why did one of the best MMO's ever made have to die


Supreme [H]ardness
May 23, 2012
I REALLY miss Star Wars Galaxies... i just logged into to SWTOR craving that SWG action and nothing. Im downloading SWG emu now but i really really miss it
Best MMO? I thought it was one of the worst. DAoC, AC, UO, Shadowbane, and many others did everything better. SWG died because it sucked. DAoC, AC, and UO are still going today.

Rip my bothan combat medic :(
SWG died due to poor business decisions after WoW was released. Before that it was great.

RIP my holo grind Jedi :/
I have to agree, I played galaxies and absolutely hated it. I got to level 50 and it was atrocious. I paid for MAYBE 2 months and that was it.
level 50? you clearly played the game when it sucked. in its glory days, levels didnt exist. Im sorry you missed the good times :/
level 50? you clearly played the game when it sucked. in its glory days, levels didnt exist. Im sorry you missed the good times :/


Maybe that's what went wrong....all I know is by the time I got to it.....it was definitely done.
SWG died due to poor business decisions after WoW was released. Before that it was great.

RIP my holo grind Jedi :/

SWG died before beta was over. So many people that I played beta with left due to decisions they were making that gutted much of the good stuff. After a year in Beta I couldn't stand the released version. Made it about 3 months and called it quits. So much potential there and while close they did make some horrible decisions that help shuffle it along to oblivion.
SWG died before beta was over. So many people that I played beta with left due to decisions they were making that gutted much of the good stuff. After a year in Beta I couldn't stand the released version. Made it about 3 months and called it quits. So much potential there and while close they did make some horrible decisions that help shuffle it along to oblivion.

that happend in the SWTOR beta too, they had some nice item customization things and then it got gutted and stripped and ruined and it never felt the same again.
I thought this was an Earth & Beyond thread :(

Oh well, back to playing the Emulator :D
the graphics were so bad my friend who preordered it played for 20 mins quit and never played it again. At release it was horrific looking, and the movement felt clunky as hell.
i knew this was going to be about swg best any only mmo that i played for years. god no other game has had crafting anywhere close to swg i used to make some really good buffs back in the day and it was cool to get pm saying can you buff me whit you supper buffs which where some of the best on the bloodfin sever for a while man he was rich. then they did the cu and then the nge thing and that was it. i miss my tka/ch to
SWG was both good and bad.

It was one of the few AAA backed mmo's that went toward a more sandbox game (like UO) with it's open world non-instanced housing and player-focused economy.

However combat (even before the NGE revamp) wasn't that good or fun. Just like SW:TOR.

When people want Star Wars they picture the movies, the action, the thrills, most people want action, something like Jedi knight for on-ground combat and Xwing vs tie fighter/rogue squadron for the flying/space combat.

Neither SWG or SW:TOR delivered on these types of gameplay experiences and instead both games stuffed Star Wars into a more well known "mmo" gameplay.

SWG was the better game (imo) but both games could be so much more if they developed them as a Star Wars expeirence first and didn't restrict them to the mmo formula that we already know.
Even though SWG had it's issues, I still wish I could have experienced it before NGE rolled out and basically destroyed what was left of it. I realize I could jump on a third party emulation server (and I have a couple times) but its just not the same as having a vast number of players in-game at the same time.

I also made the mistake of buying TOR on release. It was fun for awhile but it quickly grew tedious and at the time when I hit max level, there wasn't much else to do. PvP was fun for awhile though.

I'd love to see a combat system like Jedi Academy but more much advanced pulled into a Star Wars MMO one day.
another E&B fan here, played beta thru release and then shortly after freewarp was nerf'ed real life took over. i played emu beta for a year and recently relogged to find it went live and my player wiped.
happy to say its pretty much only game i enjoyed grinding in. i know everyone has atleast 1 terran trader mule
RIP my holo grind Jedi :/

The Reason SWG Died... Jedi..

as soon as people found out how to get Jedi (Grinding each profession ) the game went from "fun" to "grind"...

and if you didn't grind jedi, well you sucked..

Having an alpha class in any game is just ridiculous.

Jedi didn't belong in the Galaxies universe or timeline at all and they botched up completely because they wanted to make a quick $$$.
I REALLY miss Star Wars Galaxies... i just logged into to SWTOR craving that SWG action and nothing. Im downloading SWG emu now but i really really miss it

If it was one of the best MMO's ever made, more people would be playing it and it wouldn't have been struggling as much as it was.

