Why do games suck now


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 22, 2001
last good game I played was farcry. Doom 3 put me to sleep. the multiplayer sucked. Hl2 puts me to sleep. And cs S is just counter strike. I gotta give vampire a try. I hear its pretty good. Is there multiplayer?

Is there any good games coming out soon? i hear fear is good. I seen a video. (at least i t hink it was fear) its like some horror shooter. When does it come out
Doom 3: Reseraction of Evil
Halo 2
Call of Duty:United Offence
Call of Duty
Games now suck because companies realize they can actually make money off them...

F.E.A.R looks good too.
I am of the very opposite opinion as you (if your not just posting this for flame bait)...

Far Cry: Great FPS, good ai, great graphics
Doom3: Great FPS, great graphics, great atmosphere
Half-Life 2: Best FPS, great graphics, great gameplay
War Hammer 40K: Good RTS, good gameplay, good graphics

I think are all great games.
Probably because your style of playing differs from the pace/style of the game.

I found Doom 3 to be more enjoyable than Far Cry. But neither were very good, IMO.
Dawn of War is such a fun RTS.
The next RTS I'm looking forward to is Battle for Middle Earth, but I don't want to get my hopes too high and get disappointed.

Halo 2 is great fun on multiplayer and single player is more fun this time around than the first.
I couldn't get into Far Cry or D3 really, just did nothing for me. UT2K4 multi still has plenty of replay value and I LOVE Frag Ops. I'll be playing HL2 and Pirates! over the long holiday weekend and I hope to spend Thanksgiving at my sisters playing Mario Golf on my SP. :p
I agree, I think games are sucking now. I tend to lose interest halfway through the game.. But then again, I could be getting older...
bipolar said:
Maybe you have narcolepsy.
hahahaaaaa :D

But seriously, its consolitis. Dumb down the game enough, make it for console, then release a poor port for PC. Its all about the benjamins baby.
Wow I thought all those games were great, I feel sorry for you, you either have overly high expectations or just like to sleep a lot :D
Games are declining because developers have their priorities messed up.
They see it as

#1 How can we make this game as easy to market as possible?
#2 Graphics /eye candy
#3 Hyping new graphics
#4 Gameplay
#5(If we get around to it) Storyline

It's all about maximum $$, minimum effort. They pick one element from above (usually graphics) and put all their attention into it so they don't have time to make it fun, i.e Doom 3.

The key is looking for the diamond in the rough. Like Far Cry was. A game from nowhere that was very fun, had good gameplay, and great graphics. The storyline was pretty weak, but 3 out of 4 isn't bad.

But at the end of the day, it's all about personal opinion.
I think you are confusing the quality of the game to you personally burning out on a genre or style of game. Right now the market has gotten a bit stagnant with FPS, RTS, and RPG games, they all tend to play pretty much the same within their styles. Far Cry. Doom 3, Half-Life 2 all great games but all play pretty much the same. Go from Point A to Point B, shoot bad guys along the way, figure out puzzle if need be, look for secret areas if you want too, rinse and repeat ad nauseum. I burned out on RTS games years ago, gave Warhammer a try, liked it but it no longer resides on my harddrive.

My suggestion is look for games that fall outside the normal big three (FPS, RTS, RPG), I have read great things about Sid Meier's original Pirates! for years, the new version just hit the shelfs, give it a try I am sure it will certainly be different than anything else you've bought this year. (I am assuming you bought it, if you did not maybe one reason you are burned out is since everything was 'free' it has no real value for you... hmmm)
I agree with Kong.... Sounds like a classic case of genre burn-out. Try something different for a year or so.
I posted this on another forum and I think it applies to this thread, so there you go:

Reading the posts above reminds me of some of the Doom3 threads. It’s too easy, it’s too boring, it’s too linear, etc.

You know... it really makes me wonder if we (gamers) have become so jaded that it is so hard to impress us anymore.

This weekend I had a non-gamer female friend play a little bit of HL2. The reactions that I saw from her totally amazed me. She was fearful of the combine soldiers, she panicked when they chased and hit her, and almost went to shock when they killed her in the apartment roof getaway part. We had to quit after she got the crowbar and stepped down to the tracks (only to be hit by the train) because she was too stressed out from the intensity and immersion of the game.

