Why do people buy Apple Products?

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I bought my MacBook for two reasons, one that I am willing to write about was so I had a computer to use while I was at CERN. I chose not to go to CERN and model the cooling system (oops for them), but I kept my MacBook. The reason I chose a MacBook was so I could develop on all 3 major OS's, OSX, Windows, and Linux. I had this thing triple booting using rEFIt. I was planing on selling it when I was done at CERN. Now I have kept the MacBook, and will upgrade to a MBP when the OS refresh comes out. I'll then sell or regift my MB since it's not robust enough for me.

About a year before all this I tried a Dell, it was horrible. Upon first boot it had 72 processes running in the background because of all the bloatware. Now I've heard they stopped all that. Well to late, I returned my Dell soon after.

Overall I wish I could build my own Laptop, just like I build my own gaming PC. Oh, and if I did, I would totally go for the high end cast, which is what the new MB and MBP use "unibody".
I'll be getting an Macbook Pro as my next system. The reason being is for Photography/Image Manipulation. OSX is much faster than Vista.
Faster, eh... not according to all the most popular benchmarks, especially those done using Photoshop on both platforms.

I have to question why someone would even start such a thread knowing beforehand it'll just end up turning into petty squabbling over "this is better than that" which simply isn't possible to compare.

Choosing an OS is a personal preference and as such simply cannot be quantified by any absolutely accurate means. For every instance of someone saying OSX is "better" I can probably say the same thing about Windows, so...

They each have their purposes, so let it go at that. As for why people buy Apple products? I could ask the same thing about why people would pay $20,000 or more for a Rolex that tells the same time a Timex for $50 does. I made that analogy once in the past and someone claimed "oh the Rolex is more accurate because it only loses 1 second a year where the Timex loses 1 second a month" and I just laughed... I could buy an "Atomic Clock" that picks up the radio signal broadcast from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.) which would then become more accurate than any "normal" watch made today. All for $60... go figure.

So, in that situation, which is the "best:" the luxury item that serves no practical purpose other than to tell time (the Rolex) while being ridiculously overpriced; the Timex which serves the basic function of a timepiece and can also become a backlight (IndiGlo ftw!); or the Atomic Watch for $60 that does all of that and is more accurate?

Apple has always positioned its products as "above the crust" meaning they're simply not for the average Joe personal computer owner (not me, I assure you). I've owned several in the recent past and they were all defective and returned as such. Imagine my surprise when they tried to enforce that stupid fucking 15% return fee on me for returning a product that "just didn't work" - needless to say they didn't get a dime outta me over that fiasco.

I honestly can't say why people buy Apple products. I can offer an opinion, of course, as most everyone does: they're elitist products, always have been, and people pay the premium price for it. Does my opinion matter, or is it the reason people by Apple products? Of course not. Does it really matter in the big picture? Nope.

So why ask the question in the first place?
If Apple ever starts to license OSX MS would be in REAL trouble. The registry and DLL reliance will always leave windows inferior.
After playing with OSX86 for awhile and liking it quite a bit, I bought one of the new MacBooks. Best laptop I've ever used. The build quality is worth the premium alone. OS X is a better OS for me for anything other than gaming. In terms of the the OS though, it is definitely personal preference.

To the OP, I suggest you look into trying out OS X somehow if you, like me, didn't otherwise have any experience with the OS. You might like it.
If Apple ever starts to license OSX MS would be in REAL trouble. The registry and DLL reliance will always leave windows inferior.

Yeah that'd be great! Then we can all bitch about how unreliable Mac OSX is on multiple configurations of hardware.

If there's one thing OSX sucks at, it's compatibility with hardware. Apple is never going to license OSX to other makers because then you'd have a crapload of complaints about how it doesn't run.

I don't much see a difference between User --> Library --> Preferences --> etc than I do see in HKEY_LOCAL_USER. Are you saying the mac doesn't have files that look kind of like a registry? What would you call .plist files?

People who use macs who don't know anything shouldn't speak about things they have no knowledge of.

oh and FYI, my setup below

Yeah that'd be great! Then we can all bitch about how unreliable Mac OSX is on multiple configurations of hardware.

If there's one thing OSX sucks at, it's compatibility with hardware. Apple is never going to license OSX to other makers because then you'd have a crapload of complaints about how it doesn't run.

I don't much see a difference between User --> Library --> Preferences --> etc than I do see in HKEY_LOCAL_USER. Are you saying the mac doesn't have files that look kind of like a registry? What would you call .plist files?

People who use macs who don't know anything shouldn't speak about things they have no knowledge of.

oh and FYI, my setup below


I've been using windows since the DOS days and I use it at work every day. OSX is light years ahead of windows in stability and usability department. I've had my MBP for over a year and I have never had a kernel panic or had anything crash the OS. On my old laptop which had Vista Ultimate x64 I couldn't even install SP1 because the bitlocker update that I had to download prior to that would BSOD and completely screw up the installation. I had to reinstall Vista twice before I gave up and remove bitlocker so that I could install the SP1. Don't get me started on how much better Leopard is with memory management.
why do you buy a toyota instead of a chevy? Mods, can we start this thread next?
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