Ergo, it must not have been that great of a MMO

So, it had to die.
I also agree. One of the best MMO's ever conceived. Not one of the best MMO's ever made. The game was neutered hard right before the end of the beta and went downhill from there. The community/player based economy and housing really set it apart. Unfortunately, a lot of cobbled together and half/poorly implemented ideas crippled the game badly.
I loved the combat and skill tree's. Im going to be playing SWGemu tonight on twitch lol. Alot of people were on last night, i only got up to my 3rd branch in unarmed. seems decently active believe it or not.
Bottom Line:
Corporate greed. When WoW took some of the population away and they(Blizzard) reached very high numbers, SOE asked the SWG team to revamp the system. They wanted to pull people back in. What they didn't realize is that a lot of people were already starting to come back before they released the NGE. The town in SWG that we lived in was a ghost town and then it started to repopulate. I was one of those who left to play WoW but realized how terrible it actually was IMO!

Instead of being happy with some they wanted it all. NGE was released and pissed everyone off. Customers spammed the forums to have them roll it back but SOE refused. To top it off they started banning folks that kept asking(spamming) for it to be reversed.

To me a game needs a community (in game relations), good crating, towns/housing, and vending. Even when I purely played a combat class, I loved to talk to folks in the cantina and shop. People I knew thought I was weird because I had a personal tailor living across from me (in game house). I would go "home" and change out of my armor and come back in a different outfit. I probably had 20-30 outfits :p

I too miss SWG pre NGE. It was the only game where i enjoyed crafting. So much that i had a gigantic power and resource field on Rori that just collected resources from other accounts since SWG limited you to 10. i would place my 10 on prime spots where needed.

you didnt even need to kill 1 thing to play this game.

I even enjoyed the space expansion.
I was almost SURE I would see a message about Dark Age of Camelot in the OP. :mad::(
Perhaps not the "best" mmo but maybe one of the most innovated and most contraversial. It went after really aggressive ideas but often fell flat on its face. It was redesigned from the ground up around two times? It had a really great "feel" of the Star Wars universe but it threw you into the deep end without any life saving tips. You basically just got dropped in the middle of a large town and learned your way through it which meant many many hours of trial and error. The player own cities were cool but also flawed and a headache in some ways.

I really wanted to enjoy it but I found it just to confusing at times and you really needed people you could trust to play it with you and that knew what they were doing.
Pre-CU SWG was probably the best MMO I've had the pleasure of playing. The crafting system was deep, pvp was intense. The community made the game what it was. I'll forever miss it.
Nostalgia is a seductive liar. SWG wont ever be what you remember it to be. Just be happy with the memories and good times you had. Don't try and go back, it will just destroy how good it was for you.
*whew* I thought Ultima Online was dead.

Might as well be, the official UO is NOTHING like it used to be in the golden 98-2001 era, it's much more like your generic m mo's these days with questing, etc (the original release didn't even HAVE quests).
playing minecraft with the wife and friends atm. ill stream maybe in a bit, friends are heading to bed
Empire Divided had SO much potential.

After the CU update, I gave up all hope.

Although, I have heard that SWG EMU is finally up to snuff. That might be worth a look.
Might as well be, the official UO is NOTHING like it used to be in the golden 98-2001 era, it's much more like your generic m mo's these days with questing, etc (the original release didn't even HAVE quests).

I'm amazed that an isometric sandbox MMO hasn't tried to capture the early UO magic. Even in the current shit state, the game is a money maker with it's niche crowd. It's stayed alive through all the failed MMOs that tried to clone WoW and capture significant market share.
I miss City of Heroes so much...I can't believe they just pulled the plug. So many friends and so much of my life was in that game...6 years. It got me through the passing of my mom too...I just logged on and ran around with friends to help distract from that pain.

SWG was great too...the big wipe was sad.
Why? Wow isn't dead. Thousands of people are playing it right now!

millions actually.

I played it since the beta, it was best right around the launch of the first expansion. It went downhill since then.

To me, and many others its dead.
Star Wars Galaxies was the single worst Star Wars game I've ever played. (Yes I place it behind Galactic Battlegrounds.) It was horrible in virtually every way you can imagine. Bad graphics, bad performance, lack of story in most quest lines, and bad gameplay. Shuttle wait times, waiting in lines to get buffs, too many resources to track, needless complexity (skill trees etc.), launching without the ability to own or fly ships, bad combat and the list goes on and on. I hear JTL improved a lot of things but by then I didn't care. People often cite the crafting system as being one stand out thing in the game. It's been awhile but from what I remember it took far too much time and was excessively complicated.

It was the only Star Wars game I ever played that didn't feel like Star Wars at all. It felt like some other science fiction universe in which people cosplayed things from Star Wars.
COH was a great game the character creations was second to none for quite a while. Galaxies was ok I never thought of it as a great MMO more medicore to me. Now the game I loved was the original Planetside not the bastard Planetside 2 version there is now. The first one from launch to first expansion was some of the best gaming, massive fighting battles, and skill involved games to date. Even being a sniper too considerable skill to time and lead shot like no other shooter at that time. Man I miss that game.