Afterwards she said that this was the most intense entertainment media experience that she’s ever had (and this is before she even picked up a gun in the game). I almost wanted to load Doom3 but decided not to do it to the poor girl.

Now, watching her reactions made me sad. Sad that I’ve lost that kind of response to games. Sad that I pay more attention to the bump mapping than to the "soul" of the game. Sad that I lost the "innocence" of being a gamer. It amazed me that She did not care about the graphics or the physics engine or anything else. For her it was all a wondrous world that she got to visit.

Maybe ignorance is bliss?...

So basically, after watching the first 30 minutes of HL2 throw a person into a state of panic, it made me realize that maybe we are taking things for granted. Maybe the fault is not only with the game makers -- maybe the fault is with us? Are we over hyping? Expecting more than whet the developers promised? I don’t know... But maybe we should take a step back and enjoy these games as they are.

Remember, if you can see the mirrors and the wires then it’s not magic anymore.
NowhereMan said:
So basically, after watching the first 30 minutes of HL2 throw a person into a state of panic, it made me realize that maybe we are taking things for granted. Maybe the fault is not only with the game makers -- maybe the fault is with us? Are we over hyping? Expecting more than whet the developers promised? I don’t know... But maybe we should take a step back and enjoy these games as they are.

Remember, if you can see the mirrors and the wires then it’s not magic anymore.

Of course we're over hyping games. People seemed to think that Doom 3 would serve you beverages when you were thirsty and give you a back massage if you started to get uncomfortable while playing.

I also completely agree about that final line. People played Half-Life 2 and were disappointed because it didn't have dynamic shadowing. If you see a shadow that's not precisely perfect and it takes you completely out of the game then I think you're being a bit too demanding.

Every game will have its faults. There are three amazing shooters on the market right now: Half-Life 2, Doom 3, and Far Cry. There might be more but those seem to be the big three at the moment. Each of them do some things better than others. If you're so jaded that you can't just dive in and have fun without carrying your personal baggage and ridiculous over hyping in with you then I feel sorry for you. You're missing out on some great games.
It's not that games suck. It's just that it's easier to spread your opinions in the public now (i.e. Internet, Forums, Review Sites). Pacman surely has had it's fair share of critics but due to the lack of information back then, those criticisms remained unheard and Pacman retained it's purity.

Personally, i've enjoyed a lot of my games the first time through after i got them. Then i would start hearing stuff about the places it sucks at and the next time i play it, i start looking more at those places it's supposed to suck at.

Imagine how bad it is now, you hear the things the game is weak at before you even get the game. So now you notice those defects the first time through and it actually seems more like your criticizing every little thing in the game rather than actually playing it. You never had the chance to *really* play :(

When farcry came out, i wasn't very active in the forums. I enjoyed it and played it several times over. Then i started participating in the threads. Soon i come across people criticizing and downplaying it. Needless to say, i started seeing what they were talking about and the replayability dropped sharply, what at first was an "Awesome game" became "The AI sucks, the game sucks!". Actually, i still think the game plays great so is the AI, the other recent games are also more than decent, but quite a few people are easier to desuade than others, when someone says 'jump' they jump.

EDIT: Spelling... Spelling... Spelling...

She is called an 'unbiased' gamer. She enjoyed it for what it was rather than nitpick. :)
NowhereMan said:
Maybe ignorance is bliss?...

You are exactly correct. Most all of us here are hardcore. I remember the early days of video games, and the wonder they generated, even playing pong. I can't imagine what can be done in a video game now that could create that same sense of wonder. HL2 tried really hard, and I did say "f'in cool man" quite a few times. The problem is, I was saying that the same way that Roger Ebert probably sees movies, as technique and production, not as an experience.

Being so hard core ruins you for games.. very sad..
I'll stick with Doom1/2. Never gets boring. In 10 years, nobody will give a crap about Halo 2 or Half-life 2, and Doom will still be cool.
Not all games suck. Stuff like Sly Cooper, Beyond Good and Evil, Command & Conquer, Call of Duty, and many others do a great job in every aspect. No game can be perfect, especially now when the deadlines are 9-18 months and costs are up in the millions. On Earth, money is more important than fun.
HL2 and Doom 3 were great games, but both of them are seriously lacking in the multiplayer department. Just imagine how amazing these games would be if they had the multiplayer components of a game like Unreal Tournament 2004 or Battlefield 1942.

