Why is Aqua Computer such an interesting topic?

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Top Nurse

Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 4, 2003
As the title asks I am wondering why Aqua Computer and it's products make for such great topics on this board and others. Even on XS where they closed down all the AC threads it was fast becoming a really popularly read thread. I am quite often asked to start similar threads at other forums as well.

I have my own ideas on this, but I figured that a questionnaire might be helpful as well.

My ideas:

I think it is popular because Aqua Computer is one of the few companies that has a very wide breadth of water cooling components and electronic hardware to accomplish their goals. They effectively manage mechanical and electrical engineering to produce easy to use products to solve complex problems. They do this on three assumptions: One, they think that silence is what water cooling is all about. Two, they think that good looks is not incompatible with good performance. Three, they believe there is little to be gained from using tubes bigger than about 6 to 8mm and have done so for many years when it wasn't popular (nor "proved") here in the states.

Interestingly, several other companies have similar goals and they also are having stellar growth patterns. Koolance and Innovatek being two of those companies.

Edit: Sorry no poll as I took longer than 10 minutes. :(

Here are line items from the poll.

  1. I like reading about something different.
  2. Because I'm looking for silence orientated products.
  3. Because AC products are for geeks.
  4. They have lots of pretty pictures.
  5. They don't go on and on about being the best product.
  6. I like their good looks.
  7. I like to read what they have to say so I can flame them.
  8. I want to stay abreast of cutting edge cooling technology.
  9. It's a good thing to argue about in the forums.
  10. I like looking at stuff I can't afford.
11. It's really not THAT interesting?

I do like the Aquero though, it's pretty sexy.
11. It's really not THAT interesting?

I do like the Aquero though, it's pretty sexy.

Aquaero's are nice, but what I have been trying to figure out is why the AC thread has over 3,000 posts and 125,000+ views. That's not counting all the other miscellaneous threads around here about AC.
Aquaero's are nice, but what I have been trying to figure out is why the AC thread has over 3,000 posts and 125,000+ views. That's not counting all the other miscellaneous threads around here about AC.

That's somewhat easy to answer. If a post has only the OP, then a single user can view it 1000 times and it will only record it as 1 view. Everytime a post is made, and that single user views it then, vBulletin adds an additional view. If that user views that post each time a new post is added, that would be 3000 views.

Now for the 3000 posts. How many of those posts are yours?????:p


Sorry, couldn't help myself!
It's not an interesting topic. Frankly this forum, that one thread, and a select few people that mention it in every post, and always say to buy it, or claim it's better, and then attack other products, make up all I've heard of it.

I thought the parts looked good, enough so that I was debating pulling the trigger. But after reading more about it, and watching the information fly, I changed my mind.

It looks great, but that's the extent of my interest now. I'll read the main thread to see the pics though.
That's somewhat easy to answer. If a post has only the OP, then a single user can view it 1000 times and it will only record it as 1 view. Everytime a post is made, and that single user views it then, vBulletin adds an additional view. If that user views that post each time a new post is added, that would be 3000 views.

Now for the 3000 posts. How many of those posts are yours?

Only 784 at the moment, over about two years. Or roughly one post a day. :D
Based on your last post then:

11. Because TN does not know when to stop.... posting.... drinking... smoking...., promoting...,uh, just fill in your own word!:D
It's an "interesting topic" mainly just because you make it be.

Based on your last post then:

11. Because TN does not know when to stop.... posting.... drinking... smoking...., promoting...,uh, just fill in your own word!:D

I thought that once so I purposely didn't post for about a year. It didn't make any difference at all as the AC threads just kept rolling right along. :D

So there must be some other reason...
I thought that once so I purposely didn't post for about a year. It didn't make any difference at all as the AC threads just kept rolling right along. :D

So there must be some other reason...



uh.... Isn't that like not talking for a year. Being a woman, wouldn't you explode? I know my wife would.:p

Please, no male chuavism intended.;)


uh.... Isn't that like not talking for a year. Being a woman, wouldn't you explode? I know my wife would.:p

Please, no male chuavism intended.;)

OT for sure, but obviously you haven’t been married long enough.;)
Aqua Computer isn't an interesting topic to me, and hasn't since I've seen the performance of them and got to use a friend's setup.

