Why do people hate the iPad 2?

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Oct 9, 2010
If they don't need it, then they simply don't have to buy it. What's with all these dirty comments?
I bought 2 of them one for me and one for the wife. They are handy but no computer replacement.
i dont think they hate the ipad..they just hate apple and everything they make


And the majority of these people are stuck in that cycle of thinking that more megahertz= better.

Apple has broken away from that line of thinking and have focused more on having the software work better with the hardware rather then just inceasing megahertz.
Apple has broken away from that line of thinking and have focused more on having the software work better with the hardware rather then just inceasing megahertz.
Didn't they do that in the power pc days when they had the G3 and G4?

I'll give apple one thing, They have the tightest feeling tablet I've seen and had my hands on in stores so far. "it just works" is the feeling I get using their products.
the apple hate is really starting to wear on me. They make great products, guys. Sure, they are pricey, but you get what you pay for.

'cause we all know a machine pumping out ~33% less pixels in a graphics test can easily beat one putting out more, obviously.

If they'd been able to compare the XOOM with the iPad 2 at 1024x768 that benchmark would mean something, whereas with the iPad 2 pumping out 786,432 pixels of content vs the XOOM pushing 1,024,000 (that's effectively 30.2% more pixels to deal with) the results mean nothing much at all. Kinda disappointed that Anand would do that, actually but, the review and the comparison is generating traffic for his website so, that's that.

If they can't compare them on an even playing field, then the results of such a comparison are meaningless. People that are out to buy the XOOM aren't buying it because it's faster or slower than the iPad 2 - they're buying it because they want to use Android and not iOS, or they prefer not to buy Apple products, or some other reason. But it ain't because of benchmarks.

The results of the iPad 2 vs the original iPad are valid and meaningful to people that don't already own an iPad of either generation - for those that have an iPad, it just means you're paying double for somewhat better graphics and overall performance. Note that even though the iPad 2 is a dual core version of the A4 known as the A5 (with some other improvements as well), the entire device itself is not automagically "twice as fast" - and insofar as the graphics are concerned, the iPad 2 uses a totally new GPU so again, it's basically a lot of money for a slight upgrade in the big picture: the cameras, the dual core CPU, the improved GPU, double the onboard RAM (that's like $10 worth of chips), etc... doesn't necessarily add up in the long run.

I get that the iPad 2 is fast - I don't care how it compares to competing products, really, I don't. What I do find interesting is how people just go batshit insane with the "OMFG IT'S SO FAST I'VE GOT TO GET ONE even though I have the iPad already and it works just fine as it is and the iPad 2 is really nothing seriously new but just a rehash of stuff I already own... hell, it doesn't even have more storage, and the battery life is pretty much the same too... and so is the resolution... gee, I thought Apple was innovative... they could have put those cameras in the first iPad... damn"

Unfortunately, I know entirely too many people that feel, say, and do precisely that and have realized since they already own an iPad, what they're paying twice for - the minimum $499 for the original iPad and now a $499 price tag on the same device with a few "upgrades" - is the cameras and some more graphics speed with a little more speed in everyday use 'cause everything else remains the same.

It reminds me of Intel many years ago with the SX and DX class of their processors. The SX processors (386SX and 486SX) were the CPUs with the onboard math processor, the FPU, disabled. The DX versions were the same processors with the FPU enabled. So when you went in and wanted to get the math coprocessor (which in the 286 era was actually a physically separate chip), you paid basically for the same exact processor with a microscopic "switch" thrown one way at the factory.

So basically, you paid twice for the same processor... yes, it cost Intel money to create two versions of the same processors so they lost something in the deal but, even so, it was pretty lame for the time.

Gotta love Apple and their string-'em-along-yearly-improvements... ;)
'cause we all know a machine pumping out ~33% less pixels in a graphics test can easily beat one putting out more, obviously.

If they'd been able to compare the XOOM with the iPad 2 at 1024x768 that benchmark would mean something, whereas with the iPad 2 pumping out 786,432 pixels of content vs the XOOM pushing 1,024,000 (that's effectively 30.2% more pixels to deal with) the results mean nothing much at all. Kinda disappointed that Anand would do that, actually but, the review and the comparison is generating traffic for his website so, that's that.

If they can't compare them on an even playing field, then the results of such a comparison are meaningless. People that are out to buy the XOOM aren't buying it because it's faster or slower than the iPad 2 - they're buying it because they want to use Android and not iOS, or they prefer not to buy Apple products, or some other reason. But it ain't because of benchmarks.

