Why I only trust [H] reviews, re: 2400XT at OCC

Jul 29, 2004
Followed a link from the front page to an OverclockersCLub review of the ATi HD 2400XT. Interesting benches, especially when looking at the differences between some of the comparison cards. But the bottom line on the 2400XT itself is that it's barely playable at 800x600, if that. So, not a card for even "casual gaming," right?

In the Conclusion, OCC rightly and logically says this:

Being an entry level graphics card, I have to say this card wasn't too impressive for gaming. I would not recommend this card to any gamer because the benchmarks clearly show that this card isn't meant for hardcore gaming.

Although I would change "hardcore" to "any." But later in the same paragraph, they say this:

If you're looking for an entry level card with a low price that can still put out some decent numbers and has DirectX10, HDMI, and High Definition support, don't look past this Sapphire HD 2400XT video card!

"Can still put out some decent numbers"??? "Don't look past this"??? What are they smoking? Besides, some sites are saying that the drop in horsepower on the 2400s is going to make them terrible video playback cards, so there goes the whole HTPC argument. Why can't they clearly and simply call the card a dog after showing it to be one and calling it inadequate in the very same paragraph? Do they think their sponsors only read the last line of the summary?!?

All of that leaves aside the fact that ATi had to give them access to a secure FTP site to download drivers that would even recognize the card. Will a consumer be able to do that?

All of that to say, God bless [H] and Kyle's cotton-pickin' little heart!
Those sites often get to keep the hardware they review so if they want to keep the free goodies to keep comming to sell it to their relatives they can't say: Don't buy that card ever. They would stop getting free goodies.