Seriously, you overate them Nurse. Sure, they have a vast array of electronic devices to run them and operate them the way you like, but there's no reason that they charge so much when they perform less.

An Airplex Evo 160 sells for $59.95, and thats a tube dual 80mm radiator. Gimme a break.
Its not. They make good products, but reading about them from the likes of certain posters around here reminds me of the global warming kool-aid crowd.:rolleyes:


uh.... Isn't that like not talking for a year. Being a woman, wouldn't you explode? I know my wife would.

No I wouldn't explode and I didn't say I didn't post. Just not very much at all in that thread. :)

Wow! :eek: Using my ROFL guy against me and using my Photobucket account as well. ;)

Aqua Computer isn't an interesting topic to me, and hasn't since I've seen the performance of them and got to use a friend's setup.

Seriously, you overate them Nurse. Sure, they have a vast array of electronic devices to run them and operate them the way you like, but there's no reason that they charge so much when they perform less.

An Airplex Evo 160 sells for $59.95, and thats a tube dual 80mm radiator. Gimme a break.

Such a low blow to use a radiator that I never advocated using and one that AC has been phasing out as stock depletes. ;) Actually comparing import prices to domestic (European = Euro) isn't very fair as the reason they are higher here in the states has to do with the government of G. Bush and the worthlessness of our money on world markets.

Its not. They make good products, but reading about them from the likes of certain posters around here reminds me of the global warming kool-aid crowd.:rolleyes:

Sure hope you get used to monsoons in North America. ;)
This thread is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The answer to the question lies solely in the self-conceited, fanatical devotion / promotion of AquaComputer products of the original poster. It is only an "interesting" topic because Top Nurse tries to inject into every possible topic. Otherwise it would be just another watercooling company.
This thread is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The answer to the question lies solely in the self-conceited, fanatical devotion / promotion of AquaComputer products of the original poster. It is only an "interesting" topic because Top Nurse tries to inject into every possible topic. Otherwise it would be just another watercooling company.

This thread is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The answer to the question lies solely in the self-conceited, fanatical devotion / promotion of AquaComputer products of the original poster. It is only an "interesting" topic because Top Nurse tries to inject into every possible topic. Otherwise it would be just another watercooling company.

It ain't hard considering the extremely wide breadth of products they make. How many companies make a stand alone water cooling solution? Water controlling electronics with a wide range of accessories that measure flow, temperature, and height of water in a reservoir? Full cover blocks that eliminate chip height mismatch? Adjustable pump controllers for other companies pumps? :D

Actually the AC threads were well along the way before I ever showed up on the scene. For example check out these stats:

This was the first AC thread that garnered more than a few pages. 124 posts and 6,089 views before it got closed by the flamers.

The next AC thread made it for 2,622 posts and 118,954 posts before getting dead threaded.

The current AC thread has 3,121 posts and 130,181 views.

Lets do a little calculating here on these three (3) threads:

Total posts of 5,867

Total views of 255,224

The only thread that even came close to this activity was the Storm thread and it only garnered about 10,000 views. Forgot about the Water cooling system's photo shot that is running about 225,000 views, but that is a multi-system thread that covers anything.

So really, lets get back to the main question. Why is Aqua Computer threads so popular? Is it like when Motor Sports throws a pic up about a new hot BMW that most people will never own due to cost considerations? I don't know, but it certainly seems a phenomena over a wide range of forums.
Even on XS where they closed down all the AC threads it was fast becoming a really popularly read thread.
Why would they do that? AQ has creative products. I like their 5.25 res and pump indicator light. Seem to be quality built, but hella money.
Why would they do that? AQ has creative products. I like their 5.25 res and pump indicator light. Seem to be quality built, but hella money.

AquaQomputer? :p ;)

They may not appeal to people looking for the lowest temps possible on a straight water loop, but they certainly are an attractive solution for people looking for a quiet, visually attractive watercooling system.

