Why do you need a microphone to join gaming clans?

I would not take you either.
Why are you so afraid to use voice?
all that is well and good but you should still be able to have fun, meet new people, win games etc without the mandatory mic requirement...clans existed before mics became mandatory...were those clans inferior?...that's like making a certain audio/video card a requirement to join a clan...sure it can make the game look/sound better but do I really need it to play the game better?

Back then, we played from an internet cafe so our team's already in the same room ;)
Ya know, i keep wondering if there'll be a time when we can send pictures over our comm links.

"Under the tree!"
"There's like a hundred trees!"
*presses hotkey to send picture*

Next best thing to comsat :D
next clan requirement will be webcams...

"we must be able to see your face in order to plan out our next attack...teamwork requires looking into your eyes"
... talking over a head set is not a big deal.. im with the others on wouldn't take you...

maybe he is 12 and doesn't want people to hear his pubescent voice cracking....
... talking over a head set is not a big deal.. im with the others on wouldn't take you...

maybe he is 12 and doesn't want people to hear his pubescent voice cracking....


Although when the recruiter said "strats" it made me laugh a bit. Any clan that recruits over text like that probably sucks.
didn't catch what game you're playing but unless its a deathmatch style fps, kill whoring doesn't = win. I was in a non 1337 clan and we use the mic and TS and turn the in game voice off so we don't have to listen to annoying 12 year old and then we kinda just chat while we're playing. The idea that i find it more convenient to talk over a mic with people all of sudden makes me immature and cannot make friends in real life = fail. Get over yourself. If I want to play a single player game I can. If want to talk or hang out with my friends I can. But that's not what I'm electing to do when I play a mp game.
I thought the only purpose of a mic was to verify if Abigail is indeed Abigail and not John. Hahaha, joke.
Being in a clan that uses Teamspeak or Ventrillo or whatever VOIP can turn even the biggest POS game into a good time with alot of laughs.

Of course, if you are in a clan of people you don't click with, for example, you are an adult in a clan of teenagers, you probably are not going to have a good time. Find people you click with, build some friendships and have fun.
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I've never seen someone qq so much about using ventrilo. I would have said no thanks after line 4, you should be grateful he chatted with you that long. Mindless chatter over ingame communication on random servers and having a ventrilo clan server are two completely different things. The ignorance of the op is borderline trollish. Then again what kind of clan does recruiting over chat o_o, everyone I scrim with I've had a few laughs with atleast a few times when we were random strangers.
Clans have requirements, mic use is a pretty common one for coordination that is faster and more effective than typing. If you don't like the rule then you'll have to find a clan that doesn't enforce it.

I would hazard a guess that not many good clans allow typing, teamwork requires coordination, coordination require fast, effective communication between players, typing is slower and cannot be done while moving or in combat.

I'll give you a tip, approaching a clan for recruitment and then expecting to be exempt from the rules isn't going to get you very far.
Really I'm not out to sway people's opinions if they use mics, but rather asked:
Why do you need to talk to join a clan?

I am not out to make virtual friends, I am mature enough to have them in real life.

The games I play require little to no complex team coordination, I play on their clan server and consistently win. And before you say their clan is bad, I play on other clan servers as well and win there too.

I am not out to compete, I enjoy multi player games, but not hearing human voices while I play, that is in part the enjoyment of the game, and it breaks my focus.

Then why do you want to join a clan if you don't want to compete? And "winning" (if it can even be called that) on a server when it's filled with "pubbies" is a LOT different than winning a match clan vs. clan. As far as Battlefield games are concerned having the best score in a clan match means little when everyone has a different role to play.

Sounds like you don't actually want to be a part of a clan, you just want the tag in front of your name and continue to do your own thing.

I don't know what game you're playing, but in games like BF2 and BC2 voice chat helps out a lot. An example would be if a teammate is the last squad member alive you can give him information like how many seconds it is before you re-spawn on him and he can tell you what sort of kit you need to re-spawn like if there's a tank in the area or not, etc.
If microphone helps you to communicate efficiently with your clan members, then you can go for it. Being a deaf person, I really wish that people in general can be more open and accommodating to people like us. I encountered a situation several times where I got booted from a game lobby each time simply because some rude players got upset when I answered their question that I am deaf so I don't use any microphone.