Also, somewhere in the future I would absolutely love to see an massively multiplayer online FPS.
NeoNemesis said:
Also, somewhere in the future I would absolutely love to see an massively multiplayer online FPS.
Isn't that what PlanetScape is?
I think it's interesting that people here are now starting to actually realize what the casual gamer like myself realized a long time ago.

You people take this stuff WAY too seriously.

The hardcore gamers get bored because the idea isn't to get the most out of it, the idea for some of you seems to be "here I am, impress me". You're all like a bunch of guitar players, standing around watching someone play, and saying "pfft, he sucks" but never producing anything new and better.

The people that load up a brand new game and beat it in a day need to chill, come back to reality for a while, and loosen up. It's not a race, whoever beats it the fastest doesn't win. Take time, look around, screw off, do whatever you feel like, but to beat the game in a day, then post about it only taking 15 hours or so...most normal folks don't have 15 hours in a row to sit and beat a game. Maybe you need something else to do.

Games are games, they're meant to be fun and exciting. If you're not getting fun and excitement out of them anymore, maybe you need to find a new hobby. Once you get to the point at which you can't be impressed anymore, the point has already been defeated.
darktiger said:
I agree, I think games are sucking now. I tend to lose interest halfway through the game.. But then again, I could be getting older...

This is probably a lot of it. At some point, it's just more of the same stuff, especially if you're tied to a fundamentally limited genre like FPSes. The orignal poster mentions Doom3, HL2 and CS:S - THEY'RE ALL THE SAME SHIT. Try to find something different, an RPG, a RTS, an adventure game - something other than a shooter.

If you look at games that have been recently released, you have 2 major MMORPGs (EQ2 and WoW), Pirates! (even if it's no better than the C=64 version, if you've never played it, you should), Warhammer 40k : Dawn of War (awesome RTS), and a bunch of other excellent non-FPS games. Try something different.
Why do games suck now?

Probably because you have played similar games before, and no new ideas have been introduced since.

At the fundamental level, DoW is just Dune II with better graphics and a few user interface additions (ok a lot :p ). Variations on a theme is all that todays games are, and if you have played an earlier game, they all start to get a bit repetitive.

So for new users, todays games are great. If you have been playing for 10+ years they are all pretty much the same. If you like graphics todays games aer great, but plenty of people aren't too fussed about them.
ameoba said:
The orignal poster mentions Doom3, HL2 and CS:S - THEY'RE ALL THE SAME SHIT. Try to find something different, an RPG, a RTS, an adventure game - something other than a shooter.

Exactly, I loved Doom3 and HL2, maybe thats because before that I played through super mario sunshine (great game by the way), and now I am playing Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles two player with my girlfriend. And in the mean time I play classic tetris, mario 3, Lufia and the fortress of doom, total annihilation, and smash bros melee (and lots of others). Try to vary the types of game you play and you won't get bored so quickly
CHollman82 said:
ameoba said:
The orignal poster mentions Doom3, HL2 and CS:S - THEY'RE ALL THE SAME SHIT. Try to find something different, an RPG, a RTS, an adventure game - something other than a shooter.

Exactly, I loved Doom3 and HL2, maybe thats because before that I played through super mario sunshine (great game by the way), and now I am playing Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles two player with my girlfriend. And in the mean time I play classic tetris, mario 3, Lufia and the fortress of doom, total annihilation, and smash bros melee (and lots of others). Try to vary the types of game you play and you won't get bored so quickly

I love TA and Classic a tetris :drool:

edit: On Topic: I also think people's standards are pretty high. I play games to have fun. I enjoyed Doom 3, Half Life 2, and Halo 2.

