why is bottom air intake not standard?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 13, 2004
I have modded a number of cases to include a 120 mm fan at the bottom of the case for chimney-like air flow through the case and I can't help but wonder why the industry doesn't just provide bottom air intakes on its own.

Yeah there's the 70's shag carpet that may be an issue but other than that I don't see any issues with that. It is just too expensive for them to cut a hole in the bottom? I guess the intake temperature will not be much different between the bottom and the front, but still, bottom is quieter if nothing else.
There are plenty of cases that do include this, but not all of them. Technically the ATX specification doesn't require it. With that said most cases violate the ATX specification anyway, and no one cares. The manufacturers can basically do whatever they want.
too much dust sucked up from the floor or carpet blocking the hole.
Not everyone puts the PC on a desk.
The bottom of the case is an iffy place for a fan (such as the problem of having to have it off of a carpeted floor, or install extra heigh feet). They are nice though. Helps keep GPUs cool :p I modded a 120mm bottom intake into my PC-X500 and built a custom case stand to give it more breathing space underneath the case.
Personally, I think carpet is disgusting. Like asbestos, we should get rid of carpet from our homes.

Soooo...bring on the bottom intakes in computer cases! :)