The results of the iPad 2 vs the original iPad are valid and meaningful to people that don't already own an iPad of either generation - for those that have an iPad, it just means you're paying double for somewhat better graphics and overall performance. Note that even though the iPad 2 is a dual core version of the A4 known as the A5 (with some other improvements as well), the entire device itself is not automagically "twice as fast" - and insofar as the graphics are concerned, the iPad 2 uses a totally new GPU so again, it's basically a lot of money for a slight upgrade in the big picture: the cameras, the dual core CPU, the improved GPU, double the onboard RAM (that's like $10 worth of chips), etc... doesn't necessarily add up in the long run.

I get that the iPad 2 is fast - I don't care how it compares to competing products, really, I don't. What I do find interesting is how people just go batshit insane with the "OMFG IT'S SO FAST I'VE GOT TO GET ONE even though I have the iPad already and it works just fine as it is and the iPad 2 is really nothing seriously new but just a rehash of stuff I already own... hell, it doesn't even have more storage, and the battery life is pretty much the same too... and so is the resolution... gee, I thought Apple was innovative... they could have put those cameras in the first iPad... damn"

Unfortunately, I know entirely too many people that feel, say, and do precisely that and have realized since they already own an iPad, what they're paying twice for - the minimum $499 for the original iPad and now a $499 price tag on the same device with a few "upgrades" - is the cameras and some more graphics speed with a little more speed in everyday use 'cause everything else remains the same.

It reminds me of Intel many years ago with the SX and DX class of their processors. The SX processors (386SX and 486SX) were the CPUs with the onboard math processor, the FPU, disabled. The DX versions were the same processors with the FPU enabled. So when you went in and wanted to get the math coprocessor (which in the 286 era was actually a physically separate chip), you paid basically for the same exact processor with a microscopic "switch" thrown one way at the factory.

So basically, you paid twice for the same processor... yes, it cost Intel money to create two versions of the same processors so they lost something in the deal but, even so, it was pretty lame for the time.

Gotta love Apple and their string-'em-along-yearly-improvements... ;)

I bought 2 of them one for me and one for the wife. They are handy but no computer replacement.

They might not be for you and I but for my parents it works as a great replacement. They don't even have a desktop anymore after switching to the iPad for awhile.
If they don't need it, then they simply don't have to buy it. What's with all these dirty comments?

As much as I hate Apple and love to talk dirt about them as much as the next guy, even though I have an ipod touch, I agree completely. If you don't like it then don't buy it.
For me I don't like the iPad 2 because i don't feel it is much of an upgrade. First one is fast enough for me.
I like how Apple increases the speed of it without raising the price and people bitch about how apple is "stringing people along." Just because there is a small minority that will sell the old and buy the new doesn't mean an upgrade in power without a price increase is stringing people along.

You'd have a valid argument if the price changed, but it didn't. $500 buys you a better ipad than it did before. There is NO LOGICIAL WAY to spin this against apple.
If they'd been able to compare the XOOM with the iPad 2 at 1024x768 that benchmark would mean something, whereas with the iPad 2 pumping out 786,432 pixels of content vs the XOOM pushing 1,024,000 (that's effectively 30.2% more pixels to deal with) the results mean nothing much at all. Kinda disappointed that Anand would do that, actually but, the review and the comparison is generating traffic for his website so, that's that.

30% more pixels on the Xoom, but 100% more speed on the iPad 2 on that test. Saying it means nothing ain't quite true. Looks more than likely that the iPad 2 would beat the Xoom at the same resolution. However, both of these systems are locked in terms of resolution, so you just have to compare them at the native resolution, as Anand did. In the end, whether the gaming experience is good is all that matters.
As have been mentioned. "Not a notebook replacement"... Looked at the Ipad/Ipad 2, then Notion Ink, then the ExoPC, and lastly the Motorola Xoom. None of them gave me that netbook nor notebook experience that I want. Cannot see things like a full size USB port, Flash, SD slot and a good feeling non lagging dedicated keyboard with these tablets.

Boy, am I ever glad that I did not rush into buying a tablet. Getting the Lenovo's X220 or T420 sandy bridge. :)
the apple hate is really starting to wear on me. They make great products, guys. Sure, they are pricey, but you get what you pay for.

