Factions and a lot of "gameplay" tweaks for ease. It's the way to go!

I used to auto-terriform but they start doing retarded things. I wish I could create a macro that the things could follow. I'd be so anal I would literally manually control EVERY ONE of them. And we're talking like 2 TF/Base. But once I had stopped growing before I started bumping into other factions I'd have like 4-8 bases, so about 16 TF's and when I started building new bases I could have them up and kicking high productivity REALLY quick. Ahhh Mag-Tubes :)

Amazing game... Only turn based I ever played.
Grimmda said:
I used to auto-terriform but they start doing retarded things.... . Ahhh Mag-Tubes :)

Amazing game... Only turn based I ever played.

HAHAHA - There was a patch that the terraformers would do some amazingly retarded things on auto... one time about 12 of them piled into a corner of my "continent" and started raising it... and raising it... and raising it... I just let them go to see how high they'd take it. The later patches fixed most of the really stupid things they would do, but they still make you "WTF?!" on occasion. What would be nice is like the macro idea - "do this here, go here do this, go here do this, then build a mag tube from here to here"
enelson125 said:
I loved that game too. Awesome fun. I don't understand why some people hate turn-based strategy, perhaps you actually need to use your brain to play it. Good times tho, that game is very addictive.

I just don't like it. For some reason it doesn't hold my interest. I really like some RTS's, but turn based I've just never been able to get into.
somecallmeTim said:
Couple weeks ago when my mobo's IDE controller took out my primary drive I was rebuilding the sytem I chanced across my Sid Meier's Alpha Centrauri game CD, so I installed it for "old times sake" and to see how well it would run on my current system (i've gone through a couple CPU's and at least one video card upgrade since I had it on last).
And now I can't stop playing it and remember why I haven't installed it for a long time. Dame I love this game and why it's rated as one of the best games ever made....

Well, back to playing SMAC, thanks for your support.


You reinstalled it because you understand no other game can touch its glory.