why have all the WOW killers failed?

If by "user base" you mean "a community made up of mostly pricks, douches, and asshats with the occasional nice guy once in a blue moon", then yes, WoW has a great user base.

Oh, so online gaming in general.
WoW was indeed the fun game I played with my buddies. Oh how uber l33t I was with molton core / aq40 raids. When you had to have a large stable guild to do any endgame. When they raised the cap to 70 and added the outlands, it got Bleh for me. Essentially I just pounded my way to 70 geared up, did some raids, but the majority of the time was spent doing dailys and farming stratholm for rivenderes mount. ( got it on clear #80 - 85 give or take ) Northrend was cool added the old wow feel back to it, then once 80 hit it became the same dungeon grind.

Then I found good old eveonline. What intrigued me about this game is its lawlessness. Scamming, pirating, being a criminal, or you could mine for building ships, pvp, do eve's version of a raid called a complex. Eve is a game that you can do anything in. Plus add the fact that you can buy game time with in game currency makes it great. There is no grinding, you train skills while at work, at a party, out of town, its great. Higher level skills can take months to train. Pvp in Eve is bomb. The first time I managed to chase someone down in my navy slicer, then actually get the kill was a very rewarding experiance, almost could say my first Eve pvp kill was just as great as all the ones ever aquired in wow.

Still have wow, but now I'm a Eve head.
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I think a big part of the problem for other MMOs lies with the suits, especially publisher side. They aren't interested in creating a great player experience, or gaming in general truth be told, they just see Blizzards quarterly profit statements, and think "I could get *2* Ferraris with numbers like that!!1!".

But they refuse to let devs do anything different or interesting, because they think copying WoW is the best way to make a lot of money, and they make them ship early, so they can hit their performance review targets, and buy another Ferrari, so they end up copying WoW badly. One day, someone with some vision will be paying the dev bills, and on that day WoW will fall. Or not - it's not an absolute given that to be successful you have to take WoW players away from the Big B.

I think the right approach would be to start with a small team, and a small, well-formed world. Make it appealing, and make the business case work with, say, 10k paying subs. Then grow organically, add content and such, and grow the user base. As you can afford to add new people, do it. Don't think that you can just release some crap, and watch the money roll in, and use the early adopters as your unofficial, will-pay-for-the-privelege-nay-honour beta testers.

Of course, a plan like that means you have to wait a few years to get a garage full of Ferraris, so it's unlikely to happen :D
If by "user base" you mean "a community made up of mostly pricks, douches, and asshats with the occasional nice guy once in a blue moon", then yes, WoW has a great user base.

You bash on WoW, and while what you say is to a large extent true. I don't care what game or game community or online community it is. Online gaming and the internet in general give a lot of people out there the idea that they can act however the fuck they want with no thought given that there is an actual living person behind that avatar.

I've seen it in every MMO I've played over the years and even here in Hards forums and other online forums. So you singling out World of Warcraft is ludicrous. :rolleyes:

When I'm in game and see someone act like an asshat, I call em out on it. Some will actually apologize and of course some will just continue to be fuckwads and keep on being an asshole.

I get a little satisfaction in that I try to treat others like I want to be treated and know in the back of my mind that those assholes running around treating others like shit will get right back what they are putting out. Call it karma or whatever. I've seen it come to pass many times over the 50 some odd years of my life.

I don't know if any MMO can ever dethrone World of Warcraft, many have tried and all have failed. Maybe it will be Star Wars The Old Republic. I think there may just be a helluva alot more Star Wars fans out there compared to Warcraft fans, who knows ? Hell it may even be Blizz with the new MMO they're currently developing.
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I don't know if any MMO can ever dethrone World of Warcraft, many have tried and all have failed. Maybe it will be Star Wars The Old Republic. I think there may just be a helluva alot more Star Wars fans out there compared to Warcraft fans, who knows ? Hell it may even be Blizz with the new MMO they're currently developing.

I think it's be the critical mass of gamers WOW has acquired, many of which are also star wars fans. People might sign up and play Star Wars MMO for a month, but if all my friends are still raiding in WOW and they keep releasing expansions (you know they will) then there's not much chance for a new MMO.
1. WoW has had 5 years to evolve and improve.
2. The game doesn't focus on one aspect, it has pve and pvp as well as many other things you can do so it grabs a broad spectrum of players.
3. No other developer spends the kind of resources wow does, probably because not many can.
4. It runs on everything!
I think they could only really be succeeded by themselves. If you watch any of the Blizzcon game development panels (not just WoW), they'll show early versions of a user interface and explain why it wasn't good enough. Then they'll show the interface as it evolves over time to the point where they think it's good to go. Some of the prototype interfaces even looked "good enough" for me, but it really illustrates how they put a ton of focus on one aspect of their game. Reading about how terrible and unintuitive FFXIV's interface was, it really makes me wonder how other companies think about these things. This is even their 2nd generation MMO and people are giving them the "It's a new MMO, give it some time" treatment. Something tells me that Blizzard will be far more than prepared for their next gen MMO than any other company who've made a successor were.
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To answer the OP,
#1 Good MMOs are very very hard to make that are fun and hold your interest.
#2 The Old Blizzard company only makes great quality games. If the games they produce don't meet their standards at the time, then the game would be cancelled much like WarCraft Adventures or StarCraft Ghost. Other company's are much more money driven and they are willing to release new games whether or not they suck.
well first of all, you need an epic story/lore, if you look most of the MMOs today just base on a short story line.