Why did you stop folding (F@H) on your C2D/C2Q/P4D?

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Ah, some real light on a valid issue.

Proteins do not get folded over and over again, period. I know this because it used to be a huge gripe of my own so I took the time to look into the facts. Each and every protein that enters and leaves your machine, or dies on your machine has a unique identity. The program on each machine is inherently self checking so if anything pooches a work unit it will first give you an early end or many other possible results. If that protein is not accounted for within a given time then and only then is it recycled so to speak. You do get partial credit for an early end for the most part and that number has been increased as of over a year ago.

As for Bills comments on prostate cancer he is correct. The original test and the one that has been the standard for as long as anyone can remember was the PSA test and the fact is, that test originated from a professor at Stanford. Since then many hospitals have switched over to using a protein test which provides more accurate results as well as being able to show the likely hood of you having the gene set that would be more of less susceptible to getting the disease.

Recently you have all read about or seen the commercial about the vaccine for women to be used to fight the Human Papa Loma virus. A lot of the research that led to the production of the vaccine came from protein folding information.

Protein folding is research into the human genome and there is no telling where that will lead in the big picture.

As a young child I was living through the worst Polio epidemic that had hit this country in many years and frankly it scared the hell out of me. Only after the root cause was found could there be a treatment which is true for every disease. Thankfully right in the middle of it all Dr. Jonas Salk came up with a vaccine for polio. My parents were quick to make sure I got the vaccine and I became one of the lucky ones. Two of my friends died in an Iron Lung breathing device after many years and two more were crippled for life.

Polio was listed among the other popular diseases along side of Small Pox, Black Plague, Diphtheria and a few other noted mass population killers and is now part of the standard immunization package that is prescribed for all infants. I will note here that I said “prescribed” for a reason. Many of you young folks out there never got vaccinated in your youth. As a direct result of that many of those same killing agents have been and probably will be used as weapons because so many are susceptible. No political statement is intended here, it’s a statement of pure fact.

While the intent of this original thread was meant to be positive in the end human nature being what it is many became accusatory and that never leads any where positive.

My whole point is simple, everything has a cure somewhere some day. I don’t run a server farm, I’m just one guy doing what I can for whatever cause and I chose the Folding project as my direction by was of contribution to society as a whole.

My wife and I also contribute to the Salvation Army because I know 97% of what we give will go where we specify. Not one other charity can make that claim.

There are endless arguments for and against any form of contribution. Each of you has to decide which way you want to go, or not go. Arguing about which way or why is pointless and counter productive for everyone.

Thanks for your time.:)

Can't even begin to express how perfectly this post explains things. It is a donation like anything else... personally I feel it is one of the better donations that can be done. Truth is, I can go without 1 random trinket a month to afford the electric to power my quad-core folding rig. Really, people just have an issue with anything that isn't something they can feel, see, and touch, across many fields. They don't have much of a view for the future, unfortunately.

I've folded off and on for years, and before that I did the UD Agent project for awhile. Projects such as these provide the base information and knowledge that researchers use to create cures, medicines, and better understanding of how things work, which leads to many great things over time. I think the whole trend of instant gratification in society is part of why people have a myopic view toward folding :(.

If you can afford to donate, great, it's awesome if you do so. If you can't, don't, but please refrain from spreading propaganda and outright lies about how/why folding works without anything to back you up. The thread originally posed the question of "why did you stop folding if you already had before?", which I think boils down to one of these usually:

A) The person doesn't want to spend extra on electric/financial constraint.
B) The person forgot to reinstall after a recent format or whatnot.
C) The person heard propaganda about how folding is useless/etc. and believed the lies unfortunately, and stopped folding.
I like the theory on the other thread, that people simply have short attention spans and generally require instant gratification.

This was going to be my explanation. I've never folded, but I'm competitive by nature, and looking at these folding teams and being ranked and whatnot is probably what could pull me into doing it. That being said, alot of folks are competitive by nature and probably got into folding for that purpose - to compete for points. Once they realized their points weren't accruing fast enough to make a dent against folks who've been folding for years, or couldn't get on a team, they probably decided to just stop.

Most people will try something at least once. If they don't get that instant gratification, they're done with it.