Other than that, I do not mind if your whole clan's primary communication is based on microphones because it will bring more challenges to us in any game (which is fun).
Clans have requirements, mic use is a pretty common one for coordination that is faster and more effective than typing. If you don't like the rule then you'll have to find a clan that doesn't enforce it.

I would hazard a guess that not many good clans allow typing, teamwork requires coordination, coordination require fast, effective communication between players, typing is slower and cannot be done while moving or in combat.

I'll give you a tip, approaching a clan for recruitment and then expecting to be exempt from the rules isn't going to get you very far.

Perfect, sir. People need to stop arguing against this. It is futile.

Then why do you want to join a clan if you don't want to compete? And "winning" (if it can even be called that) on a server when it's filled with "pubbies" is a LOT different than winning a match clan vs. clan. As far as Battlefield games are concerned having the best score in a clan match means little when everyone has a different role to play.

Sounds like you don't actually want to be a part of a clan, you just want the tag in front of your name and continue to do your own thing.

I don't know what game you're playing, but in games like BF2 and BC2 voice chat helps out a lot. An example would be if a teammate is the last squad member alive you can give him information like how many seconds it is before you re-spawn on him and he can tell you what sort of kit you need to re-spawn like if there's a tank in the area or not, etc.

Amen :D

If microphone helps you to communicate efficiently with your clan members, then you can go for it. Being a deaf person, I really wish that people in general can be more open and accommodating to people like us. I encountered a situation several times where I got booted from a game lobby each time simply because some rude players got upset when I answered their question that I am deaf so I don't use any microphone.

Other than that, I do not mind if your whole clan's primary communication is based on microphones because it will bring more challenges to us in any game (which is fun).

The problem lies with people's ignorance and stupidity. For that, I am sorry for our human flaws. You should not be mistreated in that way.

I would prefer that someone has a mic, but if someone explains why they dont or that they play well or listen and actually help out thier teammates, I usually turn the other cheek...but to join a clan, to join a TEAMPLAY REQUIRED GAME, and want to go solo just makes no sense...
You want to play with a team? you get a GOD DAMN MIC or no game for you


ps. for all the people that use stand mics. its not 1999 its 2010, use a HEADSET, if you don't prepare to be muted/kicked for feedback bullshit
Stand mics are not the problem, it's having it set to always on, or speak to activate on way to high a sensativity.

I use Speak to talk myself, but have a high sensativity with a low output volume so that as I'm speaking loudly to activate(and not loudly to the team), my conversational voice does not transmit.
i tell you this, me not having a mic or headset and refusing to get in vent and TS didn't stop me from being the MT from my guild

eventually they learned that I knew what I was doing and didn't need instructions
MT, whats that stand for? guild? you playing WoW? mmo is different although I do use vent for Eve.
Here's the thing. You wanted to join their clan and apparently they have a rule that you must use a microphone. That's their rules for their group. If you don't like it, then you might want to look elsewhere or start your own clan that doesn't require such a thing.

I know I prefer playing with people who use a mic, but I don't play with just anybody. I play and chat with my friends that moved away for college a couple years back. I've never used the in-game chat to talk unless its on the consoles and even then I usually use Party Chat on Xbox Live typically.

You can't wrong them for something that they prefer because that's their opinion on a valid point. It's not like they require you to do something wrong.
yup start up your own 'No Mic Required' clan...should take off and start a new trend :D
ps. for all the people that use stand mics. its not 1999 its 2010, use a HEADSET, if you don't prepare to be muted/kicked for feedback bullshit

It's an alternative. Most of the high quality ear pieces i've come across are branded headphones, not headsets. I'm not an audio fanatic so i skipped them and always go for headsets, but wouldn't be surprised if some people go for quality and just get a separate mic.

BTW, the branded headphones cost 3x as much as the highest quality headsets i could find :eek:

Why are you so afraid to type?

Ever heard of the term "Chat killed"?
i tell you this, me not having a mic or headset and refusing to get in vent and TS didn't stop me from being the MT from my guild

eventually they learned that I knew what I was doing and didn't need instructions

Appropriate name.
i tell you this, me not having a mic or headset and refusing to get in vent and TS didn't stop me from being the MT from my guild

eventually they learned that I knew what I was doing and didn't need instructions

Having been an MT myself for a long time for a wow raiding guild, I don't know how it is possible to have an MT that is unable to hear or respond to a dynamic situation which requires precise coordination. I'm not saying that you're feeding us a load of bullshit, but in my mind I can't imagine that being nearly as effective as the established method of communication which commonly used in these games.

