Why do monday's suck?

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[H]ard|DCer of the Month - July 2006
Sep 1, 2005
got home today from today to find out that 15 mins after i left home, some one crack my VNC and had install an FTP server on my system :mad: not sure what they all did yet, but seriously, WTF???? You know how many times i have had to restart...i cant be restarting my computer and letting F@H not run...i hope this guy gets his karma for stopping my machine from folding ;)
What the hell, what router are you running and what ports do you have forwarded?
marty9876 said:
format c:\

who installs a FTP....???

People who hack your computer to use it for file storage and sharing, commonly referred to as warez. Or porn.

tsuehpsyde said:
People who hack your computer to use it for file storage and sharing, commonly referred to as warez. Or porn.

So, transpo is holding out on us huh...
so what got uploaded?

anything good. tis why you should have passwords on all VNC comps. Also change default ports. You can save setting of VNC so you do not have to retype password all the time. And if you want you can then make a shortcut to the saved VNC terminal and use hotkeys like ctrl+alt+h (what i use to connect to desktop) just a thought... or use RDP

Why would you ever make vnc open to the world????

SSH tunnels for the win, without password auth, only key auth.
Monday sucks because it sucked Tranpso's Porn Moosies folder away...
Oldbenwa said:
Were you running RealVNC 4.1.1 by any chance?
yes i am...i do have a password on it..and its pretty long and complex...dont see anything, but i think he copied some shit. As long as i get a copy...i dont care :)
I would def set up an SSH if you plan on using VNC all the time. I just block VNC to the world and only use "in house"

edit: but really what did they upload? did you get any IP's from people??
Duster said:
I would def set up an SSH if you plan on using VNC all the time. I just block VNC to the world and only use "in house"

edit: but really what did they upload? did you get any IP's from people??
i got an IP but i cant connect to it. I havent found what they uploaded.
roftranspo said:
i got an IP but i cant connect to it. I havent found what they uploaded.

well probe that bugger and find out what you can get at.....
marty9876 said:
well probe that bugger and find out what you can get at.....

Mondays suck because the Redskins lost to the Vikings at home two weeks ago yesterday :(

your monday was worse than my monday!

I didn't turn in any work units on monday. That is why I read this thread. I thought that others might have had the same problem!

good luck getting all that pr0n off your computer!
Pocatello said:
good luck getting all that pr0n off your computer!
that was there in the first place...he was probably downloading :)
well now you have me all worried my porn might not be safe :p
lmao quick hurry must encrypt files must encrypt files...

MooseEdit: I think we all know where this is going. :D
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