It's expensive here, but it would certainly make sense over in Europe... and everywhere else where the currency isn't as low as North America's.
Why would they do that? AQ has creative products. I like their 5.25 res and pump indicator light. Seem to be quality built, but hella money.

They believe that "Anyone advocating aluminum in a water cooling loop is doing a disservice to the community. Any more threads like this will be closed on sight. You may call it censoring, but in reality its just good sense." Scroll to the end of the thread for particulars. And here was my response. I "misrepresented the public" by stating that AC products when used with the AC Fluid as directed by the manufacturer would prevent galvanic corrosion between copper and aluminum. They took that to mean that I was saying it didn't exist. :rolleyes:

If you follow the links around you can come to your own conclusion about their censorship.

The money is only the vehicle for getting what you want out of life. For those who think it's over priced junk then don't buy it as it will leave more for the rest of us geeks. :D
Ok i c like the Patrick82 syndrome. Hmmmmm, my DD deldrin fillport is aluminum so I guess I'm foobared then. :D Also my fittings are what looks to be plated steel. link. So these people are saying that everything must be either brass or aluminum? If I had to guess I would say they are talking about mixing aluminum waterblocks with a copper radiator. Plus most of the bocks I've seen always use copper anyway.
Ok i c like the Patrick82 syndrome. Hmmmmm, my DD deldrin fillport is aluminum so I guess I'm foobared then. :D Also my fittings are what looks to be plated steel. link. So these people are saying that everything must be either brass or aluminum? If I had to guess I would say they are talking about mixing aluminum waterblocks with a copper radiator. Plus most of the bocks I've seen always use copper anyway.

No your DD Delrin Fillport is....Delrin. DD also made aluminum fill ports...but the delrin ones are most assuredly made of delrin ;)
No your DD Delrin Fillport is....Delrin. DD also made aluminum fill ports...but the delrin ones are most assuredly made of delrin ;)

The aluminum ones look better, but the delrin nuts are crap. Lucky I had an older clear plexi nut or I would have tossed them into my recycle pile. ;)
Oh that is a topic? I thought it was an infomercial around this forum :p
Ok i c like the Patrick82 syndrome. Hmmmmm, my DD deldrin fillport is aluminum so I guess I'm foobared then. :D Also my fittings are what looks to be plated steel. link. So these people are saying that everything must be either brass or aluminum? If I had to guess I would say they are talking about mixing aluminum waterblocks with a copper radiator. Plus most of the bocks I've seen always use copper anyway.

Actually AC does make a few aluminum blocks for small items where it doesn't make sense to use copper. To the XS crowd that is heresy and they recently crucified the CEO of Swiftech for using an aluminum cover in the Stealth cooler. Then they browbeat him into releasing a copper cover for the Stealth, which I will predict will be a financial failure because the only people interested in such a $40 accessory will be the loud mouths at XS.

But back to your question as AC has always had aluminum in their loops as the Aquatube is made of aluminum. The fact that thousands of people haven't experienced the dire results of galvanic corrosion goes right by them because they believe that galvanic corrosion is a fact and can not be changed. When someone comes by and states the obvious they censor it. I thought that this censoring thing was relatively new there, but I was incorrect. I did a search there on "censorship", "censor", and "censoring" and was literally amazed on how much time they spend on censoring out what they don't want other people to know about. Is XS located somewhere in the Middle East?

To see what I mean please follow this link and scroll down to the 15th post.
Are you finishing trying to prove that [H] is the mecca for all that is watercooling? Take your shots if it makes you feel better but how about just dropping the whole forum wars in general. I figured all of us got it out of our system the last month.

Gabe listens because he knows its in his best interest to release what we want. If anything, it just demonstrates how influential the XS community is to manufacturers. Eddy of EK and Danny of D-Tek all follow suit when those within the community have a problem with their products. There's a reason why Danny is releasing a revised Fuzion GPU block and a reason why Eddy's released a revision to his reservoir . Their consumers demand a change, they comply. I'd rather have a CEO willing to give into the demands of his consumers rather than a CEO that ignores what it is that the market wants/demands.

Expect new revisions in the future that drop alu altogether regardless of mil-spec plating.
It's not that interesting. I just enjoy the flamebait.