Also, alot of folks go through multiple hard drive formats in the lifespan of their computers. If someone doesn't have an emotional attachment or need for certain programs, they probably forget or choose not to reinstall.
Once they realized their points weren't accruing fast enough to make a dent against folks who've been folding for years, or couldn't get on a team, they probably decided to just stop.

Putting up a competitive number of points is not a hard thing to do. Core 2 CPUs running the SMP client put up roughly 250 points per day per GHz per core. So take an E6600, for example. At stock clock, it would put up roughly 1200PPD. Overclock it to 3.2GHz and you're up to 1600PPD. That puts you in the Top 100 producers on the [H] team...the #1 team in the world! Now make it a Q6600 at that same speed and you're up to 3200PPD. Shazam, buddy! You're in the Top 50 producers!

And joining a team is easy. When you run the client for the first time, just put in 33 for the team number and kapow, you're now a member of the [H]orde! It's just that easy.
To make it sound like those who don't fold are completely selfish and never help out is spurious. I'd wager to say that those who can afford it here give in way or another to charrities. Just because one doesn't fold doesn't mean they can't help elsewhere such as donating time, money or other resources.
I fold because it is for research... personally I couldn't care much less about points. If it's fun to do, that's a bonus, but otherwise, the point of the project as a whole is what matters :).
Putting up a competitive number of points is not a hard thing to do. Core 2 CPUs running the SMP client put up roughly 250 points per day per GHz per core. So take an E6600, for example. At stock clock, it would put up roughly 1200PPD. Overclock it to 3.2GHz and you're up to 1600PPD. That puts you in the Top 100 producers on the [H] team...the #1 team in the world! Now make it a Q6600 at that same speed and you're up to 3200PPD. Shazam, buddy! You're in the Top 50 producers!

And joining a team is easy. When you run the client for the first time, just put in 33 for the team number and kapow, you're now a member of the [H]orde! It's just that easy.

You're kinda preaching to the choir. I was only giving my opinion on what could be happening.

I think its great what the folders do.
You're kinda preaching to the choir. I was only giving my opinion on what could be happening.

I think its great what the folders do.

Well, your post seemed to be fueling the "not fold" fire, so I figured I'd post some statistics to show that even with a single Core 2 machine, the contribution is going to be significant.
Well, your post seemed to be fueling the "not fold" fire, so I figured I'd post some statistics to show that even with a single Core 2 machine, the contribution is going to be significant.

Easy tiger, we're not all out to get you here.

Actually, I'm an amd fanboy. Flame all the core2duo guys you want :D
At least the stats page is up again....

...even though it is several months old.

I was a bit miffed that I only had 103,000 until I noticed that was from June. :p
At least the stats page is up again....

...even though it is several months old.

I was a bit miffed that I only had 103,000 until I noticed that was from June. :p

Whoa, very late indeed. My latest stats is 912,000 pts in hardfolding.com when I'm now over 2 millions :eek:

EDIT : It's now updated to latests stats. Holy shit about the ppd of everyone (mine is over 171,000 ppd) :eek:
I stopped folding because I've come to believe that if a cure is found for aids and cancer and other diseases, the government and medical companies would keep it a secret because how would they make money from drug sales if people are cured? Call me crazy, that's just my opinion. Perhaps there are cures already out there even...we just don't know about it.

Think about it.

Small Pox is gone from the earth due to vaccination. The only Small Pox virus left is kept in research labs. Measles,mumps,rubella are nearly absent from the US due to vaccines. Polio is almost gone. Thousands of lives are saved each year from Influenza vaccine......cures will be found, but disease will always go on. There is no conspiracy to hide cures and vaccines. We will always need vaccination. We will always be searching for cures.
You guys pay my power bill and I'll send 200ghz your way.

Obviously you have never paid for your own powerbill, when your bill exceeds a brand new cars payment during the summers... then we can talk agian

Thank you Ockie. This sums up the entire thread. I give regularly to the salvation army and i feel almost instant gratification from doing so. Unlike some folders who are left feeling sour in their mouth.
I understand why those issues would be important to someone who has never folded, but I'm talking about folks who have already contributed. Those issues didn't stop them before so I'm curious why they aren't folding now with hardware that is faster :)

Why are you frowning? That's an excellent folder.