Pricey? You do realize that every tablet manufacturer in the world is scrambling to match Apple on price, don't you?
Girlfriend and I took our iPads to the Dominican Republic for a week. Girlfriend also took her aluminum MacBook Pro. We used our iPads almost exclusively, and just used the MPB to offload our many photographs to my backup FireWire drive.

It may not be a total notebook replacement, but we surely didn't miss having a real notebook on vacation.
30% more pixels on the Xoom, but 100% more speed on the iPad 2 on that test. Saying it means nothing ain't quite true. Looks more than likely that the iPad 2 would beat the Xoom at the same resolution. However, both of these systems are locked in terms of resolution, so you just have to compare them at the native resolution, as Anand did. In the end, whether the gaming experience is good is all that matters.

Those tests are meaningless since the tablets have different resolutions and operating systems. Anand knows this, but he's got his nose so far up Apples ass that he throws these results up anyway and makes no mention of it and the Apple fans eat it up. Tegra 2 beat the ipad2 in 2 out of 3 CPU benchmarks but you don't see Anand writing about that. Apple would not give him test units and invitations if he did. The Xoom also has twice as much memmory and plays Flash video which is much more important than games if you're an adult.

It really doesn't matter since quadcore Tegra tablets are coming out in August. I doubt Anand will compare them though.
It really doesn't matter since quadcore Tegra tablets are coming out in August. I doubt Anand will compare them though.

I'll be impressed when the competition actually releases something, because right now Honeycomb is seriously lacking in the polish department, and the only decent piece of hardware available to run it costs $600 and requires a 2-year contract that will cost you $480 by the end. All I see on the horizon is more vaporware.
Every one of my closest friends along with most of my family have iPads and all love them. I think it's a great device but there's no way I could use one instead of a laptop for my work which involves writing/editing huge documents. I think an iPad is the perfect vacation computer, especially the new version with its cameras.

Now, gimme a MacBook Air with a 15" 1680x1050 screen and my current MBP is headed for eBay or [H] For Sale! ;)
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NVIDIA and AMD release new video cards approximately every six months. These cards are always marginally faster than the previous generation, yet tend to retail for the same price. No one accuses them of "stringing consumers along". The iPad 2 has a few somewhat notable new features, improved battery life and fairly dramatic dramatic performance improvements, with around three times the performance in web browsing and an exponential increase in graphics performance. Yet Apple gets shit about coming to the table with such a "meaningless" update, as if existing iPad owners are being forced to upgrade at gunpoint.

Ridiculous. The hypocrisy here is absolutely astounding.
Those tests are meaningless since the tablets have different resolutions and operating systems. Anand knows this, but he's got his nose so far up Apples ass that he throws these results up anyway and makes no mention of it and the Apple fans eat it up. Tegra 2 beat the ipad2 in 2 out of 3 CPU benchmarks but you don't see Anand writing about that. Apple would not give him test units and invitations if he did. The Xoom also has twice as much memmory and plays Flash video which is much more important than games if you're an adult.

It really doesn't matter since quadcore Tegra tablets are coming out in August. I doubt Anand will compare them though.

Keep waiting...cause that's mostly what you'll be doing. Waiting. And when you finally do get something, you'll likely be one of the few.
The Xoom also has twice as much memmory and plays Flash video which is much more important than games if you're an adult.

1. Given the tone of your post, I'm unsure how you know what an adult wants.
2. Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, what flash video am I missing out on? Can you not live without collegehumor for 30 minutes?
3. If you don't realize there are literally millions of adults that waste hours playing Angry Birds, leave your cave.
4. Who made you king of adult preferences in tech devices?
1. Given the tone of your post, I'm unsure how you know what an adult wants.
2. Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, what flash video am I missing out on? Can you not live without collegehumor for 30 minutes?
3. If you don't realize there are literally millions of adults that waste hours playing Angry Birds, leave your cave.
4. Who made you king of adult preferences in tech devices?

There's a College Humor app for the iPad ;)
1. Given the tone of your post, I'm unsure how you know what an adult wants.
2. Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, what flash video am I missing out on? Can you not live without collegehumor for 30 minutes?
3. If you don't realize there are literally millions of adults that waste hours playing Angry Birds, leave your cave.
4. Who made you king of adult preferences in tech devices?