FWIW, the thread here with 130K reads is like 40 people reading the whole thing once. (total waste of life)
I currently have aluminum and copper in the same loop and my galvanic corrosion has been kept at bay (I wonder if it's the Red Line Water Wetter with my distilled water).

Check my 'Beast III' build in the worklogs. The top half of my custom res for my second build 'Beast II', the anodize has completely dissolved.

But the condition of my DD CPU and Chipset blocks has not changed. Oxidized yes, corroded no.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't nonconductive fluids (MCT-5/40 and Fluid XP etc.) supposed to eliminate G-corrosion?
It's not that interesting. I just enjoy the flamebait.

FWIW, the thread here with 130K reads is like 40 people reading the whole thing once. (total waste of life)


At first I was interested in their products, after watching some people go on what might just be the greatest fanboy (or girl) romp in forum history (and yes all forums not just this one) I've been soundly convinced that buying their products is a very bad idea.

Was going to get aquapc cpuplex + dual innovatek 8800blocks... convinced not to by this forum and their advocates

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't nonconductive fluids (MCT-5/40 and Fluid XP etc.) supposed to eliminate G-corrosion?

Anybody who says they eliminate it is a bold faced liar. They slow down the process massively, but regardless of anti-corrosion anything short of plating will corrode given the chance.

That said I'll vouch for innovatkes innova-protect, as I've run it in systems before and it works. However it's not completely safe.

At first I was interested in their products, after watching some people go on what might just be the greatest fanboy (or girl) romp in forum history (and yes all forums not just this one) I've been soundly convinced that buying their products is a very bad idea.

Was going to get aquapc cpuplex + dual innovatek 8800blocks... convinced not to by this forum and their advocates

Oh well your loss. :D
I'm simply flabergasted at how somebody can be completely dominated by a product and try to push it at every chance, yet not realize that they do more damage then good.

Not my loss, my GAIN. instead of trying to make my case clean and nice, I will spend less, gain more performance, eliminate the risk of corrosion, but it won't look as "cool"

3 gains for 1 loss
AquaQomputer? :p ;)

They may not appeal to people looking for the lowest temps possible on a straight water loop, but they certainly are an attractive solution for people looking for a quiet, visually attractive watercooling system.

It's expensive here, but it would certainly make sense over in Europe... and everywhere else where the currency isn't as low as North America's.

Actually I was originally interested in the Aquastream and Aquaero due to its technical excellence, but then cam to realize that my AC rig looks cool, is extremely quiet, and gets just a good of OC as a higher flowing rig. :)

Yeah, maybe if we get a Democrat into the White House we can get back some of our devalued dollars.
It's not that interesting myself for many reasons. I believe that any good product doesn't need any form of promotion, just word of mouth. With this in mind, I can understand why D-Tek, Swiftech, Thermochill and others can sell their stuff without any banner ad, any pub or any sale pitch by their representatives.

Ranker is right, I see posts from manufacturers representatives listening to the crowd and making changes to satisfy them. I call them great service and I don't see this from AC (Maybe they are german and cannot follow XS discussions or they don't care about them).

The only nice stuff I see is the electronic controllers, which is unique in the WC market. I wish others could make the same and this might be your answer to why AC is interesting...

Anybody who says they eliminate it is a bold faced liar. They slow down the process massively, but regardless of anti-corrosion anything short of plating will corrode given the chance.

That said I'll vouch for innovatkes innova-protect, as I've run it in systems before and it works. However it's not completely safe.

Are you saying that non-conductive fluid doesn't eliminate galvanic corrosion? I didn't know they claimed that? Or are you saying galvanic corrosion can not be stopped?
I'm simply flabergasted at how somebody can be completely dominated by a product and try to push it at every chance, yet not realize that they do more damage then good.

Not my loss, my GAIN. instead of trying to make my case clean and nice, I will spend less, gain more performance, eliminate the risk of corrosion, but it won't look as "cool"

Whatever... I don't push it at every chance or you would see me posting about AC in every thread. However, seeing as they have an extremely wide breadth of products how could one not find lots of areas to talk about? :D
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