Out of curiousity, just how far did you get as a MT without any voice comms?

Yeah, off topic, sorry.

"I don't need no instructions, to know how to rock!" -Carl ATHF

lmao. ATHF ftw.
I got into whatever that instance was, the 25 man one with the old dwarf stronghold, I forgot the name, it's been a long time since I've played WoW, it's in WOTLK, there's Naxx 25, Malygos, then there's that next instance, I forget the damn name.

I played a paladin, which was pretty much easymode tanking. I haven't played a lot since last August or so.
Clans were formed by groups of skilled players to play either vs public or on occasion clan matches.

You join a pub, most players are noobs, idlers, greifers etc... The point of the clan is to remedy this issue.

the point of the clan is for those playing to enjoy the game as it was made to be enjoyed.

Yes, I completely agree talking over voice is fun, and great to socialize with players, but really, it only adds real value to strategic/complex games. Any intelligent person could make this observation. I don't need 10 people shouting in my ear to shoot something in a zippy FPS such as L4D.

Now... I find it the essence of a clan has been lost, every tom, dick and harry and their grandmothers are in a clan.

In my initial post, I was teasing the clan owner, the sarcasm was completely missed by some here, leading to some infuriated replies. I wanted to see if he would bend the rules, but clan business is serious business!

"hey wanna join my clan? u gotta have a mic so I can tell you about my awesum life and you can tell me how awsum I am... huurr. hurr. hurr."
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Bravo on a quality troll. :D

I thought you were serious, mostly because I somewhat agree with you. I don't get on the mic unless it's imperitive to success.
I got into whatever that instance was, the 25 man one with the old dwarf stronghold, I forgot the name, it's been a long time since I've played WoW, it's in WOTLK, there's Naxx 25, Malygos, then there's that next instance, I forget the damn name.

I played a paladin, which was pretty much easymode tanking. I haven't played a lot since last August or so.

MT, whats that stand for? guild? you playing WoW? mmo is different although I do use vent for Eve.

MT means main tank

i was in different servers and different clans for awhile

they wouldnt let me MT if i didnt use mic and headphones.. yeah thats gonna work...

i'm deaf so needless to say i got booted from 3 different clans one in azshara and one in balnazzar

whats funny is i main tanked karazhan in the balnazzar server several times in greens and blues and still did better than the "chosen" MT in epics lol
MT means main tank

i was in different servers and different clans for awhile

they wouldnt let me MT if i didnt use mic and headphones.. yeah thats gonna work...

i'm deaf so needless to say i got booted from 3 different clans one in azshara and one in balnazzar

whats funny is i main tanked karazhan in the balnazzar server several times in greens and blues and still did better than the "chosen" MT in epics lol

Similiar experience, only I didn't get booted, I was chosen to be the "reserve tank" untill I proved myself.

Once they saw I could do shit without needing to be given orders, they let me MT. I ended up MT after our MT failed a few times during some fights and I had to pick up the slack.

It's not like tanking is hard or anything in WoW, it's a joke pretty much.
Standing still in an FPS tends to lead to death. If you prefer dying in an FPS, type away.

Who said anything about standing still. I've been fragging and typing for years and years. Sadly its a skill that the Now Generation will probably never attain.

Its not that I don't want to used a microphones, its just I can't stand your voice.;)

I stand with you OP, old school players unite!.
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Who said anything about standing still. I've been fragging and typing for years and years. Sadly its a skill that the Now Generation will probably never attain.

Its not that I don't want to used a microphones, its just I can't stand your voice.;)

I stand with you OP, old school players unite!.

old school my ass, ever heard of roger wilco and cs 1.3 ?

Try playing L4D1/2 in versus or even in coop without using a mic, i'm a fast touch typist my self ( actually when i type in public ppl always give me the weird look or make stupid comments like " how can you type when you're not looking at the keyboard ) sometimes you HAVE to communicate while moving and shooting at the same time, i usually bind C for push to talk, works fine