I joined another team,on another website,and have handed over the folding power of a [email protected],Q6600(sig),X2 [email protected],[email protected],and [email protected]
Easy tiger, we're not all out to get you here.

Actually, I'm an amd fanboy. Flame all the core2duo guys you want :D

Easy tiger? I don't think my post was anything even resembling an attack or a flame by any stretch of the imagination. It's just that there's a lot of ignorance being spouted in this thread (not necessarily by you...settle down) and my post (not directed at you...calm...settle) was simply an effort to eliminate some of that ignorance.
I scaled back for the summer. My Office PCs (the Q6600 and 2800+ in my sig) were making the 2nd floor room too dang hot. The HTPC and server are still running though, since they are on lower floors. Once winter hits I'll ramp up again.
Easy tiger?

Rofl. I only said easy tiger because I can tell you're getting defensive about folding and I totally understand. Your point is valid, there is alot of ignorance being spouted about folding.
I have to agree with others on electricity point of view.. its not the electricity that is running the pc's its the electricity running the ac (my bill is 1000+$ some months).. pc's running at 100% dont exactly cool a room down. I started folding in 1999 i think its great.. but not in the summer
I have to agree with others on electricity point of view.. its not the electricity that is running the pc's its the electricity running the ac (my bill is 1000+$ some months).. pc's running at 100% dont exactly cool a room down. I started folding in 1999 i think its great.. but not in the summer

I'm not sure where you guys live, but I feel for you with electric bills like you have.

For reference, I own an 1800 sq foot home and live in the southeastern corner of NC. Its been a ridiculously hot summer compounded by drought. Our a/c sits between 70 and 73 degrees depending on the day and we have never had an electrical bill over $120 in the two years we've lived there during the summers. My mother gets upset when her electrical bill is over $60!
I'm not sure where you guys live, but I feel for you with electric bills like you have.

For reference, I own an 1800 sq foot home and live in the southeastern corner of NC. Its been a ridiculously hot summer compounded by drought. Our a/c sits between 70 and 73 degrees depending on the day and we have never had an electrical bill over $120 in the two years we've lived there during the summers. My mother gets upset when her electrical bill is over $60!

I would die to have a nice bill like that. :( Mine isn't near the 1,000 of the other posters, but I can get myself a new Lexus/BMW/Mercedes with my current electricity bill.

I hate energy companies, they are like OPEC IMO. I can't wait till the day we have our own portable nuclear generators that can power entire neighborhoods */snaps out of dream*
I have to agree with others on electricity point of view.. its not the electricity that is running the pc's its the electricity running the ac (my bill is 1000+$ some months).. pc's running at 100% dont exactly cool a room down. I started folding in 1999 i think its great.. but not in the summer

Where do you live? And how big is your house?
I live in California, thanks for asking.. i have a big family that i support, we have at least 4 of everything.. 4 fridges 4 microwaves 20 tv's 10 pc's.. list goes on just about forever..

as far as the house size its two houses put together.. 8 bedrooms 5 bathrooms.. want a picture of how much kilowatts it takes to get a 1000$ bill?.. i bet i can even find a 1400$ bill
The format for telling where you were in progress as compared to others was changed. It got too difficult to understand where I was at in relation to other folders, so I just kind of gave up looking at it. Give me ONE link with an easy to understand view of where I'm at, and maybe I'll start folding again. I had borged an entire lan at my old job. Who knows how many of those are still folding. So there may still be something folding, I just don't know where to look.
You guys pay my power bill and I'll send 200ghz your way.

Obviously you have never paid for your own powerbill, when your bill exceeds a brand new cars payment during the summers... then we can talk agian

Seriously. I know that on my overclocked Q6600 system there is a HUGE difference between idle and full load in terms of power consumption and heat output. I'm sure that at one point a computer didn't take much more power at load compared to idle, but can that really be said about a modern system?

What about secondary effects such as the heat from the computer causing your AC to work harder?

Not to mention that rates tend to go up exponentially so that you get hit extra hard for using a lot of power beyond just the extra usage itself.

We had a heat wave last year where we had our powerbill spike over $900 for a month (California), and we're really doing everything we can this year to avoid that again.