I would consider myself a semi-hard core player too. I sit down and play through the night and beat my games within a few days. But I still appreciate them and have fun with them.
I don't know about all this talk about how all FPS's are the same. I believe it's more like the game designers are stuck in a rut. Someday a man or women that has excellent tallent will be in charge, taking the suprise issue to a new level. This person would have to basically write a story of gameplay within the story of the characters. There would be no fight that seemed the same, no monster behind every door, but monsters where'd you'd least expect. Until fresh blood arrives expect the same old since the men in charge(upper managemnt) see the games are selling. And to him, with game sales high, there is no need to replace a designer. And so we gamers of many years have to suffer and go with the philosophy "if it's not broke don't fix it" way of thinking.
Go force yourselves to go play FDNY firefigheter or Navy seals: covert ops. Then bitch about how (insert game title here) sucked. The last great FPS to come out was either UT2k4 or BF1942. I don't enjoy rail rides and I don't enjoy haunted houses, so HL2 and DOOM 3 can blow me. Go play city of heroes, go play warcraft 3. But if you don't like the games, don't buy them; send a message to gabe newell and let him know his shit looks good but smells like shit nonetheless.

EDIT: As for Halo 2, it's halo 1.5 as far as I'm concerned.
SonicIce said:
I'll stick with Doom1/2. Never gets boring. In 10 years, nobody will give a crap about Halo 2 or Half-life 2, and Doom will still be cool.
I find this funny. Which game is played more NOW. Doom2 or Half-Life? I'd say a lot more people play HL.
Kanbei said:
I find this funny. Which game is played more NOW. Doom2 or Half-Life? I'd say a lot more people play HL.

and a lot more people play Halo 2 than Half life. and a lot more people play The Sims than any other game combined.

What is your point.

Doom will always be cool.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
and a lot more people play Halo 2 than Half life. and a lot more people play The Sims than any other game combined.

What is your point.

Doom will always be cool.

I played like 1hr of Doom 3 single player. I played 1 hr of cod single player. But I play multi player cod allthetime. Whats the catch? Humans reactions cannot be reproduced. Go multi never look back.
Theres plenty of good games on the way. I wouldnt consider CSS or HL2 bad, nor Doom 3. Stalker, Battlefield 2, and more are on the way early next year.
pick up a cube and get metroid prime2, its a FPS, but with much less action/more thought into it, and the atmospheres are amazing

or play some warcraftIII, ill probably go back to it soon, its one of those games i will "burn out" but always go back to because its fun and people arent as much of idiots online as CS:S

and next march the legend of zelda for the cube will be out, that looks amazing
oh, and resident evil4!
I'm new to all this gaming and I built my rig around playing Doom3 and I don't regret it one bit.

I went from playing Zork to Chaos Gate to Doom3 and Dawn of War.

I do this for fun. Not for a career.

If your looking to get WOWED everytime you buy a game your going to get disappointed.
NeoNemesis said:
HL2 and Doom 3 were great games, but both of them are seriously lacking in the multiplayer department. Just imagine how amazing these games would be if they had the multiplayer components of a game like Unreal Tournament 2004 or Battlefield 1942.

WTF ? that would be just the same geme with another engine ...

I think there's no room for a Singlepalyer AND multiplayer game ...

To make the game successful in MP you have to completely focus on that, but the weapons movement and so on won't work in SP ...

Right now it's eighter SP or MP, not both ...

And yeah, i also think that those extreme gamers plain can't enjoy games anymore ... not the was a "normal" computer user will ...
I picked up Pirates! recently expecting to get a few good hours out of the game. Since I bought it Wednesday, I must have close to 20 hours invested in this game and I can see myself getting many many more hours of gameplay out of this game. And it's only single player. I don't think I have jumped into a game like this since BF1942/Desert Combat and that was strictly for multi action.

I've always felt you shouldn't have to force yourself to enjoy a game, it should get you from the start and if it doesn't, move along. You can't enjoy them all, but you could try. :p
Quite frankly when can you say you had a game that you were addicted to? I'm talking about those games where all you do is think about it when you're not playing it and you play it 24/7 with out getting bored. I would have to say the BF series, CS, then Rainbow 6 were the last games I couldn't get enough of. Of course there were games in between those such as Doom 3, Half Life 2, Call of Duty, Far Cry and many others but none of those have good replay value besides COD. They were all fun games to play but after I beat them they ended up collecting dust.

We are continually being fed the same games. I think the creative process was lost some where down the road. If you look at a lot of games coming out there are far many sequels and remakes. When will we see something new? I think many developers and publishers stick to what makes money. They're not going to risk developing a new genre of a game or retool an existing one. Why should they? We are buying these games and making them money.

I'm hoping there will be some great new mods for HL2 as mods will keep this game going. None of this re-mastered Source crap either.