If it hasn't been made painfully obvious to you by now, I'll clue you in on what he's talking about and why the iPad gets so much Flash hate: you can't easily stream porn on it. Apple won't allow such apps on their marketplace, and such sites can't offer their "adult wants" up over Safari because it doesn't support Flash to stream it. Hence the angsty teen hate on Apple. Got it? ;)
If they don't need it, then they simply don't have to buy it. What's with all these dirty comments?

It's just the typical apple fear. I don't know what drives it but it's been around for decades.
If it hasn't been made painfully obvious to you by now, I'll clue you in on what he's talking about and why the iPad gets so much Flash hate: you can't easily stream porn on it. Apple won't allow such apps on their marketplace, and such sites can't offer their "adult wants" up over Safari because it doesn't support Flash to stream it. Hence the angsty teen hate on Apple. Got it? ;)

There are html5 porn sites hehe.

I don't like that there is no flash, I run into a site quite often where it is required (restaurants for example often have their maps and menus in flash only). But I get by.

You can blame whatever/whomever, but when I am out and need to look up something that is only in flash it is a pita and does happen quite a bit.
For me I don't like the iPad 2 because i don't feel it is much of an upgrade. First one is fast enough for me.

Exactly why I bought a new 1st gen saturday @$150 off instead of an iPad 2 Saturday. The fact they ran out of iPad 2s Friday turned out to be a blessing for me. Also got all the accessories for 50% off.

I've put about 10 hors on it and I think the thing is brilliant.
I skipped the iPad 1 and just got the iPad 2. I'm not much of a gamer, but I'm impressed by the graphics you can get on Infinity Blade on the iPad 2. Try that on the iPad 1. I would imagine that over the coming months people will see why the iPad 2 is worth the buy over the iPad 1. It's not about the old apps, it's about the new ones.
Neckbeards hate the iPad 2 because they think that they are Rowdy Roddy Piper from "They Live", and that Apple are the aliens and that only they have the magic sunglasses that lets them see the evil corporate bastards for what they are.
If it hasn't been made painfully obvious to you by now, I'll clue you in on what he's talking about and why the iPad gets so much Flash hate: you can't easily stream porn on it. Apple won't allow such apps on their marketplace, and such sites can't offer their "adult wants" up over Safari because it doesn't support Flash to stream it. Hence the angsty teen hate on Apple. Got it? ;)

Oh yaaaaa, forgot about that. I suppose the whole porn thing is the same reason iPad uses don't care that Flash isn't supported.
Neckbeards hate the iPad 2 because they think that they are Rowdy Roddy Piper from "They Live", and that Apple are the aliens and that only they have the magic sunglasses that lets them see the evil corporate bastards for what they are.

That's awesome. Plus somewhat true. :)
Also, the spin here is hilarious. A ~25% difference in pixel count, which mainly accounts for the 16:9 aspect ratio instead of 4:3, is supposed to account for a 2-5x difference in GPU performance between the iPad 2 and the Xoom?

Really? Come on, I thought you haters claimed that you were all techy and shit. If that narrowing in aspect ratio yielded such an increase in performance then I'd still be gaming on a 4:3 monitor instead of a 16:9 or 16:10 like I do now.

Just say GG Apple, nice work not using the Tegra 2, and wait for the Tegra 3 to come out later this year.
I'll be impressed when the competition actually releases something, because right now Honeycomb is seriously lacking in the polish department, and the only decent piece of hardware available to run it costs $600 and requires a 2-year contract that will cost you $480 by the end. All I see on the horizon is more vaporware.

That's really the problem. No applications, an OS that is still in-progress (what I see now is no more polished than what I saw at CES), hardware that is both bulkier and slower, and on top of everything else it is also more expensive.

The problem everyone else faces is that Apple can ship better specs in better physical designs because they can guarantee their suppliers that they will ship at least 10 million units in a year (and they'll probably ship triple that this year). This gets them volume component prices that nobody else can dream of at the moment. How rare is it that the best, fastest, most well supported platform in its class is also the most affordable?

People say that there is an "Apple Tax" for people who "irrationally" buy Apple products. Well, it looks like we found the "anti-Apple Tax" with the Xoom. Maybe 2012?
Neckbeards hate the iPad 2 because they think that they are Rowdy Roddy Piper from "They Live", and that Apple are the aliens and that only they have the magic sunglasses that lets them see the evil corporate bastards for what they are.
One of my favorites!! Bravo, Serpico!!!


"I'm giving you a choice... put on these glasses or start eatin' that trash can!"


"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm fresh out of bubblegum!!"

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