I'm sure there are "other" areas of the country were power is cheaper, among other things...
1. lied into the program in order to cure cancer... however, the carbon burned to power all these computers only adds massive amounts of carcagens to the air.
2. nothing has been gained from years of folding thus far other than potentiall killing more people from pollution
3. costs me money to do it, 10 bucks a month to keep my computer on all day, screw that, might as well light fire to my 120 dollars.
4. the entire program was designed as a computer experiment first, medical research second, you can never expect any type of results from something like this
5. if this theory had any substance, private companies would be purchasing supercomputers and folding on their own, in order to make new drugs and more money. But they aren't, what does that tell you ?
I quit folding mainly because I couldn't get it to work correctly in Vista and I didn't want my processor to run at 100% all the time to be honest. I have the machine in my sig.
Give me ONE link with an easy to understand view of where I'm at, and maybe I'll start folding again.

How about 2?

http://www.hardfolding.com/index.php?go=1009&tnum=33&id=216&page=2 #338

http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_overtake.php?s=&u=100414 #338

1. lied into the program in order to cure cancer... however, the carbon burned to power all these computers only adds massive amounts of carcagens to the air.
2. nothing has been gained from years of folding thus far other than potentiall killing more people from pollution
3. costs me money to do it, 10 bucks a month to keep my computer on all day, screw that, might as well light fire to my 120 dollars.
4. the entire program was designed as a computer experiment first, medical research second, you can never expect any type of results from something like this
5. if this theory had any substance, private companies would be purchasing supercomputers and folding on their own, in order to make new drugs and more money. But they aren't, what does that tell you ?

We have touched on 1-4 already. 1 and 3 are personal choices nobody would criticize you for. I advise you to look into 2 and 4 more carefully.

5. Private companies buy actual super computers. They don't need distributed computing. That being said, Sony is looking into privatizing the distributed projects so users get something tangible for their effort, but those efforts will NOT be for charity. If there wasn't a market for distributed computing in the private sector, this wouldn't be happening.

Nice setup. I'm glad to see you didn't stop folding.

5. Private companies buy actual super computers. They don't need distributed computing. That being said, Sony is looking into privatizing the distributed projects so users get something tangible for their effort, but those efforts will NOT be for charity. If there wasn't a market for distributed computing in the private sector, this wouldn't be happening.

Thanks,and yes I heard about Sony's plans,I wonder if that will ever get anywhere ?
Power bill was too much. Once I move into my condo I may start up again, cuz then I'd be sharing the bill with a couple hundred other people :)
where can i read about this and download this thing
i can set my old 3000+ venice to use ?

1.8ghz enough? maybe oc it to like 2.4 ghz

whats the minimum system specs
I may be able to set this up on my new build, X2 4200 is going to be in a file-server doing basically nothing (only because it's my current computer)

Than I'm building a Q6600...

I leave my computer on 24/7 anyways, typically downloading... legal stuff... :D

The only time I turn it off is when I go away for a few days, even then I may leave it on to download big files...

I'm just wondering how it'll affect my systems at 100% load all the time... I guess we'll see heat/noise level wise.

So an X2 4200, and a Q6600, both overclocked... (x2 4200 @ 2.5ghz, and Q6600 @ 3.6ghz hopefully, might bring it to 3.4 or 3.2 if it's running 100% all the time)
My 2 OCed Q6600s @3.45Ghz are running 24/7 without problems:) - just get some good cooler (I have Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme + some decent fan)
i think there servers are having problems been trying to retrieve core info for 2 days no go so for.this one of the reasons i quit the first time just thought i would try again:(
Kyle decided to ban me for a completely arbitrary reason back in July. After that I lost interest.
I think the cost of energy and failing economy has something to do with it. People may think twice about leaving their cluster crunching overnight when not in use. I for one changed my behavior and actually hibernate or shut down my computer at night now.
I think the cost of energy and failing economy has something to do with it. People may think twice about leaving their cluster crunching overnight when not in use. I for one changed my behavior and actually hibernate or shut down my computer at night now.
In the winter, the extra heat output helps keep your house warm :)
Warm weather is coming though, and I'll be shutting my PCs down much more frequently in the months to come.
My reason: because my PS3 takes care of all my Folding processing now.

Ever since the inception of Folding@home for PS3 on March 22, 2007, my console has been folding 24/7 365. On March 22, 2008, I had completed 988 work units and I am ranked in the top 500 [H]ard folders with just one console.

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